Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5 | Summer Season vs Winter Season

Dear Steemian friends,

Today, I'm going to take part in a contest of week 5 in Steem Fashion&Style. The contest is titled as Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5 | Summer Season vs Winter Season. I seem that all of you will enjoy my writing.

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Steemit Engagement Challenge-S14W5. Summer Season vs Winter Season

As, this article is going to be showed about seasons, there should be mentioned the definition of season and the definition of winter and summer season.

  • Season :-
    A season is a particular period of a year with a combination of particular weather, surrounding environment, humans behaviour and daylight hours. The number of season having in a country depends on the geographical position of that respective country. Usually, there are seen two seasons, Summer and Winter, in most of the countries.

  • Summer :-
    Summer can be defined as a specific period of time characterized by longer day hours, warmer temperature than other season, more availability of fruits, abundance of sunlight and a few days of inferior.

  • Winter :-
    Winter can be explained as a period of year characterized by colder weather, shorter day hours but longer night hours, more availability of vegetables, in a few countries, availability of snow or ice.

  • Importance of season :-
    Season bears a great value for a country's economy, weather, Humana's wellbeing, fundamental needs and many others. For a country, people need food, cloths, sustainable environment and many others.
    Each food item needs a particular environment means season to be grown. Some food items are suitable to grow in winter and some are in summer. But those types of food items are needed for human beings. Besides, in the production of clothes, there is a need of suitable surroundings. Thus, season is essential for our sustainability.

  • Seasons variation :-
    We already know that the number of season having in a country depends on the geographical position and climate of that respective country. Usually, there are four seasons Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring. But some countries may meet with two or three seasons even six seasons like Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is the only country recognised as a country of six seasons.

Summer Season vs Winter Season, which one is your favourite season & why?

Seasons are one of the greatest blessings given from only ALLAH. Every season possesses a great value which is essential for human beings.
Summer and Winter both are my favourite. There are so many causes because of being favourite both seasons.
However, if I am asked to choose one from both (Summer and Winter), I will select Winter Season, though, I like both.


Causes :

There are some traditional activities in our country, Bangladesh. In every house of our whole country, there creates a look of cake(pitha) festival. There are many kinds of cakes(pithas) such as, Vapa pitha, chitol pitha, patisapta pitha and many more ( The mentioned names of cakes are in Bengali).
Actually, we enjoy these cakes with date juice sometimes with date juice and coconut. I enjoy this season because the feelings of wearing warm cloths make me jolly.

Tell us about the advantages of both seasons or your favourite season

As, I like both of the seasons. I'm going to mention the advantages of both seasons.

Advantages of Winter Season

There are many advantages of Winter Season. I'm going to mention these step by step.

  • Number 1 :-
    By the point of view in Islam, winter is a great chance for Muslim. Because of being the night hour so long, we have a great chance paray our Tahajjud prayer which is the top way to contact with ALLAH in a clam and peaceful environment. At midnight, ALLAH says, "Is there any man or woman who needs something? Want to me. I'm here to fill all of your demands."

  • Number 2 :-
    By the point of view in Islam, there is a great chance for fasting because the day time is shorter than any other time in the whole year. So , to fast in winter season is less difficult for Muslim.

  • Number 3 :-
    The night hour of winter is so long so, if, we go to bed at 11/12 pm and get up 6 am, it's enough for the whole day time and we don't need to go bed another time in day time.

  • Number 4 :-
    In our country, Bangladesh, people can enjoy delicious cakes with date juice sometimes with coconut and it's the only time when we can enjoy it.

  • Number 5 :-
    Because of longer night with colder and more calm environment, we can enjoy a better sleep covering ourselves with various quilts.


Advantages of Summer Season

Like winter, Summer also has many advantages.

  • Number 1 :-
    The day time is so long in Summer. That is why, we can perform many tasks in our workspace. For students, they get enough time for their studies.

  • Number 2 :-
    Summer is a season of abundance of sunlight. We get enough time to meet with Sun. And we know that the sun gives the ray in 7-10 am is so helpful for us. We get vitamin D from this ray.

  • Number 3 :-
    In this season, the fruits start becoming ripe such as, Mango, Watermelon, Jackfruit and many more.
    We can enjoy these fruit to a great extent.


  • Number 4 :-
    In Summer Season, the power preventing diseases increases which helps everyone, any age of person, to prevent various kinds of diseases.

  • Number 5 :-
    In winter, labours get hardly tasks but in summer, there are availablity to many tasks for those who live from hand to mouth people.

Disadvantages of Winter Season

We know that there is no unmixed good on the earth. The same case is with winter season. Winter Season also possesses some disadvantages, too.

  • Number 1 :-
    Winter comes with a colde environment.
    It make health concerns. So, most of the people suffer from bad fever, cough and runny nose. And we know that cold hinders our blood circulation, so, we feel a worst headache and sometimes pain in different parts of our whole body. People need to burn timber in order to warm themselves.


  • Number 2 :-
    In our country, many people died because of not having enough clothes so that they can warm themselves. Many stree people suffer a lot to overcome the cold environment. Many NGOs invest a lot in distribution of warm clothes.

  • Number 3 :-
    Because of long night, there is short period at day time. That is why, we don't have enough time for our work or workspace.

  • Number 4 :-
    As, the night hour is so long in winter, youth generation wastes their much valuable time at night sitting before screen.

  • Number 5 :-
    In villages, people specifically those who live from hand to mouth get rarely task. There sustain difficulties in finding tasks.

Disadvantages of Summer Season
  • Number 1 :-
    There is intense hot in our surroundings. So, people suffer a lot in this season. They feel thirst frequently.

  • Number 2 :-
    In summer, in order to feel cool, people use air conditioner. For this, a huge amount of energy is needed. So, there is an enormous range of greenhouse gas emissions in our environment.

  • Number 3 :-
    As, our country is a developing country, we face a great load shedding. In a day, we face this problem in city approximately for 3-4 hours. But the dangerous situation is in the village side. In villages, people suffer from this problem even for 1-2 days in a chance.

  • Number 4 :-
    In summer, we face a great calamity, Desert. It harms our supplies of food. In a particular part of our country, there isn't grow any food because of the desert.

  • Number 5 :-
    One of the great problems in summer is the increased activity of insects. They become active in this season.

I write this article from my own knowledge alone with copyright-free images. I hope you all will enjoy my writing.

Thank you so much for reading my article with patience❤️❤️

I invite three friends


I can understand your feelings your countries have six seasons while summer time period is very long and winter time period is short it is very few months and your opinion is very good. Because all seasons are created by Allah, we do not say bad things to anyone, but it is up to us how to enjoy each season.
Good luck!

 8 months ago 

Hi @nahiansajid I also like both seasons just like you. I see these two seasons as amazing in their own way. When it's winter season, we sleep more and stay locked up but when it's summer, we are freely awake and move up and down like we've been released from prison. The two season gives us their best and I live them but summer more.

Success to you

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