Diary Game for 19/05/2024|| Knowing God

Greetings fellow Steemians all over the world. I hope you all had a great weekend? I wish you a wonderful new week ahead.



My name is Rosemary Achu. I am a primary school teacher. I'm kind and beautiful. I love little children. They are very special. I live with my aunt in a small house near an island. Today was quite a busy day, but I thank God for His grace. I started today with morning devotion. This daily morning devotion has become part of me. I wake up everyday to observe my quiet time. I prayed for myself, family, friends and people all over the world.

After I observed my quiet time, I rushed to the kitchen to tidy up the kitchen. Soon I returned to the room to wake up my niece and nephew to get them ready for church. We had bread and tea for breakfast. We left for church at about 7:50AM. We arrived at church very early. Like people always say; early to bed, early to wake up. Well, I was so privileged to use the front seat during the day's service.



After the church service, I couldn't return home with my aunt. I went back to church to attend a program organized for the youth. The program was about " How to Make God Your Friend". We read through the book of Job 28:1-28. Actually, the program was great.

On getting home, I had my lunch, and relaxed for a few minutes. At about 2:40PM, I began to prepare my lesson notes for tomorrow. This took me a while to complete before preparing dinner.



At 6:30PM, I was already done with my lesson notes. I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family. Usually, every Sunday, we eat creamy salad with jollof and fried chicken. This recipe takes roughly one hour to prepare. At 7:30, dinner was ready. We had our delicious meal. Shortly after dinner, I returned to my room to relax and prepare for tomorrow's task.

I hope you enjoyed reading through my diary game. Tomorrow is another beautiful day. May God Almighty keep us safe and sound.

Until next time,
Rosemary Achu.

I invite my friends @pea07 @kyrie1234 @blessedp to join me in this contest.


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