Explore and Know
I have personally realized that I’m more productive in studying in the places I find relaxing than studying in my study room or a library. So I always try to go to such places when studying. Sometimes my friends commented that this gypsy sort of study method will distract me because I don’t have a set place to study. But me is me. Studying is not a place for me, but a mental activity. Where we find we are more efficient would be the best place for us. It may be different from person to person, but be the best of the relevant person.
That day I was studying in Viharamahadevi park because my exam is getting closer. And I got this sudden inspiration to write about it when I was there. so I quickly jotted this down during a study break. It’s still raw but I thought of sharing it with ya’ll.
Just me and myself in a monotonous study round
Feels like machines not humane – functioned to work!
Where we could nail our student role?
Stepped out I, for a change, going against
The Student Protocol, made by who, we know not.
Ticked one task, one more, many more rounds
When soothing wind calm the stressed minds.
Coming from azure world with clashing waves
A pacifying melody for our work and souls.
Only because the majority roam.
Explore and know, in what form,
You can get your desires bloom!
Hope you enjoyed it!
See you on another day!