My Grandmother turns 80 years||Happy birthday 🎉||Enjoyment
Hello everyone,
It's my pleasure and a blessing for me to post my first content in this lovely @srilanka community. I salute all my dear brothers and sisters and I wish to extend the pour love from @team-uganda unto this lovely community.
I am the happiest today to see my grandmother celebrating her 80 years of age 👇👇
As a Christian , I believe God gave us this mortal life not just to be endured but also to be enjoyed . He had a great purpose to see us as His children , meet new challenges in life and also learning from those particular challenges as we prepare to go back in heaven to be with Him again as our Heavenly parent.
Many youth of my age are wondering and fearful if they can grow to reach the ages of 70,80,90 and so on . I am not a scientist but at least I have a testimony from my grand mother who just turned to age of 80 years but still physically fit to do and accomplish her personal assignments . And here are some of the few things that the youth and old need to do in life if they want to graduate to the Gray hair category.
Above all, one must believe that there is God who lives and loves us so much as His children , whenever some has issues or challenges, God is the right person to be reported too and by His priesthood power, He blesses , heals ,comforts and protects his children, He will never leave His Children to be swept away by the speeding winds . Just pray and have faith in Him !! Actually God wants that little faith in us 🌹🌹.
Eating healthy foods, scientists on several occasions have proved it right and put on record that food is the best medicine that a person can relay on . One must eat well (balanced diet) with foods reach in vitamins , proteins , carbohydrates,fats ,zink and many more !! Just look around , those grown and fresh foods from your garden are the best foods that your body needs to be strong and healthy for longer .Doctors usually say
Eat food as medicine before you are given medicine as your food .
Many other things like, avoiding smoking, alcohol,having enough sleep, giving your self a peace of mind will also do a good job if someone wants to grow up health and strong .
Who doesn't want to live longer?😂😂
Just obey and do the above ,👏👏
If anyone t comments/post a delegation link to this amazing community I will be much grateful.
Regards to you all dear friends .