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RE: Das neue Coronavirus und Art. 2 (2) des Grundgesetz

in Pandemic Forum5 years ago

English translation:

Dear friends of peace and freedom,
Dear friends of love and happiness,
Dear readers,

The socialist epidemic prevention policy in the EU, and in particular in Germany, is a nightmare. For weeks now, serious mistakes have been made by those responsible for politics - above all by the Health Minister Jens Spahn. These mistakes have been, and continue to be, criticized by me aggressively because, due to the premature entry of the virus into the broad strata of the population, they result in death and damage to human health - and thus damage to the right to life and physical integrity expressed in Article 2 GG massive damage.

The refusal to ban the landing of flights from China in Germany at the beginning of the pandemic and to introduce temperature controls at the airports, to order respiratory protection for the entire population and to consistently cancel mass events has significantly increased the risk to life and limb in the German population and thus represents a serious violation of Article 2 (2) GG - the fundemental right to life.

I have already asked the State Minister for Health of NRW, Mr. Laumann, via email at the end of January to close Düsseldorf Airport for Chinese returnees and introduce temperature controls, regardless of the directive from Berlin in NRW. As early as 5 weeks ago I asked Mr. Laumann to convert the empty but near completed wet research center into a 500-bed infection clinic so that the clinic is reasonably able to cope with the upcoming mass incidence of infected people in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area - also isolating the most seriously ill from the Regular care - to manage the care of SARS sufferers.

Nothing has happened in this direction so far. Yesterday I took the liberty of informing the Düsseldorf Health Department of the need to close schools and daycare centers - and of the criminal liability for failing to take such an epidemic measure. This email also went to Minister of Health of NRW Minister Laumann.

As a reminder, Article 2 (2) GG:

(2) Everyone has the right to life and physical integrity. The freedom of a person is inviolable. These rights may only be interfered with by law.

Those who do not close schools and day-care centers, do not consistently cancel mass events, do not recommend respiratory protection among the population and do not use existing infrastructure to expand bed capacities, as decision-makers in office and in politics, violate the fundamental right to everyone's life in an unacceptable manner Citizens of this country.

I also pointed this out to the health department in Düsseldorf and its management yesterday, and also to the State Ministry of Health in North Rhine-Westphalia in the person of Mr. Laumann.

Citizens who suffer health damage due to failure in fundamental questions of epidemic prevention should try to assert health and economic damage to the country in the event of survival, as well as possibly try to assert civil law against the officials.

Because, as far as the failure in terms of sensible and urgently needed disease prevention measures is concerned, I am entirely on the side of Professor Kekulé, who, like myself, is continuously calling for the cancellation of mass events and the closure of schools and daycare centers. A measure that can, if necessary, be extended beyond a period of more than two weeks.

Those who fail to take these measures, even though they are authorized to do so, willfully act against the state of scientific knowledge in a punishable manner by violating the law as a public official as a public official's right to life and physical integrity.

Such grievances in epidemic prevention in Germany mean that a potentially fatal virus spreads all the faster in the population and the health systems collapse earlier than necessary.

The catastrophic disease management of the socialist government in Germany and its local rulers is likely to endanger the lives and health of countless people and will ultimately result in more deaths than necessary.

Something like that is a perfect (though in every respect unacceptable) expression of an attitude towards life (contrary to the law!) in which the life of the individual and his right to life are subordinated to the collectivist ideological worldview of socialist madness for the purpose of maintaining his own power.
Here, authorities and governments at federal and state level violate the Basic Law and violate the scientific knowledge of the past decades in central questions of a necessary and immediately required disease prevention.

Anyone who is harmed by the fallout of the deliberately caused risk increase for a SARS infection, the government, cities and municipalities that are characterized by inadequate measures to combat epidemics should sue for health-related damages, as well as economic damages - possibly also in private law against the heads and officials of authorities who continue to violate basic rules of epidemic prevention despite better knowledge and keep daycare centers and schools open.

It is more than frightening to see how badly and inadequately disease prevention is apparently practiced and implemented in many places. Especially as they allow more than a month pass while they do not prepare hospitals, create beds and ventilation places for the seriously ill, etc.

In the meantime, the disinfectants are stolen at the local university clinic and no recognizable measures are yet being taken to isolate the mass incidence of infected and critically ill patients in a separate infection clinic - separately from standard care.

Food for thought.
Send with love!

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