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Greetings my friend @papi.mati
For a long time I had been looking for this type of accounts, I see that it is necessary to activate me again to join forces and try to fight them, It is very true, I think there should be a filter to reduce these fraudulent accounts circumstantially.
Here I show some accounts found by me, most of them had their SP delegates removed.
Possible option.
Eliminate the delegation by Steemit to new users, and generate a condition where you can not delegate to users who have less than 5 SP, so that they are forced to generate a minimum deposit of 5 Steem, promoting the investment culture from the beginning.
Cc: @steemcurator01
Hey @adeljose! I'm excited to read your post, my dear friend!
Yes, please! We can clean the platform, but it's not the job for the one person, together as the community of the bloggers we are stronger and more effective.
I would love to be of help here...
I love the clean up you are doing
Where am I to start?
Hello, @papi.mati, I wonder have you gotten any answer from the curators if they are gonna fight 1-sentence posts with hundreds of dollars rewards? I remember you've demonstrated such a post of Chinese user. Just interesting.
As far as I know, Stemcurators are not going to fight with the bidbot abusers directly, it's in our hands. Most likely to protect the value of the STEEM and SBD.
It's too early for me to take care of that. The ac-cheetah activity is limited by the power it has, so now I'm focusing on the abusers who are earning up to 6-7 usd daily. It's still a lot, more than endplagiarism team could do without the trail.
I can imagine, in a long term we would be able to do it. If all the communities that receive the booming support would join the downvote trail, we'd have the downvote VP similar to the SC and tens of downvotes distributed at the same time would protect from the revenge. It's the long term task though - Rome has not been built in one day :)
thanks for for this full answer. yes, you are right, it's better to focus on small fish because there are lots of them)
Thank you for this list.
Now passed on to the Engineering team to deal with.
Great, thank you. I doubt it will be happening very often, but who should I tag/alert in case of finding a content farm in the future? Should I inform you or is there any other, direct way to let the team know about the abuse?
You can make a post and we will look out for it.
@tipu curate
Gracias por reportar esa irregularidad amigo. Tienen todo un negocio.
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 1/6) Get profit votes with @tipU :)
Немаленький список! Отличная работа!
Very good initiative. I'm interested to your project for fighting against abuser. Maybe I can help. Would you plz discuss in discord ? My discord ID phantom#7044
Sure, I'll text you immediately!
This conversation is 14 days old
But I hope I can join this fight
My discord ID is manuelhooks#2520
Thank you Manuel! This content farm has been closed but please, follow the ac-cheetah account - there will be plenty of other situations when your help will be useful.
Currently, I am on vacation until the 13th of February, but I am constantly downvoting some abusers. I will most likely write the report tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, pointing out the new abusers that has to be downvoted.