Traditional medicine paw paw leaf

Hello everyone I have bring another good news about the medicine Nigeria the traditional own that cure many things in the body and hill quick and fast after applying it to the place you are injured.

PAW PAW: This is a type of medicine in Nigerian which quickly hills injured person and someone that have sickness in the body such as fever, diabetes, cough, malaria, and other of it can use paw paw leaf the hill it quick and fast. In Nigerian we use it for cooking of food too, it gives blood in the body and your body system to be strong for rest. I don't know for other countries if they normally know paw paw leaf or the fruit it is good to use it in the body because is a proteins food which make the body fresh and keep it healthy from diseases.



First of all as a newbie you don't know how to make use of the paw paw leaf what you need to do is to get the paw paw leaf from anywhere you see it cut as many you can use.


At you need to do go into you house bring a water to wash the dity out of the paw paw leaf, bring a pot put a 2 liters of water into it set a fire and live the water to boil till vapour is out, then put the paw paw leaf inside the water live it till the water changes color to dark just like lemon grass after that you filter the water live it to cold so you can drink it. That is how to make medicine with paw paw leaf you can also put a little lemon grass on it so that you enjoyed it when it cold for drinking.

Paw paw fruit too is also good for the body system that is a protein food which makes the body fresh and stronger, it enlarge the body system. Eat the fruit so that you get more energy and health for movement, paw paw leaf is the best try it and see change in the body thank you for reading

 last year 

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thanks for sharing a very essential content brother.

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