❓Steemit Quiz 2025 - Week 4
A recap on Week 3, looking forward to Week 4 of Steemit Quiz 2025.
Week 3 Winner
With 19 question asked this week, it was NO team's turn to top score. Comprising of @chriddi, @moecki, @event-horizon and @o1eh, chriddi was the star performer, topping this week's chart with 6.5 points scored.
Congratulations NO team, you will each receive 4% of this week's post payout.
Overall Rankings after Week 3
With another 3.5 poitnts scored, Two Shreks and Fiona (@bluelavender, @alexanderkass and @henryclive) continue to lead the way from @pennsif in 2nd place. Oops-a-lot (@mojociocio and @ady-was-ere) had a quiet week and remain in 3rd. NO team (@chriddi, @moecki, @event-horizon and @o1eh) have moved up into 4th with @disconnect in 5th.
Team | Score |
Two Shreks and Fiona | 22 |
@pennsif (Solo) | 14 |
Oops-a-lot | 10.5 |
NO team | 9 |
@disconnect (Solo) | 7 |
Others | <= 2 |
Question Tracker
We're up and running with the Week 4 Question Tracker now being updated.
Week 4: Question Tracker
Question 19
🏢 Obscure Landmarks 🗿
Where is the landmark in this image.
Please be specific.
If the answer is "The Great Pyramid of Giza", "The pyramids" will not be accepted.
Monument for a Dead Parrot, by artist Jon Reardon.
Devonport House Hotel in Greenwich, London.
✅ That's correct. Quite bizarre.
Is it related to the Monty Python sketch?
So that's a possibility.
$12 for adults and free entry for children. Equivalent to 400 baht.
✅ That's correct. Adults are $6 each and children are free.
Question 7
🏢 Obscure Landmarks 🗿
Where is the landmark in this image.
Please be specific.
If the answer is "The Great Pyramid of Giza", "The pyramids" will not be accepted.
Dog Bark Park, Cottonwood Idaho
✅ You have one word missing but close enough 🙂
Yeah by the time I realized it was late.
Dog Bark Park Inn B&B in Idaho
event-horizon got there first... admittedly without the "Inn" part!
Question 1
✈ Steemit Travel ⛴
A Steemit user recently had a weekend getaway with their family - visiting a local waterfall.
The entrance fee for foreigners was 10x that for nationals.
How much would it cost a foreign family (2x Adults + 2x Children) to visit the waterfall.
$12 for 2 adults and free entry for children. Equivalent to 200 baht.
Nailed it 🥳
400 baht.
✅ Just noticed that I missed you tick and vote. So here you are 🙂
No, you didn't miss it. This was in the wrong comment box, my bad. Thanks for the free up vote anyway. 😊
Oh. I didn't miss it. Oh well. Have another vote anyway 😆
400 baht ($12) for 2x adults and free for children.
Correct - unfortunately bluelavender was quicker to the answer.
I think it's could be 60$
👎 It's not $60 - much cheaper.
I just dreamt of 80 dollars today, and I thought it was a sign🤭
Quite an expensive dream... 😅
👎 It's not $80. It's actually much cheaper 🙂
Question 4
🎥 Movie Magic 🎬
What movie is the image below depicting?
No Country for Old Men (2007)
✅ That's correct!
No country for old men
That's correct - Unfortunately, disconnect was slightly quicker than you!
The Best of Enemies
👎 I'm making a few of them today 🤣
I'm too tired to help you in the moment.
Gonna have a look tomorrow.
👎 That is one of the words - disconnect got the rest of them!
Flags of Our Fathers
👎 It's not Flags of Our Fathers. I like your thinking though!
I liked it too. 😛
Question 3
⚽ Sports 🏏
One Bangladeshi user isn't a fan of his country's cricket franchise (BPL) - what's his main reason for this?
He isn't happy with their venue selection.
✅ That's correct.
BPL's nasty schedule
The BPL tournament was played only in two stadiums. The days off do not fit for each team.
Whilst the schedule is bad, the correct answer was "venue selection" - bluelavender got this one.
Yes, I suspected that. Bluelavender posted the solution 30 seconds before me. When I saw that, all I could do was specify.
