Comment contest!!//My thought 💭 provoking questions and it's answers//10 SP PRIZE 🏆

in Knack4buzz3 months ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you?Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Today this is I am organizing another interesting contest so that I may see some of the most interesting entries.


Hints you should keep in your mind

You need to develop your own creative question which include creativity and thoughtfulness and then you need to answer that question as well and the entry who would develop unique question and it's answer would deserves to be a winner.

Rules you have to follow

Here are a list of guidelines that you have to follow for participating in this contest!!

• Your content must be original and must be steemexclusive.

• Your comment should contain minimum of 50 words.

• AI generated content or plagiarised content is strictly prohibited (In case of any of misconduct you could be muted from community)

• Your comment should be very creative and according to the rules and questions I am providing above.

• You must be in any of the club (Club5050 , club75 , club100) to be eligible to participate in this contest.

• Mention my username @khursheedanwar at least one time in your comment so that I may easily have an access to your comment.

Contest deadline is from: 27th of June to 3rd of July


Results would be announced after payout of this post.

Prize distribution

In result announcement after almost 7 days I would choose three lucky names from all the entries whom I considered that these were the best and I would distribute price in all three first entries in the following way.

1st place2 SP
2nd place2 SP
3rd place2SP
4th place1 SP
5th place1 SP
6th place1 SP
7th place1 SP

Waiting for your interesting entries





Thought provoking:
What is the meaning of Life?

for sure the most asked questions. Humans only think they are special and shoild have meaning

Answer: more thought provoking
There's no meaning and if it's your definition of it.

 3 months ago (edited)


Kenapa kita yang pemula tidak mendapatkan kunjungan dari SC01 dan SC02, kalau pun di kunjungi itu lama sekali, dan bila kita lihat banyak yang menjadi orang pemimpin suatu communitas ataupun mod yang mendapatkan SC01 dan SC02.

Jawab :

Kita ini mungkin kurang berinteraksi antar sesama stemian, baik itu secara upvote maupun komentar, bisa jadi kita mungkin kita di ajukan menjadi pilihan untun SC.

Tetapi yang pasti bila ingin di kunjungi oleh SC bikinlah postingan yang berkualitas.

Pertanyaan :

Tetapi kenapa orang lain biasa bikin postingan sama juga sama kita, baru 2 jam bikin postingan sudah dapat SC01 ataupun SC02, apalagi mereka yang Mod ataupun RS.


Itu kembali lagi ke postingan yang berkualitas, walaupun yang kita nilai postingan mereka juga biasa saja, terus mereka itu pangkatnya dimana kita cuma member, dan juga itu suatu keberuntungan bagi mereka.

saya mencoba untuk mengikuti kontes komentar ini, saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada @khursheedanwar yang telah mengadakan kontesnya.

 3 months ago 

Tidak, saya rasa tidak. Jika SC adalah seorang mod, dia bisa melakukan upvote sendiri. Jika dia termasuk dalam kelompok yang sama, mereka akan saling mendukung satu sama lain.
Postingan berkualitas baik? Saya telah membaca banyak sampah, teks dengan anggaran rendah, tata bahasa yang buruk, diposting dalam waktu 5 menit, tidak ada interaksi, namun tetap mendapat upvote besar dari club5050. Saya membutuhkan waktu dua hari untuk menulis, mengedit, menemukan gambar yang tepat, saya membaca dan terus mengedit, namun 'kebaikan' saya jarang dihargai.
Jadi kuncinya atau jawabannya adalah: jadilah SC? Saya tidak tahu kalau mereka tidak menginginkan saya. 🤣

Sejauh ini, memberikan kesempatan kepada sebanyak mungkin Steemian hampir selalu orang yang sama. Kita mengenal kita, adalah pepatah yang berlaku di sini seperti halnya 'nepotisme'. Dalam hidup, Anda membutuhkan 'gerobak dorong' untuk mencapai suatu tempat.

