Jigsaw Pieces: The Corona (Crown) Key To Agenda 2030 & The One World Incorporated

Jigsaw Pieces Of The One World Order

The Global Environment Facility

The GEF and Rockefeller Foundation recently joined forces to initiate work on the CPIC Conservation Finance Initiative, which will focus on scaling up and demonstrating the value of blended finance in conservation using financial blueprints jointly developed by experienced investors and banking institutions alongside experts in on-the-ground project design in biodiversity and natural resources management. Source

Food Control

World Wilderness Congress

The WWC has given rise to an international community that places the protection of wild nature front and center before world leaders. Occurring ten times in four decades, it has produced hundreds of practical outcomes, including:
• Initiating the process that would lead to the World Bank’s Global Environmental Facility.
• Dozens of new public and private protected areas covering millions of acres of land.
• Multi-lateral efforts to restore and protect wilderness across national boundaries. Source

Natural Capital

The Wyss Foundation

The Environmental Capitalist Vultures Are Circling
Climate Bonds Initiative is an international organisation working solely to mobilise the largest capital market of all, the $100 trillion bond market, for climate change solutions
We promote investment in projects and assets necessary for a rapid transition to a low carbon and climate resilient economy. Source

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

The demand for TCFD disclosure is now enormous. Current supporters control balance sheets totaling $120 trillion and include the world’s top banks, asset managers, pension funds, insurers, credit-rating agencies, accounting firms, and shareholder advisory services. As a result, companies are much more highly motivated to disclose and manage climate-related risks. Source
The next step is to make disclosure mandatory, as the United Kingdom and European Union have already signaled. Source

A new, sustainable financial system is under construction. It is funding the initiatives and innovations of the private sector and amplifying the effectiveness of governments’ climate policies—it could even accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Unfortunately, like virtually everything about the response to climate change, this new sustainable financial system is not developing fast enough for the world to reach net zero. Source

A New Financial Order?

The Financial Future?

Training Exercises

Mandated Vaccinations?
I believe there were many lessons learned from this manipulated sequence of events and the willingness of the public to partake in a mass vaccination campaign was closely monitored. The concepts of forced vaccination were muted and the subsequent reaction logged. My only advice to anyone reading this is simply carry out your own research because one thing I'm fairly sure of is the fact that this won't be the last "pandemic" we will come to face. Source

We cannot predict where or when Disease X will strike, but by developing these kinds of innovative vaccine technologies we can be ready for it Source

I.D 2020 & Digital Tracking
The ID2020 Alliance is an innovative public-private partnership committed to improving lives through digital identity. ID2020 is coordinating funding for identity and channeling those funds toward high-impact projects, enabling diverse stakeholders -- UN agencies, NGOs, governments, and enterprises -- to pursue a coordinated approach that creates a pathway for efficient and responsible implementation at scale. Alliance partners include Accenture, CARE, City of Austin, FHI360, Gavi, Hyperledger, IDEO.org, iRespond, Kiva, Mercy Corps, Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation, Simprints, UC Berkeley's CITRIS Policy Lab, and the UN International Computing Centre. Source.

Real Time Tracking
Due to the size & scale of this post I have broken it into two parts. Part two can be found HERE
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Hey there! I've got this book marked to read asap!
And looking forward to the 2 parts, so I need extra-extra time :)
Love your work and will be back to comment.
Cheers, hope you're well during these crazy times!
Hey V .. thank you, I hope you're keeping well my friend. All good here, remaining on a nice even keel .. whilst also keeping a keen eye on how all this is playing out. This isn't the #deepdive I previosuly mentioned, but I'll be back to get that finished asap. Catch you later!
Well researched, thank you. Upvoted and resteemed.
How do we rise up as a mass or mob and overthrow this entire agenda?
Thank you for the support and kind words my friend, I see you've also commented on the second part (which kind of answers the question you pose here) so I will continue my reply there.
The web gets so dense in places I am amazed you are able to tease it apart and yet you do. A remarkable tracking of their treasonous reasoning. I need some fresh air before part two. Thank you as always ;
Thank you my friend, what I've tried to do with this entire multi part series is simply follow the web and observe where it takes us .. here we can see it is now knocking on our front door. No problem and thank you for the kind words @ricia