The dairy game on how I spent my day making fascinator and I came back and have dinner:05/04/2024.

in Steem Fashion&Style3 months ago (edited)



Greetings to you all steemians and may God bless you all in Jesus name.
please am here to share my yesterday being 05/04/2024 with you guys.
Please stay tuned.


I woke up in the morning feeling excited because of the dream I had last night,it was a victory dream.As I woke up in my usual manner I sang praises and i worship for an hour and I prayed to the almighty God who made heaven and earth, to whom every living thing owes it's existence.i decided not to eat today till 6pm at least to further pray to God, because the Bible says in Matthew 17 verse 21 it says"But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting".

After that I rushed to the bathroom because I was already late for work.i brush my mouth,take my bath, get dressed,as God will have it,I step out I saw a tricycle going towards my direction and I was very happy, at least I didn't stress myself 😋

Getting to my work place,a customer was already waiting for me,I excused her I entered the shop and pray to God before attending to her.she wanted a know am into bridals such bridal umbrella,fan, fascinator turban and so.....
I had all the materials needed for the work in the shop,so I asked her to go and come back in the next 30 minutes that her work will be ready
Am not selfish,am going to show you guys step by step how I achieved the Turban.

Firstly,you have to gather all the materials for the work together.
That is the material,she wanted a royal blue turban,Alice band, measuring tape,candle gum, needle,thread,gum stair and fibre.
Pictures below👇


Step 2

Measure the material together,length 22 and the width 18 depending on someone's head,but normally the biggest head in the world is 24,but I took 22 because of the person's head.
I kept it aside.
I now measured another material along with the gum stair, length 18,width 10 for bow at the back,that's the embellishments.
Keep aside


Step 3

I carried the one I cut first,that's the main turban,I sew it round,after sewing it,i turn it to the right side and fold back so that i can get the center and mark it.then tag it with niddle and thread .
Your turban is ready,


step 4

Then for the embellishments.
Measure, cut and sew the same material, length 23 and width 3 for the two in one wrapped,insert fibre inside the already sewn material,set it aside. picture below👇👇


step 5

Sew the material you've already cut down together with fibre for bow that's for the embellishments.


step 6

I fold the bow in a triangular form and I got what I wanted.


step 7

I now placed the already wrapped material with fibre starting from the front to the back using candle gum to enable it stay strong,and finally I placed the bow at the back of the turban.
Waoooo turban is ready, I tasted it on my head it was beautiful.


You can turn the bow to the front as well as the back,in short anyhow you want to wear it



I was less busy since there was no work again,was listening to gospel music and reading my Bible, remember I was still on fast.


When it was 5:30pm I packed my things ready to go home, getting home there was no water for me to cook and no no light to pump the water and I vow not to eat outside,I sent my neighbour's son to go fetch me at least one bucket to use it and cook and without any hesitation he went.
I decided to cook sharp sharp jellof rice last night with palm oil,I finished after 9pm
Pictures below.


No need for steps,I just wash and parboil the rice,put crayfish, pepper,onions,Maggi, fish,palm oil and water as you desire,taste it and put it on fire.i was using coconut rice method to prepare it 'cos i was very hungry.

After awhile,the food was ready and I scoop it down to my satisfaction,take it to the parlour,bring out my Pepsi that was in my fridge.


To be sincere,I didn't remember to pray as usual 'cos I was very hungry 😭I enjoyed my rice with the pepsi.


After eating I carried the plate to the kitchen,I wanted to sleep,but I just say i should tell you guys how hectic my yesterday was .
Thank you all for your time😍😍

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