Your burning, mind breaking is a good question. The answer? It depends on who we are speaking to and is entangled.


 3 months ago 

Ia ini menjadi penuh dengan tanda tanya dan pemikiran saya yang masih kurang paham dengan apa yang terjadi, maka dengan ini lahirlah pertanyaan dan jawab seperti ini.

Pertanyaan ini juga datang dari kawan yang saya ajarin untuk menjadi steemian, kami sama-sama berpikir kenapa orang besar yang di dukung, kenapa tidak kami saja yang baru bergabung yang masih membutuhkan dukungan biar tambah semangat. Namun setelah saya pahami dan membaca hampir semua postingan tentu saja jawabannya postingan harus berkualitas bila ingin mendapatkan dukungan dari mereka.

 3 months ago 

Ini bukan tentang kualitas. Ini tentang investasi, berapa banyak uang yang Anda investasikan, berapa banyak waktu, jika Anda seorang kurator, steemit mewakili, jika mereka yang memerintah mengenal Anda, jika Anda mengikuti aturan, jika Anda tidak masuk daftar hitam dan seterusnya. Yang baik sejauh ini tidak di-upvote dan sampah. Jika Anda mengunjungi semua komunitas yang ada, Anda akan melihat perbedaan besar dalam apa yang diposting. Sebagian besar hanya dilakukan karena itu adalah cara untuk menerima upvote. Ada yang selalu memposting teks yang sama, sebagian hanya 1 foto, ada teks yang dibuat oleh AI dan sebagainya.

Definisi tentang konten Tuhan tidak ada. Tidak ada yang bisa memberi tahu Anda apa itu. Saya banyak membaca, saya membaca berjam-jam, di sini dan di platform yang berbeda dan saya dapat memberi tahu Anda bahwa menggunakan templat tidak mengubah teks yang ditulis dengan buruk menjadi berkualitas. Anda harus beruntung untuk diperhatikan oleh seseorang yang memiliki pengaruh. Apakah ini perlu? Tidak jika semua orang akan memberikan upvote. Kebanyakan Steemian tidak. Mereka tidak peduli tentang memberi hanya menerima. Ini adalah masalah terbesar. Akan seperti apa platform ini tanpa SC?
Mereka tidak selalu ada di sini.

Kekurangan lainnya adalah Anda tidak dapat selalu memberikan upvote kepada orang yang sama jika Anda menginginkan CSI yang tinggi. Ini hanya mungkin jika Anda memilih Steemian yang berbeda. Pada titik tertentu, saya memilih semua orang dan dipaksa untuk memilih apa yang tidak saya sukai. Sistem upvote siapa, kapan adalah sistem yang akan membuat orang memilih yang terkaya juga.

 3 months ago 

Saya telah membaca komentar anda dengan teliti untuk memahaminya, bila kita menginginkan CSI yang tinggi, kita tidak boleh upvote stemian yang sama, dan harus upvote yang berbeda-beda. Berarti saya harus upvote orang yang berbeda untuk setiap hari, apakah seperti itu.

Saya sangat beruntung mendapat komentar dari anda, karena menambah ilmu bagi saya. Jarang ada senior yang seperti anda ini.

 3 months ago 

Ya, jika Anda memilih 20 orang setiap hari dan selalu konten bagus yang sama, Anda akan dihukum dan CSI Anda tetap rendah. Saya sudah mencoba semuanya. Jadi sistem memaksa Anda untuk memberikan upvote kepada steemian yang berbeda. Jika Anda diberi penghargaan untuk itu? Hanya jika Anda menerima hadiah kurasi. Dengan saya itu tidak banyak karena saya memberi upvote pada banyak komentar dan orang-orang yang hanya memiliki 0,01 sehingga penghasilan mereka tidak hilang.
Jika Anda memberikan upvote kepada orang-orang yang kemungkinan besar akan menerima upvote yang lebih besar pada menit ke-4 atau ke-5 setelah memposting, Anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan yang paling besar. Beberapa ratus dolar. Saya belum tahu bagaimana caranya tetapi akan mencari tahu. Cara terbaik adalah dengan membuka postingan baru dan mencarinya atau mengatur beberapa upvote secara otomatis, saya belum melakukannya.
Sisa suara Anda dapat Anda gunakan untuk pemungutan suara secara manual. Saya suka menyimpannya karena saya ingin tahu ke mana suara saya diberikan.

