The Thrill of a Story that Writes Itself

in SteemhousePublishing5 years ago

I'm in love with my new story, which basically wrote itself!

Okay, maybe the story didn't write itself. Maybe I spent an obscene amount of hours on my computer, staying up way too late absorbed in a fantasy world that blossomed in my over-active imagination.

Still, I've just finished drafting a 92,000-word manuscript in twenty-three days. Which is insanely fast.

I give most of the credit to my characters, and some to myself. It helps that this is my eleventh manuscript, and I'm fresh from a writers' conference where I learned from bestselling authors and some of the publishing industry's top agents. But so much of a book's ease comes from a story well laid out, and this one seemed to spring fully-developed from the gods of fiction.

There's a high that comes from this kind of writing, when it flows and the characters won't let you sleep because they keep talking. I'm still riding the high, having ripped through the second draft as in love with the story as I was the first time.

I've had to stop myself from starting it all over again, because it's time to send it to a few writer friends for feedback and sit the f back. I have a pile of books I want to read. Other people's stories to fall into.

But the joy doesn't quit, and I'm so glad! This is why I write. I love the way a story comes to life inside me, the characters like friends who don't just live in my imagination, but get to live in other's when they read the book.

I haven't been super active on the blockchain lately, but now you know why. I'm excited for the new communities feature, and hope to see more writers engaging on this fabulous social platform.

For now, I'll head back to my work, drafting up a synopsis, which is my least-favourite part of writing, but even it's okay because OMG I love this story!

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of life. Check out her music here:


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92,000 words?
That's some impressive writing!
Cannot wait to read it

Thank you! Might be a while before it's published, as that step is never fast, but I so appreciate the encouragement!

Kudos from a nascent SHP editor! I enjoyed this post, albeit somewhat vicariously. As a poet and essayist, I dunno what it's like to have characters "living inside your head". I learned in writing class in college that fiction/novel writing is a universe parallel to but not mirroring poetry, and that my skill set didn't empower me to be a writer of fiction. But I DO appreciate what those skills are and am in total awe just short of veneration for you writers who live in the fictional universe. I did have a look-see at what may have been your synopsis mentioned in this piece; and from what I read, you are most definitely on your way. It will be a real pleasure watching you take flight. Bienvenue.

Aw, thank you! It's really interesting, the difference between writing fiction and poetry. I started out as a writer doing poetry, mainly to survive with so many emotions brimming forth. lol! But when I started writing full-length fiction it was definitely a learning curve. That said, the characters in my mind are undoubtably there. Quite a few of them sharing space. ;) It's such a rush when the story is flowing, and frustrating when it's not, but the more I write, the easier it gets. Not easy. Never quite that, but easiER. Thanks for the kind comment. :)

You know, as the child of two musicians, a mom who could sight-read anything, and a dad whose sight-reading was crap, but could play anything he actually heard, and transpose and arrange it in his head, I don't buy it.

I agree that writing poetry and writing fiction are different skillsets.

I'm personally far more comfortable with poetry, as I've been writing it since childhood, but that doesn't mean that I'm giving up on fiction. Far from it.

I do NOT agree that, if you excel at one, that means that the other is unassailable, and not possible for you.

If you want to write fiction, WRITE IT.

Yeah. You may suck at first. But if you have a poetic bent, you have a WRITING bent, and if you KEEP TRYING, you will succeed.

Don't give up. Your voice, your own incomparable perspective, is FAR too important for you to give up.

Yeah, it may take a while. Let it. Allow it. Nurture it.

I, for one, want to read what you come up with once you reach the other side.

We NEED your voice. Seriously.

Thank you for your kind post and the encouraging things you said. Perhaps I will try again to write short stories.

I certainly hope so! I look forward to be your reader when you do. ;-)

 5 years ago 

In the absence of a "love" button, I'll just send these along: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

You deserve this high, Katrina. Enjoy it! Writing 92,000 words is an accomplishment unto itself, but 92,000 brilliant words is something else again. You've done it. I am so excited that you are going to share this journey with us all the way through--I have a sneaky feeling this may be "the" breakout novel for you, and not only myself personally but SHP is going to rally in support for you every step of the way. We want to see you fly! (Just remember us when you're a bestselling author....) LOL!

Aw, thank you so much! I sure hope it's the one. Flying is fun! And your support is hugely appreciated, I could never forget that. If I go bestseller, it means I can give great quotes for other people's books, right? ;)

 5 years ago 

Yezzzzz! You see, I will only love you for your endorsements. HAH! WRONG! lol You know I love you for being you, But I'll sure take you up on that, cos I think it's going to happen. :-)

I don't know how to interact with this but I found it in #pypt

 5 years ago 

Tell her congratulations! She accomplished a heck of a lot. :-)

Aw, thank you!!!

This is so wonderful to read!!!!
so very happy you are bringing your joy of writing to life!!


Thank you! Hugs back. Miss you. Was so good to hear your voice in pypt tonight!

Sit the fuck back is right! Revel in the accomplishment for a minute and let it take its course :)

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Reveling I'm good at. Relaxing, not so much. ;)

I have heard it said,

Find a job that you love and you will never work a day in your life!

It seems you have found that dream job.

Reading has always been one of my favorite activities since I was a young boy. Many times while in the military on manuevers, I would take one or two novels to read. My greatest enemy now has become the computer and TV. I really must start reading again.

Thank you for sharing on the last #PYPT Show!

Reading is magical. It's easy to fall into screens and be entertained—and read posts, like we do here—but reading engages the brain in a totally different way. Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment!

Awesome news, @katrina-ariel!!!

I've resteemed to give other writers much-needed inspiration. ;-)

Knowing that we writers tend to be our own worst critics, I'm beyond jazzed that you're so in love with your story, and have no doubt it will be amazing when I'm finally able to read it.

Congratulations on a job fabulously well done!!!

Thank you!!! I still need to do some editing, but it's important to celebrate milestones, right? I so appreciate the support and encouragement! ;)

Milestones are indeed important, but even more than that, we need to honor ourselves, and the efforts we're making.

The fact that you're doing all of this with twin young sons at home blows my mind. I'm not sure if I could do the same, though I can say without hesitation, I'd sure as hell TRY.

The fact that you are doing so, consistently, says that you are determined, sure, and yes, a dragonrider, in every sense.

Go for it! I'm awaiting you on the other side. ;-)


Thank. You. So. Much!

Any time, my friend, any time. ;-)

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