Latest trend in the market | 10% - SL-Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka2 years ago (edited)

I am not a fluent or smart guy in this field. But with this inflammation I learned many things. I observed many patterns, tricks.
Yes, there is a considerable material scarcity in the market. The one who have can display his price. Or else he can open a bid. So price will go up than its real value. Like the price of vehicle in last months. Let see following examples what I found in the social media.

Social media is playing massive roll….

Example 01 – Asbestos collector on Facebook

One guy had published a post in FB by telling that he is buying any quantity of asbestos sheet at any part of the country. This is indicating that there is a scarcity. That is why he is collecting. After that people are hiding materials, increasing prices…. Asbestos market is totally collapsing after this. But actual scenario can be like this. He is having huge lot of asbestos. And now they want sell those to higher prices. This type of market patterns make very bad side effects and destroy the innocent’s dreams …. What builders and others can do. Absolutely nothing. One hit can make huge impact to the market.

Example 02 – Bicycle price

Did it made a boost in prices? Because it gives a huge message to the society about latest price. And the sellers are making price adjustments upon this. His intention can be good. But result will be harmful to the society, since there are no rules to regulate price fluctuations here.

So those who having goods can change market as well as the value of the LKR.

Conclusion -

Sri Lanka now bit similar to the Titanic. It is going to sink in the sea. Some are still enjoying at the party with Jack and Rose…
So let’s together survive here….


But result will be harmful to the society, since there are no rules to regulate price fluctuations here.

This is an another side which I didn't think of.

is going to sink in the sea. Some are still enjoying at the party with Jack and Rose…


So those who having goods can change market as well as the value of the LKR.

This totally sums up the reality of our country.... It's the pathetic truth.

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