By the way, I found the post so quickly using Möcki's brilliant search function... 😊
Ah, moecki's got a good search function... I'll need to think about that for future questions 🤔
No, you don't need to do that. Everyone has the right to get the support they need. We'd much rather prefer handcrafted tools than blind AI chatter, wouldn't we?
But my "Who am I?" questions are blind AI chatter 🤣
Question 8
🍲 Food and Drink 🍹
I'll often cook one of my young-gorillas favourite dishes.
What are the key 5 ingredients for making the below dish?
Butter, milk, macaroni, cheese and flour
✅ My little gorillas love Macaroni Cheese.
What type of cheese would you use?
Cheddar cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Correct - however I'll have to let bluelavender have this one!
That's only fair.
I thought so 🙂 It's the 'one-word' generosity day today.
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Milk cream
Mozarella cheese does go well on top, as does Parmesan. bluelavender got the correct answer - the dish is Macaroni Cheese. Yum yum.
Macaroni pasta
The cheese is traditionally Cheddar.
Parmesan cheese can be grated on top as well if you fancy.
I also like to add a little mustard for a bit of extra depth to the flavour.
I think Jamie Oliver likes to add a bit of mustard.
I always add peas to ours to make sure the boys get some veg inside them. Mixing some fried pancetta to the cheese on top is somewhat of a luxury too. Always served with cheesy garlic bread.
Oh, you're correct by the way. bluelavender got there first though.
Good idea on the peas !
Jamie Oliver has a recipe that sneaks a whole cauliflower in which works well too.
My boys moan about the cauliflower, hence the peas. If they weren’t integrated, we’d have them on the side but mixing in some frozen peas before it goes in the oven saves cleaning a pan!
Cream (or Milk)
👎 You can't just throw any old cheese into a dish like this. Imagine putting Wensleydale with Apricots in? Yukky. Also, some of the other ingredients aren't correct.
Question 13
📚 Literature 📖
Please identify the author and book title from the bullet points below:
Jenny Erpenbeck: Kairos
Oh, I'm too late :-)
Wird auch so klappen...
Also hoffentlich, sonst wird's langsam peinlich... Ach, nee, ich bin mir sehr, sehr sicher...
Das darf aber nicht Usus werden. Die Blicke, die ich erntete, als der Wecker piepte...
Womöglich habe ich unterbewusst deinen Wecker gehört... ;-))
Exactly! To the minute... 😎
Maybe if you're the-6yo-gorilla when he decides that 3 is 2. Or rain is snow. Or rainbows are sun 🤣
My alarmclock works... 😜
⏰… 😎
Question 13 - Hint
Apologies for not replying to attempts, I’m out and about!
That wasn’t the hint, this is : This book has been translated recently to great acclaim.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
V.E. Schwab
👎 The book we're looking for wasn't published in English until a couple of years after the original version.
The House of Gazes by Daniele Mencarelli
👎 You're around the right time period. Although the book being referenced here wasn't published in English until a couple of years after the original version.
Lonely castle in the mirror by mizuki tsujimura
👎 chriddi's got it
Jenny Erpenbeck: Kairos🤭
It would take a very mean quizmaster not to let chriddi have the point!
She really was the first, it's foolish to argue about it, but now a precedent has been set, please don't forget about it, Mr. Quizmaster
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
👎 We're looking for something more recent and an author's whose native tongue isn't English. The book was translated into English a couple of years after its initial publishing.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck?
👎 Think much more recent...
Daisy Jones & The Six (Taylor Jenkins Reid)
👎 You're in the right ball park for the original Published Date.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)
👎 We're looking more recent than that...
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
👎 We're looking slightly later and the book being referenced here wasn't published in English until a couple of years after the original version.
Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich
👎 The original author's native tongue wasn't English and the book was translated a couple of years after its initial release.
Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel)
👎 This book is more recent and the book being referenced here wasn't published in English until a couple of years after the original version.
The Island by Ragnar Jónasson
👎 chriddi was correct.
Sally Rooney: Normal People
👎 You're in the right ball park for the original Published Date.
Nino Haratischwili: The Eighth Life
👎 We're looking for something more recent. The book being referenced here wasn't published in English until a couple of years after the original version.
Jenny Erpenbeck: Kairos
Nailed it 🤣🤣🤣
You won‘t…
Nah… You can’t call for Hahnsen after one single mistake… since this guess is brilliant…
@event-horizon, @moecki, @o1eh HELP fast… 😅
I can't help. He will give me a ticket.
