in DrugWars3 months ago (edited)

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The Mosque of Algeria, also known as the Great Mosque of Algiers or Djamaâ El-Djazaïr, is situated in Algiers, Algeria. April 2019 saw the completion of the mosque. After the Prophet's Mosque in Medina and the al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, it is the third biggest mosque in the world. The prayer hall of the Great Mosque of Algiers is 20,000 m³ and can hold 120,000 worshippers. This room's centre nave is encircled by colonnades, and to the east is the white marble mihrab. Above it all is a 50-meter-diameter dome that rises to a height of 70 metres. Standing 265 metres tall with an observation deck at the top, the minaret is the highest minaret in the world.

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