A Visit to Eastern Again!
Again it's all about a long trip we went on!
This time I decided to visit Arugambay, Panama and panama kudumbigala sanctuary where Kumana national park and Okanda kovil situated and Kudumbigala monestry complex where Belumgala is situated. We started our journey on a saturday and dedicated our first day to visit arugambay and nearby places. Arugambay is one and half hours away from my home town monaragala.
Since this is off season, Arugambay is free from foreign people. Still it has some security regarding the attack you heard from news within the last month. First we visited Arugambay beach in the afternoon. There is a tiny jungle near the beach and it was consist of "pathok" and some huge trees with some pink flowers on the ground. They are beautiful! As you know Arugambay is a famous surfing beach in sri lanka, and it's is provinding a living for the people around, during the season. Even though Arugamby was never on my favourite beach list, that tiny jungle took my heart.
Life saving guards were already there and people were always warned due to high tide in these days. I had no desire to bathe as the sky was cloudy and I felt cold at the moment. Luckily we were able to go on this journey before the rain and we got no considerable disturbances from the rain.
In the evening we stopped to visit this small lake in Arugambay and that brought us peace!
See you soon with the next article on Panama village and it's extreme beauty! ❤️
This is the place I could not visit yet; I hope to travel there recently.