
Innocent? How can you call people who are corrupt and lack compassion for the sufferings of others innocent?

Here is a reminder of what is your society is like from your own Prof Asoka:

"This is not surprising given that Sri Lanka is a country where corruption is ubiquitous. It is said that people get the government they deserve.

More likely people get governments that mirror their own corrupted nature and moral depravity. Like begets like.

The late Justice Mark Fernando once clarified that corruption is not merely bribery and corruption but extends to extravagance, waste, neglect, and every form of malpractice, dishonesty, and abuse, misuse, and unreasonable exercise of power . . . and indeed anything and everything done or left undone, which results in the rights of the People being denied or impaired”.

What a magnificent all encompassing definition ! No wonder the great man was himself the victim of corruption in being denied promotion to Chief Justice which he richly deserved and shamefully bypassed in favour of one who brought that high office into disrepute"

On lack of compassion, this is what your Prof Asoka, had to say,

"Thirdly today’s disenchanted 6.9 million might be defined by their innate selfishness and lack of compassion. True, they may be suffering today. But in voting as they did they were guilty of being callously indifferent to the far greater sufferings of others. Hundreds of weeping women may be pining for their husbands and sons who disappeared and were probably murdered years ago. But they were not my relations so who cares ? That’s the attitude."

On your statement ...

I can not imagine where we are headed to...

For starters, you may want to reflect deeply on the points raised in the article written by Prof Asoka. Share this article with as many others as possible and invite them to reflect and start discussions on the way forward. If you don't you are not going to get any meaningful change for the better. The Sri Lankan psyche needs healing. That healing can take place only if you honestly reflect on your past transgressions and discuss them openly and candidly.

The so-called "innocent" need to wise up. If they don't as Pushkin asks, "Why should cattle have the gift of freedom, comfort and wealth?" (italic mine)

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