Tutorial - Create a dark / light mode for your website with React - Next.js

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago

Today we are going to create a very fashionable function in these times that is to activate the light / dark mode on our website, we will use React with its Next.js Framework for this.

We will create a folder on the desktop named toggle-dark-mode /

Once the folder is created, we navigate to it and execute

  npm init --yes

We will install the following modules:

  npm i react react-dom next react-ios-switch

We will create a public / folder and create our routes (.js)


  import Layout from "../components/Layout";
 import Head from "next / head";
 const index = () => {
   return (
           Dark Mode |  Claro in Next.js |  Jfdesousa7 |  yourpaginaonline.net
         <div className = "main-container">
           <h1> Toggle Dark Mode Next.js !! </h1>
 export default index;


  import Layout from "../components/Layout";
 import Head from "next / head";
 const about = () => {
   return (
           Dark Mode |  Claro in Next.js - About |  Jfdesousa7 |  yourpaginaonline.net
         <div className = "main-container">
           <h1> About </h1>
 export default about;


  import Layout from "../components/Layout";
 import Head from "next / head";
 const portfolio = () => {
   return (
           Dark Mode |  Claro in Next.js - Portfolio |  Jfdesousa7 |  yourpaginaonline.net
         <div className = "main-container">
           <h1> Portfolio </h1>
 export default portfolio;


  import Layout from "../components/Layout";
 import Head from "next / head";
 const contact = () => {
   return (
           Dark Mode |  Claro in Next.js - Contact |  Jfdesousa7 |  tupaginaonline.net
         <div className = "main-container">
           <h1> Contact </h1>
           <br> </br>
           <p> <a className="link" href="https://hive.blog/@jfdesousa7"> Jfdesousa7 </a> </p>
           <p> <a className="link" href="https://tupaginaonline.net"> tupaginaonline.net </a> </p>
 export default contact;

We will create a _app.js file which is where we will import our custom styles


  import '../styles.css';
 // This default export is required in a new `pages / _app.js` file.
 export default function MyApp ({Component, pageProps}) {
     return <Component {... pageProps} />

We will create our .css style in the root


  @ import url ('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Raleway:wght@300&display=swap');
 : root {
   --font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
 * :: before,
 *::despues de {
     margin: 0;
     box-sizing: border-box;
 .theme-dark {
     --dark-text: # 292929;
     --dark-background: # 2F4550;
     --light-background: # 586F7C;
     --accent: # b8dbd9;
     --button-border: # b8dbd9;
     --light-text: # F9F8F8;
 .theme-light {
     --dark-text: # 5E4B56;
     --accent: # dbe7e4;
     --button-border: # 5E4B56;
     --dark-background: # DBE7E4;
     --light-text: # 5E4B56;
     --light-background: # EDDCD2;
 body {
     font-family: var (- font-family);
     background-color: var (- dark-background);
     color: var (- dark-text);
     height: 100vh;
     transition: all ease-in-out .7s;
 nav {
     background-color: var (- dark-background);
     color: var (- light-text);
     padding: 2em;
   nav ul {
       display: flex;
       justify-content: space-between;
   nav ul li {
       list-style: none;
   nav ul li a {
       cursor: pointer;
       color: var (- light-text);
       font-weight: 800;
       text-decoration: none;
 .main-container {
     background-color: var (- light-background);
     padding: 4rem
 .link {
     color: var (- light-text);
 @media screen and (max-width: 412px) {
     nav ul {
         display: flex;
         flex-direction: column;
         align-items: center;
         gap: 1em



  import Toggle from "../components/Toggle";
 import Link from "next / link";
 const Header = () => {
   return (
           <Link href = "/">
             <a> Home </a>
           <Link href = "/ about">
             <a> About us </a>
           <Link href = "/ portfolio">
             <a> Portfolio </a>
           <Link href = "/ contact">
             <a> Contact </a>
           <Toggle />
 export default Header;


  import {useEffect} from "react";
 import {keepTheme} from "../utils/themes";
 import Header from "./Header";
 import Head from "next / head";
 const Layout = ({children}) => {
   useEffect (() => {
     keepTheme ();
   return (
         <meta name = "viewport" content = "initial-scale = 1.0, width = device-width" />
       <Header />
 export default Layout;


  import {useEffect, useState} from "react";
 import {setTheme} from "../utils/themes";
 import Switch from "react-ios-switch";
 export default function Toggle () {
   const [checked, setChecked] = useState (true);
   const handleOnClick = () => {
     if (localStorage.getItem ("theme") === "theme-dark") {
       setTheme ("theme-light");
       setChecked (false);
     } else {
       setTheme ("theme-dark");
       setChecked (true);
   useEffect (() => {
     if (localStorage.getItem ("theme")) {
       if (localStorage.getItem ("theme") === "theme-dark") {
         setChecked (true);
       } else {
         setChecked (false);
     } else {
       setChecked (true);
   }, []);
   return (
     <div className = "light_dark">
         <span className = ""> Light mode </span>
         onColor = "black"
         offColor = "gold"
         checked = {checked}
         onChange = {handleOnClick}
         <span className = ""> Dark mode </span>

We will create a folder in the root called utils / a file with two functions


  export function setTheme (themeName) {
     localStorage.setItem ('theme', themeName);
     document.documentElement.className = themeName;
 export function keepTheme () {
   if (localStorage.getItem ('theme')) {
     if (localStorage.getItem ('theme') === 'theme-dark') {
       setTheme ('theme-dark');
     } else if (localStorage.getItem ('theme') === 'theme-light') {
       setTheme ('theme-light')
   } else {
     setTheme ('theme-dark')

And with those friends we reached the end of the tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it and until next time!

Visit my official website for quotes and much more


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