Saya menulis ini hari ini

Saya harap Anda bisa menerjemahkannya. Mari kita lihat apakah ada yang mau menanggapi.

 3 months ago 

Ia benar yang anda katakan, selama ini saya hanya upvote orang yang saya kenal saja hanya sekitar 10 orang. Saya upvote juga orang yang terkenal, tanpa melihat postingan orang yang baru pemula. Sekarang saya akan merubah sikap ini dan akan upvote siapa saja, serta akan mengikuti arahan seperti yang anda berikan ini.

 3 months ago 

Tidak perlu memberikan upvote kepada semua orang. Ada baiknya jika Anda dapat menghasilkan uang dengan itu. Beberapa steemit baru juga dapat Anda temukan di sini. Ini adalah cara cepat untuk melihat siapa dan apa yang Anda berikan upvote. Anda dapat melakukannya 50-50 atau setiap hari.
Saya menulis sesuatu tentang masalah ini di posting terbaru saya. Juga tentang aturan yang harus kita ikuti sementara banyak orang lain mengabaikannya termasuk mereka yang menetapkannya.

 3 months ago 

You are also really very curious about getting support from steemcurator1 and steemcurator2 that may be your post quality and your kind of interaction with others is not enough which they want and it was a interesting question with interesting answer as well as you have raised another question that why users of your level sometimes get support from these whales and your response is really concise that maybe it is a kind of good luck for them which I really like.

 3 months ago 

Ini menjadi tanda tanya bagi saya sebagai pemula yang perlu dukungan penuh, namun apa boleh di kata, postingan saya kurang berkualitas sehingga kurang mendapatkan perhatiannya.

how are you all ? I hope all are well. Many thanks to @khursheedanwar for such a beautiful comment contest.

my question:
There is no river but there is water. There is no sky but it rains. What is the thing?

The answer is :
the eyes
[There is no river but there is water in our eyes. There is no sky but it rains when we cry it falls like rain from our eyes.]

Hope you liked my questions and answers..

Your questions and answers were excellent.

Thank you dear...

 3 months ago 

I don't think it's a question more like a riddle, nevertheless a good one.

 3 months ago 

Exactly 💯

 3 months ago 

A kind of riddle!!
But really interesting! are right..thank you for your comment..

 3 months ago 

Q: Should I participate in this contest? If yes, then why?

Of course, I should participate in this contest because it is very interesting and short contest in which I can participate just in a comment entry. And because this contest is organized my community admin @khursheedanwar
That's why i should participate in this contest

 3 months ago 

So you join because the admin hosts it? Does it benefit you?


 3 months ago 

Of course it's benifit for me because I also have to mentioned him in this contest.

 3 months ago 

It's 2 days later and not one of us received a reply 🤔

My burning question is: Why @khursheedanwar?

 3 months ago 

I was observing all entries daily but didn't comment and respond anyone at that time because I was thinking to leave a comment for everyone before winner announcement.

But your burning question compelled me to respond earlier so now I have eradicated your complain 😆

Hope you like my answer.

 3 months ago 

Yes, I like your answer but more your action!

 3 months ago 

Ammm honestly speaking 🗣️ not very interesting question and it's answer to read.

It would be great if I see creativity in your question but this is a simple question but good try!!

Thanks @khursheedanwar sir from knack4buzz community for holding this comment contest.

Q: I sometimes ask myself why do you love children and planting and caring so much?🤔🤔
Why think of Husband and Steemit platforms as a big part of my life?🤔🤔


1st Answer My mind says children and trees are well nurtured, grow beautifully with care and give good gifts in the future. So keep the mind always busy in nurturing them beautifully.