Question 17
🦸 Superheroes and Supervillains 🦹
Below is a "small" part of a superhero or supervillain.
Who is it?
Power Girl
✅ I wonder if the guys were too embarrassed to get this one 😆
Emma Frost
chriddi got it - it's Power Girl
Question 14
🎭 Celebrity Numbers 🔢
In this round, each person can request the unmasking of any number (1 per 30 minutes), which will unmask a square on the image below.
You then need to figure out who the celebrity is!
Be careful though, receiving too many number requests could make things too easy for others to guess!
Updates will be made every 30 minutes until the celebrity is guessed - remember though, an incorrect guess will lead to a 3 hour wait!
Once the image is updated, you can request another number (even if you're on your 3 hour wait)!
Last update: 10pm (UK Time)
Next unveiling: 10:30pm (UK Time) - Please select your number before then.
Gene Hackman
as Lex Luthor...
I’ll need to double check the image in the morning. I found it difficult to find a picture of him where he looks like the image in my mind. So many photos, he looks so old or younger than I ever remember him!
Yep... looks a lot like Lex Luthor!
Yes that is the photo I found to match.
23 please
Question 11
🦸 Superheroes and Supervillains 🦹
Below is a small part of a superhero or supervillain.
Who is it?
Captain America
✅ It is indeed, Captain America.
US Agent (Marvel)
👎 mojociocio is correct. It's Captain America.
General Glory, the Captain America from Wish/Temu
It was Captain America himself. mojociocio got it.
Black Bolt?
👎 mojociocio is correct. It's Captain America.
Jack Flag
👎 mojociocio is correct. It's Captain America.
Question 18
Question 4
🎥 Movie Magic 🎬
What movie is the image below depicting?
Hamilton (2020)
Wie bist du denn jetzt darauf gekommen? Kommt das Bild aus dem Film?
Das ist Thomas Hamilton.
Also habe ich die AI gefragt, ob es über ihn einen Spielfilm gibt… Tadaaa. Nein, gesehen habe ich den nicht.
✅ Correct.
Question 12
🎭 Celebrity Numbers 🔢
In this round, each person can request the unmasking of any number (1 per 30 minutes), which will unmask a square on the image below.
You then need to figure out who the celebrity is!
Be careful though, receiving too many number requests could make things too easy for others to guess!
Updates will be made every 30 minutes until the celebrity is guessed - remember though, an incorrect guess will lead to a 3 hour wait!
Once the image is updated, you can request another number (even if you're on your 3 hour wait)!
Last update: 8pm (UK Time)
Next unveiling: 8:30pm (UK Time) - Please select your number before then.
Is it Tom Selleck ?
I'll kick off with 26 please.
Just in time for the first cut off 🙂
38 please
57 plz
76 plz
Pennsif is correct - It's Tom Selleck.
I knew we seemed familiar but didn't remember the name... 😔
Yes - he's got one of those faces where you'd think "I know who that is" but the only way to remember would be to search for it!
Burt Reynolds
Pennsif was correct with Tom Selleck.
I know. I knew it immediately because I realized him too. But I had to watch handball „on the side“ (what a thriller! The Portuguese deserved to win) and wait for the break. There was a minimal chance that someone who looks very much like Tom might just possibly be… ;-)
Well that's a disappointing result. What was this the Quarter-Finals for?
Handball World Cup.
Are England doing well? Have we got Portugal in the semi-final?
Question 2
Missing Words 📝
In this question, I will take a sentence or paragraph from a user's blog - all you have to do, is fill in the blanks.
ice cream
✅ I was about to ask how you got this so quickly... but I guess it was just too obvious 😆
Since I know your kind of humour in the meanwhile... yes 😉
I thought a second about a daft smiley (cause it was just a spontanous guess) but then I thought: "Gosh, you might be right!"... 😂
It's one of my favorita snack
👎 Me too 😉 The correct answer was "ice cream" - chriddi got it.
desserts ever
👎 chriddi got it. The correct answer was "ice cream".
Question 15
This is one of my favourite categories so let's go with another one...
🎭 Celebrity Numbers 🔢
In this round, each person can request the unmasking of any number (1 per 30 minutes), which will unmask a square on the image below.
