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RE: ❓Steemit Quiz 2025 - Week 3

in NO Community24 days ago

Question 3

🫟 Missing Words 📝

In this round, I will take a sentence or paragraph from a user's blog - all you have to do, is fill in the blanks.

> But after waking up I tried to not waste any single moment from my time. I took my ❓ and ❓...


toothbrush and toothpaste

But after waking up I tried to not waste any single moment from my time. I took my toothbrush and toothpaste...

to feel fresh and germs free. 😅

 24 days ago 

I also thought of this one... Don't know how chriddi missed it!

 24 days ago 

But after waking up I tried to not waste any single moment from my time. I took my toothbrush and toothpaste to clean my teeth and to feel fresh and germs free.


This fella's a big fan of pink.

Next quiz! Who had a pink toothbrush to feel fresh 😉

 24 days ago 

He also wears pink pants to keep warm.

 24 days ago 

I think it's dog and mobile.

 24 days ago 

Die sagen nicht "mobile", die sagen "phone", oder?!
Zahnbürste, die Zahnbürste muss mit rein. Und die Paste?
Hm... @peppermint24, hilf!

 24 days ago (edited)

Hm, Deepl sagt "mobile phone".
Mein Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch ist eindeutig zu alt (Ausgabe von 1997). Da steht das (noch) nicht drin. Ja, ich weiß, wer benutzt heute noch sowas...

Wahrscheinlich ist phone allein eindeutiger als mobile. Smartphone ginge wohl auch...

Aber sag mal, mache ich da was falsch?! Wenn ich meinen Tag nutzen will, nehme ich doch nicht meine Zahnbürste und Zahnpaste (mit)... Ich versteh's nicht. Ich glaube, ich habe einen Tag(alb)traum, kann mich bitte jemand wecken...

 23 days ago 

Deepl sagt "mobile phone".

Denke, das ist korrekt (wenn nicht bereits die Weiterentwicklung zum 'Smartphone' (smart phone, smart-phone?). In vielen englischsprachigen Ländern wird - meine ich - 'mobile' gesagt. Dort, wo solche Diary-Game-Posts herkommen, wird aber auf dem 'phone' getippt.
Vielleicht kann uns der Quizmaster Herr Gorilla als Muttersprachler weiterhelfen.

mache ich da was falsch?

Wenn dein erster Gedanke des Tages (okay, der erste Gedanke nach dem Gebet) nicht deiner Zahnbürste gilt, schon. Ja. Und wenn du sie nicht immer bei dir hast, auch. Kann ja etwas passieren. Einschneien oder so. Und dann ohne Zahnpasta. Geht's noch?

 22 days ago 

Herr Gorilla hat alle Hände voll zu tun... ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass er das das ganze Jahr durchhält... Wenn doch, ziehe ich nicht nur einen Hut :-)

Geht's noch?

Wo du recht hast... Wie kann man nur so unvorbereitet sein. Ich besorge mir gleich morgen so'ne Unendlich-Tasche (wie aus Harry Potter), in die man alles stopfen kann. Dann habe ich alles, was notwendig ist, dabei. Gut, dass wir darüber geredet haben. Ich sollte mehr Tagebuch lesen...

 20 days ago 

Ich sollte mehr Tagebuch lesen...

Aber nur, wenn du an einem Tag mit schlechter Laune noch schlechtere bekommen möchtest...
Okay, mal wieder richtig lachen zu wollen, wäre auch eine Option, doch für die Nadel im Heuhafen muss man durch viel zu viel Duweißtschonwas scrollen... 🤷‍♀️

Mir geht's gerade sehr gut: Kümmere mich fast ausschließlich um dieses Quiz. Für alles andere reicht mein Steemit-Zeitlimit nicht aus. Ich lese viel weniger von dem, was mich eh nicht interessiert. Fühlt sich fast wie eine Entlastungskur an, für die ich dann auch gern auf die CR verzichte. Obwohl - das mache ich gar nicht bewusst. Ich denke einfach nicht daran, mal "durchzuvoten", denn dafür müsste ich ja lesen... ;-)

 24 days ago 

@chriddi is correct. The toothbrush does have to go in, and what use would a toothbrush be without toothpaste? disconnect got it!

 24 days ago 

Really?! I can't believe it, did someone really write it like that... NO words...

I took my mobile and wrote a post on Steem.

 24 days ago 

I think we only need two words, no 'half a sentence'.

Come on, we can do it! This is the week of NO team... 🏆... 😎...

I have found the exact text but disconnect got their first. 😛

There's a picture as well of both items. 🤣

 24 days ago 

🤣 Yes. There is. It saves me from asking the follow up question:

I took my toothbrush and toothpaste to ...

The end of that paragraph is the best.

But after waking up I tried to not waste any single moment from my time. I took my toothbrush and toothpaste to clean my teeth and to feel fresh and germ free.

Are we ever truly germ free?

You have an eye for great content.

Are we ever truly germ free?

I don't think so. Toothbrushes are also LOADED with germs.

 24 days ago 

Toothbrushes are also LOADED with germs.

They wouldn't be if people washed their hands BEFORE cleaning their teeth 😁

Steem diarists don't do that. 😛

 23 days ago 

Are we ever truly germ free?

Oh dear, you didn't understand the text.
There is a world of difference between ‘being germ free’ and ‘feeling germ free’!

 23 days ago 

You have to tell me how to find the posts. Google doesn't work with restrictive characters and page limits. I also scroll way too much and spend so much time on the computer that I could really use for more creative things. This way I will quickly lose interest.
Although it is very, very fun to catch up on old times with you all... ;-)

toothbrush and mobile 😏

 24 days ago 

👎 You’re on the right track… I’d love to know what they do with their toothbrush and mobile?

They brush their teeth first (or was it wash their hands and face first?🤔), and then they get to work on their mobile phone🤨 (I dunno some online job, perhaps)

 24 days ago 

Personally, I'd wash my hands and face first. Then I'd have breakfast before brushing my teeth. But my culture is very different to theirs 😉

This person decided to wear their pink pants, to protect themselves from the cold.

In my case, I let the dog out first, and then wash my hands and face...
Hmm... did you just give a hint? That means the waiting period is reset 🤔

 24 days ago 

Ah, no. That wasn't a hint. It just amused me that they said what pants they were planning to wear. As though pink pants keep you warmer.

Maybe albedo works differently there...😅

Can I try again or should I wait 3hrs?

 24 days ago 

It's the usual 3 hour wait 🙂

After waking up, I tried not to miss a single moment of my time. I took my favorite whiskey and poured it into a glass.

 24 days ago 

👎 The perfect start to the day (if you like Whiskey… which I don’t)… this user’s started their day sub-optimally! 😆

 24 days ago 

clothes and phone

 24 days ago 

👎 I was sure you'd get this one... where's @peppermint24 when you need him?

 24 days ago 

Hm... Have to talk to him before 19:42 o'clock...

 24 days ago 

Any bonus marks for discovering similaractivities...

Today, Sunday, December 29th, as usual, I woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth with toothpaste,

 24 days ago (edited)

Ha ha. I'm trying not to make the questions too easy 😂

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