In the 2nd answer my heart told me that husband and steemit platform will definitely pay for your sacrifice if they are respected and respected with love and respect.

I hope the answer with my question can take place in your heart.💞🌹

 3 months ago 

Children and plants both need a lot of care because both cannot take care of their self on their own that's why external care given is important for both.

You can keep husband (Your partner) and steemit in one lane in terms that how much they can pay for your hardwork and sacrifice.

Love to see your entry

 3 months ago 

My burning/ question

I like to know why you @khursheedanwar say this us an interesting contest since you, as the owner of this community, do not check on the answers given. Do you really care or is it just an easy post to keep people busy?

My answer: You expect others to do your job but I hope I am wrong. 🥺

 3 months ago 

I already respond to all entries 😁 before leaving a response on your burning question.

Yes you are hopeful in your answer that may be you are wrong and I can say that you are wrong here because I have organised that contest and I have also read all entries but I was thinking that before winner announcement I would want to all of them but after your burning question I decided to respond everyone timely 😆.

I am quite hopeful that you would love my response 💓 😁

 3 months ago 

You are hopeful I love your response?
Man, I love you 💕💕🤗

P. S. If you answer earlier you give those who join the option to engage and connect.

 3 months ago 

One of the most loveliest response 💕

 3 months ago 

You deserved it, you made me laugh with your reply 😉

Participating in @khursheedanwar Bhai's comment contest and it’s an opportunity to talk about nature.

Q: In this polluting world, how we can save rivers?

If we see world famous and historic cities, we will find every single city is built in the bank of a river or coast of an ocean. It proved that river have a significant value in human life and culture. But Alas! Nowadays, people are being busy to ruin this landscape planed by All Mighty.

Save river from pollution and vanishing is essential. But it’s a long process. It’s required a lot of patience, passion, and dedication. At first, we must have a law to save them from locals. Whoever cause any kind of damage must be punished. We have to take a step for empty-pollution. We have to dig where rivers got thin. For keep the flow of water, we should vanished Water Hyacinth. The industry who caused chemical pollution in the river should be stoped immediately. Rise the awareness. There are more other step to do. But we must to save the river for our own benefits.

 3 months ago 

How about the pollution of the 3% most wealthy people in the world? They create more polution than the entire world population?

How about all those smokers? Trees are cut to griw and dry tobacco.

How about all those people eating too much and throwing food away?

How about all those people using medication and drugs? They pee out the medication and poison the groundwater.

What about all those driving a car or motirbike? It's pollution of air, soil and water.

What to think of all those who took vaccinations, all thosebsyringes, needles, gloves, face masks! It will take 400+ years to get rid if all this trash.

How about all those hand disinfection bittles, wipes, diapers, handkerchiefs? /

What about all those people washing themselves more than once a week? The EU government says daily one shower has to stop because the water is poisoned.

The industry can be stopped if you stop buying, if we all do. What do you think about that?


A lot of question! Some of them, I don't even have the answer as I never thought about that. Your concern make me happy. Yes, we have to rise our voice to save the world. Thank you for your kind response.

 3 months ago 

You are welcome but these are way bigger problems than what you mentioned.


My Entry .
Question :
What is the thing that is both inside and outside the house?
Answer :
Door .

 3 months ago (edited)

A window
The chimney
The roof

I think so that your answers are also right . Well done.

 3 months ago 

You are quite creative in giving multiple answers of that question which wasn't less than a riddle 😆

Answers are really interesting but I want to add oxygen as well with CO2 😂

 3 months ago 

I can can make the list longer if you like. It all depends on the way we think.

Your oxygen is noted
I add dust, sand, dirt

 3 months ago 

Exactly it's all about brain storming

 3 months ago 

Good thought provoking question and it's interesting answer you have shared.
I like it !!

Thankyou foryour appreciation .

 3 months ago 

Most welcome 🤗


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