Groomer Fascism

in Deep Dives2 years ago

American fascism is on the rise. When Joe Biden campaigned to become the Democrat nominee and ultimately the 46th President of the United States, he promised a "return to normalcy" after four years of MAGA Trumpism. Well, he defeated Trump, but not the movements that crawled out from under their rocks during Trump's disastrous term in office.


source: YouTube

Fascism is on the rise, still. And to be honest, not just in America; all over the developed world we've seen authoritarians and far right reactionary populists win over the regular peoples who have been left behind by global capitalism. That's an important aspect to understand about fascism; it's the politics of an aggrieved and angry populace, something late stage capitalism is very good at creating. After the economy has failed the overwhelming majority of the population, by concentrating all the wealth in the hands of a few modern day kings, queens, lords and dukes, these populists turn to the people and convince them that it's the fault of some already marginalized demographic. And then they play the culture-card to distract attention away from the economic source of society's decay, and turn it to the cultural threats to their idealized traditional way of living.

The best and proven method of aiming the hate and anger of an aggrieved population at those marginalized groups is to create a cultural panic around such groups. What's so concerning to me about this is not that it's done, because the ones doing it have a clear goal; to grab or to stay in power, political or economical. No, it's the ease whit which it's done each and every time. Let me just give you a couple of recent examples; there was the panic and hate towards homosexuals during the HIV/AIDS pandemic, we've had the anti-Muslim panic and hate after 9/11, then there was the anti-Asian panic during COVID, and now we have the anti-trans people panic. Back in the day, homosexuals were accused of the same things trans-people are accused of now, especially the "grooming" of children. The same talking-points are used, with the most laughable being that there's now a "pandemic of transgenderism", and that if we don't stop them the country will be overrun by gender-confusion.

That's so stupid I don't even know where to begin. Maybe left-handed people. Did you know that there was a social stigma against left-handedness? That left-handed children were forced to use their right hand for writing and eating? Only in the 20th century that stigma dissipated and left-handed people came out of the closet; I'm sure there was a surge in left-handed people then too. But it's not because there suddenly were more left-handed people, it's just because they felt accepted by society and dared come out as being left-handed. The same with homosexuals; there aren't more of them, it's just that we're allowed to see them now. And yes, it's the same with trangenders and transsexuals as well. But the far right want them all back in their closets. Or worse, they want to eradicate them.

It should come as no surprise that all of these orchestrated social panics, and they are orchestrated, have cause severe spikes in hate-crimes against the targeted marginalized demographics. Fascism is the politics of cowardice, as the target of their hate is always a group that's already powerless, always a minority that has no real voice of their own. The instigators of the hate can always count on the extreme and violent branch of the ones they've duped into blaming these minorities for their failed lifes. The Nazis had the brown-shirts, Trump had (and has) the Proud Boys. That's another staple of fascism; the fascists rely on the violent sub-groups among their duped followers. It's a recurring tactic; first they rile up the hate, anger and violence, always choosing their words carefully as to not be accused of directly inciting violence, and then they publicly denounce the violence, the stochastic terrorism they've inevitably caused.

Please watch the below linked video; it has some startling and explicit calls to violence against the LGBTQ+ community, and it paints a comprehensive picture of how this latest moral panic is organized in a top-down fashion. I really don't know how people like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram and their peers at Fox News can sleep at night. It has recently been shown, through leaks of internal emails, that they all knew that the whole hysteria around the stolen elections of 2020 was a Big Lie, but they still proceeded to propagate it. They also know that they're in large part responsible for all the hate-crimes against the marginalized people they demonize in their reporting. I'm sure that if their God exists, He's got a special, dark and cold place reserved for them in Hell.

American Fascism And The Groomer Panic

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