Touchless Call Panel - 5% to Sl Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hello everyone... Hope you all doing well. Because of the covid-19 pandemic people doing some changes to their day to day life & the equipment which they used to avoid spreading the virus. A few weeks ago I went to a high-rise building for some official matter. It was my first to that building. From there I parked my vehicle at the second-floor car park & looked for the elevator. Then I saw a signboard that can direct me to the elevator location. There were four elevators for that building. I had to go to the 16th floor. Before I pressed the elevator call button I saw two types of call buttons at the same location. As I'm a newcomer to this building I took some time to identify the differences between these call buttons. Actually, no one was there at that time. So I had enough freedom to compare them. One call panel is a typical call panel that we are familiar with. We can press the buttons to call the elevator. But another one is a fully touchless operated one. We only need to do is get closer our finger to the required button. Then a sensor is activated. No need to touch the panel. It means the coronavirus spreading by touching is 100% eliminated by this system.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-07 at 2.26.43 PM.jpeg
Elevator Call Buttons at Outside

After my call, one elevator came into the second floor & I get into it. The inside of the elevator also has those two types of call panels. I used a touchless call panel to mark my destination. Then I went to the office & get my work done. At there I asked them why they used these two types of call panels for elevators. They told that initially they had only the typical type touch call panel but with the covid situation their management decided to introduce this touchless call system. Actually, it was a good decision to avoid the spreading coronavirus from touching the elevator call panel.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-07 at 2.26.43 PM (1).jpeg
Elevator Call Buttons at Intside

After I come back to my office I checked the prices & operating method of those touchless panels. I found them on at a reasonable price. We only have to do is, replace the touch buttons with these touchless buttons. I think this is a good method for other buildings also. Not only for the elevators we can implement this system in ATMs at banks. Just an idea from me 😎😎.


Sensor ඒකෙන් ඇඟිල්ල ලන්කරාම sense උනාට... අපි හුඟක් ඕක ඔබනවා නෙහ්..
එබුවොත් ලාවට electric shock එකක් වදින්න වගේ හදලා තිබ්බොත් ඔන්න පොඩ්ඩක් වැඩේ පාලනය වෙයි 🐒

ඒකත් හොඳ අදහසක් ඈ...

these are very sophisticated, do they work with screams too. at least deploying a touchless device will completely eliminate the harmful traces of corona. To be honest, I've never been in an elevator, so I don't know much about the accessories in the elevator, I'm still looking at this with you, thanks.

Actually, this is a good method to introduce for all elevators.

This is a very good idea specially in this pandemic season😊

Yes... A good move...

Doing this kind of modifications are great. their manager has taken a good decision for people. A good leader.

Yes a smart decision to protect their people

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