We Rise by Lifting Others! What Does the Community Support Index Really Mean?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago


It is not a surprise that we all use steemworld.org to viewing account statistics. Have you ever paid attention on the Voting CSI row? What does it really mean?

Before starting this tutorial, let's have a look at some CSI values obtained from some accounts. Take a minute to think about the differences between them.

What is Community Support Index?

Community Support Index (CSI) is a value, that generates based on your voting behavior.

According to the SteemWorld Newsletter #2 /January - 2018 by @steemchiller following variables affect to CSI value.

Self Votes:
Self votes are the votes that a person makes for his own posts. Self votes give a Negetive Impact on the CSI value.

Number of Accounts Voted:
In other words, this is the behavior, how a person spreads his votes among other accounts. Voting the same author multiple times while not spreading votes among others, affect the CSI Negetively

Vote Weight:
Vote weight is the percentage that you use when voting. The slider for vote weight is unavailable until the account reaches 500SP. The voting percentage is also take in to consideration when calculating CSI.

  • The vote amount or the available SP amount doesn't affect CSI calculation.
  • Only the upvotes are counted for CSI
  • To display a value for CSI, you have to make at least 35 upvotes

Before going to more details, let's take a basic idea about the Voting CSI row in steemworld. It consists of 4 parts.

Community Support Index as a Sign of Togetherness

"A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life - and I don't mean money."
-William Baldwin

It's a nice definition I have seen so far for a community. It is true that the sustainability of a community depends on how much the members take care of each other's needs. It is similar in steemit. As same as we get rewards, it is our responsibility to reward others in the community. Voting CSI allows you to evaluate yourself on how much you support others to grow.

The CSI value can be a negative value, zero, positive value, or a null [?] Negative behavior implies a high amount of self or circular votes. When a person continuously votes for himself or for a set of accounts the CSI value goes down. The most important thing here is, when an account tends to vote himself than voting for others, it doesn't contribute to growing steemit as a community.

What is Better?

As I early mentioned, CSI is an optimized value that we can use to evaluate ourselves. It is unfair to decide someone else's behavior using it but usually higher positive CSI values are better . It is good if someone can manage his CSI higher than 10 but there is no rule or standard about it. It is our self responsible to vote others and keep the CSI value in a high positive value

Negative values imply that you are not using your voting power to support the community but to enrich yourself. When you see a lower CSI value, just try to spread your votes among many other accounts. Never limit to a particular set of accounts. Always try to help others to grow using your valuable voting ability.

Why I Don't See Any Value for CSI?


You will see your CSI value as [?] when you haven't made the minimum number of votes that need to display the CSI value. According to @steemchiller, you have to make at least 35 votes to show a value to CSI.

It is very common that many newcomers don't use their voting power well. But it is a good practice that voting on the good content of others. As a practice, I never do self votes because I feel it like clapping for my self. Always try to Rise by Lifting Others!

Wrapping Up

  • CSI stands for Community Support Indicator

  • CSI can be used as a measure to evaluate your own voting behavior

  • Number of self votes, Number of accounts that votes are spread among, voting weight are considered when calculating CSI value.

  • The CSI row displays values only for the last 7 days.

  • There are no rules but high positive CSI values indicates that you are highly supporting the community using votes. Higher the better

  • You can view stats on how many votes you have made within the week, how many self votes you have made and how many accounts you voted using CSI Row.

  • Keep in mind, supporting others is your self-responsibility.


This article is based on facts and understanding taken after discussing with @steemchiller and referring his following two articles. Article 1 and Article 2. Also, @dr-frankenstein helped me with some information and directed me to the above valuable articles. Thank you very much for helping me with this article.

@steemcurator01 I believe the attention on CSI will very useful for everyone.

The reward for this article is equally shared among the author and the real owner of the CSI concept. :)


Very interesting article - thank you for preparing this.