You then need to figure out who the celebrity is!
Be careful though, receiving too many number requests could make things too easy for others to guess!
Updates will be made every 30 minutes until the celebrity is guessed - remember though, an incorrect guess will lead to a 3 hour wait!
Once the image is updated, you can request another number (even if you're on your 3 hour wait)!
Last update: 11:30am (UK Time)
Next unveiling: 12pm (UK Time) - Please select your number before then.
Justin Timberlake?

✅ That's correct. Are you a fan?
My husband is ;)
He's obviously worked hard to speak 'wife'.
Ryan Gosling
👎 It's not Ryan Gosling
Reminder: It's 3 hours from the time of this attempt until you can try again. During this time, you can propose another number (which will make it easier for others) but not attempt to identify the celebrity.
soulfuldreamer has got it!
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe?
👎 It's not Daniel Jacob Ratcliffe
Reminder: It's 3 hours from the time of this attempt until you can try again. During this time, you can propose another number (which will make it easier for others) but not attempt to identify the celebrity.
Question 6
🎶 Musical Dinosaurs 🦕
An absolute classic from the '90s.
Please name the Artist and Title of the original Song.
Hint: Just over a decade ago (I had written "recently" but that's probably not recent any more), this tune was voted one of the Greatest Dance Records of All Time
Hint: Released in 1995, the better known radio edit is less than half the length of the version that appeared on the album the following year, when the track was also rereleased to greater acclaim
Insomnia by Faithless
Loosing faith & sleepless nights 🙂
I was fairly keen to move on to the next question 😆
I played "Insomnia" today, listened to it, and thought anything but this song was played by Mr. Gorilla. How wrong I was 😟
It was probably the 1st time I didn't use an intro and instead used the "hero" part...
Yeah, I listened to the introduction a few times, then skipped to the middle. I should've listened from start to finish.
That would take a long time for every track. Sometimes if you know, then you just know!
GALA - Freedom from desire
👎 It's not GALA although I absolutely agree that this is a 90's classic!
Real McCoy - Another Night
👎 Another classic tune but not the one I was playing!
I'm loving these attempts - Each one gets a listen even if it's not what I'm looking for!
😟 but it sounds like...
Some would probably argue that a lot of dance tracks from the 90's sound the same 😆
I hope this one isn't another dance track. 🥲
Erm. I'm not going to lie to you.
Duran Duran - Come Undone?
👎 It's not Duran Duran.
Oh, I see they're on tour.
£85 per ticket. Fuck that.
I feel like both my first and second answers are songs I've already mentioned in previous weeks' Music Dinosaurs, as if I'm constantly repeating myself when choosing songs for answers 😬
I suppose that with only 6 notes at my disposal, there'll be some similarity between the tracks 😆
Amber - This is your night
They all sound the same😖
👎 I don't think I've heard that track before. It sounds familiar though 😆
Maxx - Get away?😊
👎 I don't know that one either. Perhaps it's time for a hint.
Question 6: Hint
Just over a decade ago (I had written "recently" but that's probably not recent any more), this tune was voted one of the Greatest Dance Records of All Time
Where Love Lives by Alison Limerick
👎 They really do sound the same don't they 😆
Think later in the decade.
Darude - Sandstorm 🥲
👎 It's not Darude. It's earlier than that 😄
Nightcrawlers - Push The Feeling On!
(But if it is the beat you are playing, it is too slow 😁)
👎 It's not Nightcrawlers. You've got the correct year though!
SNAP! - Rhythm Is A Dancer
👎 That's a tune that's aged well.
Think later in the decade than that.
Questoin 6: Hint 2
Hint: Released in 1995, the better known radio edit is less than half the length of the version that appeared on the album the following year, when the track was also re-released to greater acclaim
Underworld - Born Slippy (nuxx)?
Oh, it's Underworld - Born Slippy .NUXX?
👎 mega mega white thing…
This might give you sleepless nights!
It already did 😩I don't enjoy this kind of music😂
I'm wondering if I played it so badly that nobody recognises it!
I wanted to tell you this but I don't want to hurt your feelings🤭...Well, you said it. 😅
Children, Robert Miles😞?
👎 I don’t think I’ve got enough notes for that one!
I’m getting the feeling that people are losing faith in my questions!
Something very few people are participating in this question, where did everyone go?!
