Coronavirus Files – September 2021

In September, pressure began in many countries around the world to ‘vaccinate’ children, despite unequivocal data showing that ‘vaccines’ do more harm than good at that age. Among the signatories of the Rome Declaration was Dr. Robert Malone, the architect of the mRNA platform. At the same time, horrifying results are coming from sports fields among ‘vaccinated’ athletes…
The obvious discrepancy between the reports of the corporate media and reality, as well as the insistence on the ‘vaccination’ of children, caused the awakening of the people in Serbia, and calls for protests across the country followed again…
Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.
Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.
242. Physicians’ Declaration – Rome 2021 [eng/срп] Лекарска декларација – Рим 2021. (Sep 30th)
Exactly one year ago, a group of 45 eminent doctors, epidemiologists and infectologists formulated the The Great Barrington Declaration, in Massachusetts, USA, hoping that it would enlighten the creators of Coronavirus Hoax. It didn’t happen. Therefore, today we have a new, so-called The Physicians Declaration from Rome, Italy, which is much harsher… (Declaration in six languages: In English, Italian, Slovak, Dutch, Spanish and Serbian)
241. Trouble in vaxxers paradise [eng/срп] Невоља у вакцинашком рају (Sep 30th)
From the very beginning of the Coronavirus Hoax, sports clubs have been involved in ‘vaccination’ propaganda. But with the ‘vaccination’, sport news became terribly interesting… Litterally terrible!
240. Procession of the National Assembly in Smederevo [eng/срп] Крсни ход свенародног сабрања у Смедереву (Sep 27th)
As part of the awakening of Serbian people and the survival struggle, on the eve of the Orthodox holiday called the Day of the Cross, the Citizens Association “Dedovina” (Serbian) on Sunday, September 26th in Smederevo organized a procession of the National Assembly for the salvation of the Serbian people.
239. Fake Covid Passes: Cowardice and its consequences [eng/срп] Лажне ковид пропуснице: Кукавичлук и последице (Sep 27th)
The latest ‘health’ scandal in France threatens to cause severe consequences. According to French National Insurance Health Fund, over 36,000 fake Covid passes have been issued so far. The danger, however, is not posed by Covid itself. Corruption is much worse and it destroys the state like cancer…
238. Internet of Bodies – Total Control [eng/срп] Интернет тела – потпуна контрола (Sep 25th)
Here is the vision of a ‘bright’ future which the ‘philanthropists’ from the World Economic Forum are preparing for you, presented in 2018 by Eleonore Pauwels, Director of the Anticipatory Intelligence (AI) Laboratory, co-author (with Sarah W. Denton) of an article published in the Woodrow Wilson Center Quarterly Magazine, entitled: “Searching for Privacy in the Internet of Bodies”. She is also an international expert on scientific policy, specializing in the governance and democratization of converging technologies. What she describes is essentially – total control:
“We will be under assessment — we will be under measure of computation — in every aspect of our lives in the future. From what you eat, who you date, what you buy on the internet, how much energy you use. But also, what are your vital signs, what are you doing in terms of health? What kind of specific genetic quirks do you have? What’s your genome telling about your health, about your mental health, about how well you are doing, how well you are aging…”
237. Have we lost moral compass? [eng/срп] Јесмо ли изгубили морални компас? (Sep 24th)
People who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law. Inhumans who killed her respected the Law. The Law is not a moral compass. But where is moral compass? Have we lost it in a sea of corporate media lies? Did you see ‘Project Veritas’ video of Dr. Maria Gonzalez? Or Taylor Lee, an employee of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who suggests that the vaccine be injected violently into African Americans, even if it means blow dart them! This bastard is aware that it ‘looks a lot like Nazi Germany’!
236. Текстови о коронапревари на српском које треба прочитати (Serbian – Sep 22nd)
Јесте ли приметили, како неким чудом вирус обуставља рад баш пред изборе у готово свим земљама? Погледајте какав се драстичан пад ‘случајева’ десио пред изборе у Немачкој.
Погледајте како проф. др Вишеслав Хаџи-Тановић упоређује смртност од различитих обољења док дежурни манипулатор ТВ Прве покушава да га омете.
Погледајте наступ др Лидије Гајски, чији је видео који је постао виралан на Балкану ЈуТјуб уклонио, и текст њеног говора на фестивалу слободе под насловом „Искорачите из мрака казалишта на свјетло“.
Погледајте доктора економских наука, Валентина Катасонова, који темељно образлаже како се наука претвара у превару.
И на крају погледајте како је елиминисан још један разговор са проф. др. Бранимиром Несторовићем који је покушао да упути отворени позив на дискусију заговорницима ‘пандемије’ и објашњава све оно што вам кризни штаб никад неће рећи…
235. Serbian HM issues evidence of Coronavirus Hoax [eng/срп] Српско МЗ издаје доказ о коронапревари (Sep 18th)
On August 28th this year, the Association “Parents of Missing Babies of Serbia” sent several specific questions on Coronavirus Hoax to the Health Ministry of the Republic of Serbia. And the Health Ministry actually confirmed the Hoax!