It will be very useful for people to more aware of their CSI score and how it shows their contribution to the community.

One small point...

The voting percentage is also take in to consideration when calculating CSI.

For improving the CSI score, is it better to give more lower % votes or less higher %votes ?

Thank you

When spreading the available voting power among more different accounts the resulting CSI will always be higher than by voting less accounts with higher % votes ;)

I learnt something quite interesting

Extraordinario contenido. Siempre uso steemworld para auto evaluarme. Y calcular mi poder de voto.

Creo que si todos visualizarlos el CSI y procuramos mantenerlo alto como símbolo de buena reputación y apoyo a la comunidad y si se les diera especial apoyo a esta estadística para la curación de contenido, STEEMIT lograría interacciones más eficientes y personales.

Gran post 👍

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Nice article @randulakoralage!

My CSI usually stays around the 11-12 range, to some degree limited by not wanting to give out votes that are below the "dust" threshold... as my SP level continues to build (I hope!) I expect I'll also be able to nudge the number a little higher.

@steemchiller deserves all the credit in the world for having developed an outstanding helper app just filled with useful features!

My CSI usually stays around the 11-12 range

Me to.. most of the times I give full votes as my amount is very low. But giving lower % to many accounts increses csi. :[

Yep, steemworld is awsome always. There are still some features I haven't tried. That abuse finding tool some tools given in the bottom. Steemworld is a system that covers a large scope. I am so wondering about steemchiller how big his range of analyzing !

Very good article. This information is very important and teaches us about our behavior on the platform.

Very interesting to know about the value of CSI, from now on I will be reviewing it, along with the other important values.

This is the type of content that helps us know what we should do to grow on Steemit.

Thank you so much for sharing it! :D

from now on I will be reviewing it, along with the other important values.

That's good you all start to think about that. Actually, it is a very important value but very few of us aware of it

Thank you very much for this great explanatory creation! I'm thinking about adding a link to your post somewhere in SteemWorld, so that newbies can find it there directly.

As I see, you also added the #tutorial and #steemworld tags. That's perfect, love it :)


I'm thinking about adding a link to your post somewhere in SteemWorld,

That would be great! Even I understood about csi very late. It's a nice concept.. Have a good time

a nice reading, I already knew the basics, but here it is explained very well.

I pray it might be useful for @steemcurator01 / @steemcurator02 to adjust their current curating policy to better.

Excelente post. No tenía conocimiento al respecto sobre el CSI.


#onepercent #venezuela #affable

thanks.. Hope you got some knowlage :)

Such Great Content with really valuable inputs, Learnt a lot about CSI. Thanks.

good.. I believe you will also pay attention to it :)

Thanks for writing this useful post! It is really helpful for a beginner like me because it's really hard to find information about Steemit.


I currently have 1.27% self upvote however I have never upvoted my own posts... how can I get this number to 0%?

Or do I just have to wait for the 7day period to be over for it to be reset to 0?

Hello @randulakoralage… I have chosen your post about “-We Rise by Lifting Others! What Does the Community Support Index Really Mean? - ”for my daily initiative to retest…
Let's keep working and supporting each other to grow in Steemit.

Hello.. Thank you. Hope this message will reach a big audience.

would be better if it did reach the big curators, reach their hearts. our small votes mean nothing. I dont try to raise my CSI higher - just never vote for my own posts (vote for my own comments in rare cases, just to raise up their visibility in the thread) and give ten 100% votes per day, to the friends, Russian community posts, or something useful that attracted my attention in the feed. (like your post today). thats a simple pattern that do not lead to a higher CSI rating. but i am a small fish. but big curator is a different deal. the same pattern for a big curator would be a bad thing, that make no healthy consequences for the community. (and, actually, I think it does). alas.

thats a simple pattern that do not lead to a higher CSI rating.

Yes it happens sometimes. Usually we are stuck in to a regularly pattern due to busy lifestyle. Still we have to try.. :)

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