I was always there but had no clue at all. Music is not mine - waiting for literature... LOL
I'm not sure. Last week felt very active but this week is much quieter. I suppose this'll happen!
I guess I won't sing "we are the champions" anymore, it feels like psychological pressure on the others 😁
Just introduce yourself, you're a plagiarist. You didn't go to school. If you want to check other people's posts, you better go to school first... don't damage the Steemit app.
Don't worry! Dinos are just not my area. But my whole family (including two musicians) had to listen to the sound. My WhatsApp groups were buzzing...
Would you like me to tell you: ‘I'm here, but I haven't got a clue at all!’? I think that's going a bit too far... 🤷♀️
Did you share it with other people 😆 Only one of my Musical Dinosaurs has any likes on YouTube - I thought thery might be more popular. It's early days though. I'm sure they'll go viral eventually. I just need some big influencer to pick one up.
Yes, I shared it with my brothers and Ralf. Those did show it some colleagues.
Question 9
🔮 What Happens Next? ✨
These are the events of a suspicious non-Venezuelan blogger;
What did they do next?
took a bath and ate together with the guests. 😁
Gosh, you are so fast...
It was very mean of the gorilla to force us to read to the very last paragraph, wasn't it? 😎
He did the same thing with Insomnia, expecting us to hear the full song! 😈, I missed it.. so I was ready for this one 😅
Well if I've got to 😅
Although I ignored half of the post (as he prepared the food)!
Haha, first I skipped that, too. But when I saw the rat had already ansewered I needed to find an event before bathing... ;-)
Ha ha! Unfortunately, there was nothing inbetween preparing the food and having a bath. I wonder if it's customary to bathe after guests have arrived. I wondered if they all bathed together and ate their food in the bath. That was my interpretation.
Why didn't you ask him? THAT would have been real commitment to engagement... 😂
The worst thing was the search: you had to open everything, because in the "preview" you only see: "Hello, how are you? I'm fine. I hope you're fine too." Assamalaikum and so on. It's exhausting. Who opens such intros voluntarily?
✅ I would have accepted "took a bath" 😆
So random.
Question 16
And a slightly more difficult one to finish this section off...
🎭 Celebrity Numbers 🔢
In this round, each person can request the unmasking of any number (1 per 30 minutes), which will unmask a square on the image below.
You then need to figure out who the celebrity is!
Be careful though, receiving too many number requests could make things too easy for others to guess!
Updates will be made every 30 minutes until the celebrity is guessed - remember though, an incorrect guess will lead to a 3 hour wait!
Once the image is updated, you can request another number (even if you're on your 3 hour wait)!
Last update: 2:30pm (UK Time)
Next unveiling: 4 (not a typo) pm (UK Time) - Please select your number before then.
Minnie Driver
✅ It is indeed, Minnie Driver.
Tracee Ellis Ross?
👎 It's not Tracee Ellis Ross
Reminder: It's 3 hours from the time of this attempt until you can try again. During this time, you can propose another number (which will make it easier for others) but not attempt to identify the celebrity.
Ah, pennsif's solved this one. It's Minnie Driver. He's done well - I wouldn't know what she looks like :D
Question 10
⚽ Sports 🏏
Which NFL Team Roster contains players whose Surnames are shared with with the following:
Washington Commanders
✅ How many of the clues did you need to solve before arriving at this answer?
I took a punt with four.
👍 I didn't need to think of 10 then! Maybe it's the kind of question where I can start with 4 and periodically add more.
No team team work... 😎
Dear mates, we still have a lot to do - let's get on with it!
Congratulations to the ogres, of course. But be on the lookout... 😉
I'm surprised I got the reward since I didn't guess any of the answers. 😄 This is all your merit!
Surprised? Why? We are a team. Okay, you never confirmed it, but I firmly assumed that we are NO team together.
And in a team, everyone always gets the credit. That's for sure the moment you decide to be a team. Hello? There are enough selfish lone wolves here on the Steem. "Kid, do you want to play handball or tennis? Football or golf?" I've been a handball player from an early age...
"There are enough selfish lone wolves here on the Steem"
I love it 💖🥂
For some reason I thought I was automatically a member of the team. Unfortunately, due to my new work schedule, I was out of Steemit for a whole week. But over time I will adapt.
Thank you 😊
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