What crazy creatures!
Of all the chicken breeds we use to supply meat, eggs, and chicks here on the homestead, the Polish Chickens have got to be the strangest. These are Gold-Laced Polish Roosters, and they are some impressive creatures for sure. In some ways they remind me of myself, since I am Polish too, and we both have some interesting head-wear when it comes to feathers or hair.
These arrived when they were just little chicks, but now they are almost full grown. Have you ever seen birds? Not only do they help us be more self-sufficient, but they look cool while they are doing it! Enjoy!
Until next time…
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Hello my friend! 😊
They are a handsome breed of rooster for sure. Love their hairdos, so wild and free. I must admit though, if mine was in front of my eyes like that it would bug me to no end. LOL! 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
Love the floofs. Resteemed!🐶🐈