The Debate (no.45); AI, A Double Edged Sword.


I feel very pleased to join this contest,let me specially thank the organizer of the contest @sahmie for coming up with this thoughtful and interesting contest. I felt I needed to share my two cent the moment I stumbled upon it. Without further ado, let me hop into it.


Artificial Intelligence has so much evolved over the years. It started from something less sophisticated to what we have today and of course it has become an household name in the lips of many because of the prominence it has gained in recent years coupled with it numerous benefit.

What is this Artificial Intelligence?

I think this is a good place to start this discussion, we must first understand what AI is before we can then conclude if it's beneficial or a threat to us as human. Let's get right into it.

Artificial Intelligence is a simulated kind of intelligence just like that of man which is incorporated into a computer/machine to make it act as though it were human. These computers/machines are then used to carry out functions and activities that humans have to do regularly or on daily basis especially repetitive task that can be monotonous.


This is where some of this AI come handy, everyone wants ease and efficiency in carrying out roles and function and this machines have been able to achieve some of these things seamlessly. It's no more news that AI has found it way into every sectors of the world you can think of...

It's in the finance sector, health sector, engineering, education, banking and Insurance and what have you and guess what? it's flourishing in all of these sectors. But the question now remain if it really beneficial or a time bomb waiting to explode and do us harm than good as human. Well I won't be quick to answer this, I would like to touch on some of it benefit and then on the disadvantages as well after which we then weigh.

Benefit of Artificial Intelligence

Accuracy: One of the major benefits of AI is the level of accuracy it functions with, there is always minimal errors when it comes to A.I no matter how many times it has to repeat a task, the result would always be error free

Aid Decision making: Many have trusted AI with this role and trust me the result it always profound because AI has the ability to make findings, connect dots and lines to arrive at informed decision which can be trusted. Humans might not be able to do such accurately.


24/7 Availability: Human will give in to rest especially when they get tired and completely worn out but these AI remain active because they aren't humans and cant be tired. It is actually designed to operate that way. A company who would want to meet certain targets within a particular timeframe impossible for man due to fatigue and weariness will subscribe to the us of AI that has no feeling.

Undertaking Risky Task: AI are your best bet when it comes to undertaking a risky adventure which can claim lives. It would actually take the place of humans and prevent lose of lives. It better to lost something without flesh or blood than to lose humans.

Efficiency and Productivity: When it comes to this, we can't deny the impact of AI's because they are time saving and reduce cost of resources on production when compared to the use of humans for such production. This is one of the reasons why it's considered highly beneficial and I think it also the area where human perceive this threat. Anyways let also take a look at the downside.

Downside of Artificial Intelligence

Creativity: AI lack creativity, let's not forget I mentioned earlier that it a simulated kind of intelligence, it's been programmed and there is a limit to which it can act i.e making impulsive decisions which is one of the characteristics of human.

Absence of Emotion: When you lack emotion you won't be able to react or responds as occasion demands, you see everything from a particular standpoint and that is just the state of AI. They can never respond perfectly to situation and events.


Environmental Impact: Building these AI sometimes demands a whole lot and it also tells on the environment. The computational power involved in building some of these bots or machines are enormous. Not only that, the energy involved is huge and it also leads to emissions of carbon which affect our climatic condition.

We still have many of these but just to mention a few. Having seen the advantages and disadvantages I will like to finally anwer our question in the next section..let get right in.

Is AI beneficial or a huge threat to human

My answer would be "NO". AI is not a threat to us. We can see from the numerous advantages highlighted that it more beneficial to us than the threat we are envisaging. Many of us are only projecting what it would become in the future but let's live in the now and manage the situation well.

I believe the motive behind the invention of A.I is not to completely wipe out the role of man in every of his activity but to bring about more efficiency and help in the areas where man seems to have fallen short. However, AI can become a threat when the following I will be highlighting below becomes the order of the day...

Over-dependence on AI: my emphasis here is the Over which communicate the idea of being excess. When we over depend on AI, there would be a big problem as it therefore means that the input of man would not longer be relevant in the scheme of things. Many would lose their job and means of livelihood because of these machines.


Non-Regulation for AI: When the use of AI and machine seems not be regulated, there would also be another huge problem. The truth is, some dubious folks might even build these machines for their selfish interest and program it to do their bidding...we would all be endangered.

Neglecting it environmental impact: this takes me back to the point I mentioned about the resources put together to make some of these AI, the computational power, energy consumption and carbon emissions from some of these things into the environment poses a big threat to human and also distort the climatic condition in our environment.


I believe AI will continue to be of great benefit to us as long as we (human) the inventor remain in control. We would only lost it when we fail to be in control.
We are the one with the real intelligence and not A.I with simulated intelligence.
Sigh! I think it high time I give my fingers some rest. Just before I wrap it up, let me invite @drhira @sur-riti @shahariar1 to this contest. Gracias.




Congratulations!!🎉🎉 Your post has been upvoted by content seekers using steemcurator05. Continue making creative and quality content on the blog. By @eliany

Thanks for the support @eliany, it's much appreciated.

 6 days ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Me gusta esa definición de "Bomba de tiempo" para hacer referencia a la IA. Y es así, así tal cual la veo yo y, no es que piense que es una mala herramienta ya que, he sido testigo de los aspectos positivos que tiene pero, la impertinencia en su desarrollo o uso, es lo que la lleva a ser una bomba. Es más, estamos en un punto donde ahora todo se quiere hacer con esta tecnología y desde mi punto de vista, esto está mal.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 days ago 

Your entry for the contest is well written, and it provides a comprehensive overview of the development, benefits, and potential disadvantages of AI. I really liked it, and the information is helpful to others.

 4 days ago 

Sir, I love to read your entry which shares your thoughtful perspective about AI. Yes, you are right this software has revolutionized in various sectors like – healthcare, finance, security, and also in education. The reason that AI is being broadly used is its quality of tireless work which humans can never compete with that quality. Besides you also mention that AI couldn’t work with the emotion, creativity, and uniqueness that a human has the quality by born which is really true. Also using AI in expansion may increase unemployment by destroying people's workplaces. We should use this AI with intellectuality and systematically this can never become a human complement.

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