234. Awakening in Serbia [eng/срп] Буђење у Србији (Sep 15th)
It seems that this criminal Coronavirus hoax should have endangered the children in order for the people in Serbia to start waking up. A large nationwide protest against forced vaccination and human rights violations during the Covid-19 pandemic is being prepared in Belgrade on Saturday. The nationwide protest will be held on September 18th, 2021…
233. Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff Part X – Brainwashing Edition [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање, део X – Издање из перионице мозгова (Sep 9th)
Showing the obvious, another set of chosen memes with the aim of encouraging critical thinking about the Coronavirus Hoax.
232. Dissapointed Dr. Death [eng/срп] Др Смрт је разочаран (Sep 8th)
Believe it or not, the Health Minister in Serbia, by the name of Zlatibor Lončar, has a nickname ‘Dr. Death’. Can you guess why is he dissapointed these days? Yes, you’ve guessed it correctly: He is dissapointed because he cannot impose a mandatory vaccination. Furthermore, at the press conferrence on September 4th, he stated two reasons why it can’t be done (Serbian language). Both reasons are actually showing once again what a scam this is.
231. Patients Without Rights [eng/срп] Пацијенти без права (Sep 5th)
Totalitarianism comes in a variety of shapes and forms. However, all totalitarianisms have one thing in common: the longer they last, the more sinister they are.
The most disgusting is medicine totalitarianism, which uses people as guinea pigs and denying health care to anyone who disobeys. Here we have a remnants of Law, enlisted basic points of protection of human rights summarized by Peggy Hall from…
230. Organization and Radicalization [eng/срп] Организација и радикализација (Sep 4th)
Usually, it all starts with a spontaneous peaceful protests. When government does not want to listen voice of the people, then we have organized peaceful protests. When government refuses all the peaceful appeals to a sensible behavior, then it provokes radicalization. But a meaningful resistance is not possible without a serious organization…
Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце
* * *
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Logic and Science Against the ‘Vaccines’ [eng/срп] Логика и наука против ‘вакцина’
Second Procession of the National Assembly in Smederevo [eng/срп] Друга литија свенародног сабрања у Смедереву
Позив на литију свенародног сабрања у Смедереву (Serbian)
Сумњиво саопштење за штампу о Фајзер/Бионтек појачивачу (Serbian)
“Let’s go Brandon!” goes Global
Ivermectin – True Story [eng/срп] Ивермектин – истинита прича
Serbia: Discriminated citizens [eng/срп] Србија: Грађани другог реда
Call to Protest Against Covid Passes in Smederevo [eng/срп] Позив на потест против ковид пропусница у Смедереву
First Incidents – Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Први инциденти – Протести против ковид пропусница у Србији
Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Протести против Ковид пропусница у Србији
BREAKING NEWS: Covid Passes in Serbia! [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Ковид пропуснице у Србији!
Too Honest to run the Corporate Media? [eng/срп] Превише поштен да би водио корпоративни медиј?
Hinky Philanthropist [eng/срп] Нервозни филантроп
A Pinnacle of Absurdity [eng/срп] Врхунац апсурда
Vaccine Report [eng/срп] Извештај о вакцинама
Fetal Cells in Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ [eng/срп] Фетусне ћелије у Фајзеровој ‘вакцини’
German ‘vaccine’ investigation [eng/срп] Немачка истрага ‘вакцина’
Canadian Conspiracy [eng/срп] Канадска завера
Covid Tyranny in Australia [eng/срп] Ковид тиранија у Аустралији
Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2021 (213–229)
Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2021 (200–212)
Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2021 (188–199)
Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2021 (184–187)
Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)
Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2021 (165–176)
Archived Coronavirus Files – February 2021 (162–164)
Archived Coronavirus Files – January 2021 (147–161)
Archived Coronavirus Files – December 2020 (131–146)
Archived Coronavirus Files – November 2020 (115–130)
Archived Coronavirus Files – October 2020 (101–114)
Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2020 (92–100)
Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020 (77–91)
Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)
Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)
Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)
Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020 (17–34)
Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020 (1–16)





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Трудно сказать, что я об этом думаю. Опять же в России есть вакцина "спутник", лично мне вкололи 2 раза данный препарат.
Одновременно на бывшей украине, найдены американские лаборатории с биологическим оружием, велись исследования в том числе, вырабатывались вирусы, которые хорошо могут приживаться у славянских народов.
Если до этого американцы отрицали данный факт, то после захвата лабораторий отрицать факт невозможно.
Происхождение вируса так же не очень понятно. Якобы какой-то китаец съел какую-то там летучую мышь. Хотя США к тем же китайцам не очень дружественно настроено и ведет экономическую войну.
Потому большой такой вопрос про "коронавирус". Понимаю похоже на теорию "заговора", но как-то так...