ecoTrain QOTW JOIN US! "With All the Craziness in the World How Do You Maintain Your Sanity?"

in ecoTrain5 years ago

Right now this question is so apt for me. I am feeling like I am in a midst of ultimate chaos. Not of the world, or of the steemverse or for Coronavirus but in my own personal life.


As soon as the year 2020 began I feel like some big monster has got into my life trying to take me down to the bottom as much as possible with all its strength. Working on my husband's health condition has been extremely draining. There has not been a single day of peace in the last 2.5 months, we are all the time on our toes, not knowing now next what havoc will be coming into our lives. Total madness, just in and out of hospital and so much uncertainty I feel like I am going insane.

But then between all of this, I feel that there is still something that keeps me going strong, not allowing me to break down, allowing me to still keep myself in balance, letting me be in control and that's my daily Meditation practice.

There have been times of total distress and I have abondoned my practices and I have seen that as soon as I do that I go off balance. Then it feels like my mind has stopped functioning, I feel like my decision making ability goes down and there is so much of unrest.


A couole of days ago I was talking to a good friend who is a psychic and she gave me some very wise insights. She told me that I am doing very good overall in this test. The experience that I am going through is one of the toughest spiritual experience of my life and for which I need lot of strength. And that strength will only come through Meditation and connecting with my higher self, as that's where I will get my guidance from. And she was right, I could see the difference on the days I would not do my practices. And when I would do it I feel like there is some invisible force guiding me and showing me the light.

Bringing order out of chaos is very important. Chaos will be there always but finding peace within will allow us to move amidst the chaos.
One thing I have learned is that yes during such times we need to really force and push ourselves to be positive. A forceful positive attitude may need to be enforced in life at such times. Making positive affirmations will spread that kind of energy in the space.
If we are in a negative state of mind and keep spreading out emotions of fear and worry we are sending these energies out and the same keeps coming back to us.
Fear and worry serves us no good, it makes us feel weak, lowers our immune system and take away our thinking capabilities, so the more we do that the more obstruction we create to come out of the chaos.


As far as the world is concerned I will not say I am not bothered but I try to keep away from the social media on these topics as much as possible. These days anywhere you go it's all about Coronavirus, honestly I have just cut myself off from all the news of Coronavirus. On Facebook, WhatsApp or wherever you see everyone keeps sharing some or the other message. I take my required precautions but I do not entertain these messages and readings or share any such information on it.
The more you do it the more chaos is created, if people can peacefully understand the problem and take the required actions then so much of panic and fear will not be out there in the world.
But sadly people like to cling on to these type of things and spread out negative vibes.

To conclude personally for me to manage my internal chaos I turn towards my Meditation practice and keeping myself in a positive state as much as possible even if it has to be done forcefully. And for the external chaos I just cut off myself and not involve in spreading any type of messages any further or talking about it.
As it is there are millions of people eagerly waiting to do that so I feel I better stay out and put my attention on more constructive things of life.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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I keep telling myself I should put some regular time aside for meditation. Always something more important that I find myself allowing to override it, though.

Specially in times like this we need it more, but ironically in times like this we let it slip easily

How wonderful it is to have a meditation practice to give us strength and a place of peace and calm to retreat to!
I am very grateful to have a meditation practice and it seems like you are too for it has carried you through a lot, I can only imagine what it must be like to be dealing with a serious medical condition of your husband at times like this.
I had watched a video with Dr. Caroline Leaf a neuroscientist on the mind body connection. She was showing how positive thinking will help the brain grow, like branches on a tree unfurling but negative/toxic thoughts makes it dwindle and deteriorate.
I was thinking the same thing as your physic said about it being a test although I was thinking more in the lines of Maya coming into play as you grow stronger it tests you more!
Lots of love and peace to you and I hope your husband recovers soon!

Thank you very much for your good wishes and support @porters.
You know sometimes I feel the more stronger you get, life tries puts across tougher and tougher challenges out there for you. I have not been afraid of facing this in any way, but I see my hubby giving it up many times and that's what gets me also down at times. Anyways you need to face this, right now this is our test and we need to clear it.

Realizing that our only focus needs to be US is a life-changing thing. Even your husband's health is primarily HIS concern, and not yours. A tough thing to say, but true, nevertheless. Hard to find that balance between being a support and taking responsibility for something that's not yours to take.

Much love - meditation is a wonderful tool, a refuge and a time-place to recenter and renew. Enjoy.

Keep up the great posts, blogging, photographs, vlogging & inspiration.

With Love From ecoTrain

Thank you for your thoughts. True, each one's life is their own responsibility but at times when the person is the most closest to you it becomes difficult to draw those lines. Anyways I am taking each day as it comes.

It is crazy with all these things happening like it is the impending Apocalypse situation @nainaztengra plus with the steem politics going on, it is all hitting us in every direction of our lives, it is not looking good for an extended period of time :/

I am sure it will all end soon my dear. it will all settle down :-)

But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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