Coronavirus Files – July 2020

in Deep Dives3 years ago


In July Serbs have staged an uprising, protesting against the illegal and illogical ‘health’ measures…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global fraud to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

76. Коронапревара: Лаж која мутира (Serbian) (July 31th)

Још једна серија званичних података из Србије, која показује како се манипулише подацима, и како је смртност упркос ‘смртоносном’ вирусу била МАЊА него у истом периоду исте године. Мњђутим, здравствени систем је већ разорен, и као што су предвидели немачки лекари, у наредном периоду порашће драстично смртност од свих других болести које се више не лече…

Др Јована Стојковић образлаже координацију лажи. А лаж је започела из Лондона, наручена од дискредитованог лажова Нила Фергусона, професора Империјалног колеџа у Лондону. Погледајте и пример из Америке (надри)лекара Џозефа Фера, ‘експерта за вирусе’ при фабрици лажних вести познатој као НБЦ Њуз, који се током два месеца најмање десетак пута појављивао на НБЦ-ју и МСНБЦ-ју ‘борећи се за живот’ са коронавирусом – пред камерама!

Списак медијских ‘мученика’ који НИСУ умрли од ковида. Затим следи нови низ доказа који су још увек доступни на Интернету:

Мали број лекара на Балкану усуђује се да говоре истину, зато их вреди поменути као најхрабрије и најбоље, представнике истинске струке. Остаје међутим питање: шта ћемо са том истином?

75. Coronavirus Hoax: Inconvenient Testimonies and Censorship (July 29th)

A group of American doctors held a “White Coat Summit” in Washington, D.C. to address “a massive disinformation campaign” by the media about coronavirus. They were immediately removed from Youtube and their site is deleted. They did not have access to the media to tell the simple truth: Covid-19 is not deadly at all, and the cure is known and successfully used among the true medical doctors. It is well known therapy revealed by French professor Didier Raoult, and it comprises of Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax (Azithromycin).

74. Coronavirus Hoax: A Transforming Lie (July 27th)

Fake Covid-19 ‘fight for life’ by a professional liar Joseph Fair, NBC Fake News ‘virus expert’ who appeared at least 10 times on NBC and MSNBC over two months in an attempt to scare networks’ viewers…

A list of celebrities who DIDN’T DIE from Covid, because it is just a flu. @benswann explains why cases are surging, but not deaths. Data from Japan on July 27th: Japan, with the oldest population in the World, of 126 million and no lockdown measures at all, officially has 998 alleged Covid-19 victims. But you will not find that in corporate media…

Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiment on a global level…

73. Coronavirus Hoax: Evidence from Serbia [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Доказ из Србије (July 25th)

Serbian health minister, Zlatibor Lončar, surgeon (a.k.a “Dr. Death”) at the press conference destroys a lie of Miljko Ristić about the alleged autopsies.

The deprivation of human rights was obviously demonstrated in the stolen elections in Serbia on June 21st this year, in which a group of parties who entered the Parliament won – 102.48% of the votes casted!

72. Coronavirus Hoax: Boiling a Frog (July 23th)

A technique of frog boiling by normalization of abnormal. It’s just a mask… Well, it’ NOT just a mask.

71. Коронапревара: Још једном о Миљку и другим лажовима (Serbian) (July 18th)

Занислите болест тако смртоносну да влада мора да вас ‘тестира’ како би се знало да је имате… Миљкова лаж прогурана кроз медије утицала је да преплашени људи стану у ред за тестирање испред Торлака, упркос чињеници да је званична стално показивала да никакве пандемије нема.

Др Вернон коулмен објашњава зашто су сви који ноце маске саучесници у злочину (видео одмах уклоњен са Јутјуба), а адвокат Милина Дорић објашњава зашто би Миљко морао да одговара кад би постојала држава и право у њој.

70. Убиствене Гејтсове вакцине (Serbian) (July 17th)

Дакле, гад са ‘филантропским’ осмехом наговештава како ће од његове вакцине бити више жртава него од болести од које он покушава да нас заштити, и да ће све морати да се спроведе силом! Поново уклоњени лимкови са текстом о томе шта су Гејтсове вакцине учиниле у земљама тзв. трећег света, у Африци, Бангладешу, на Филипинима и у Индији, где је Гејтсова фондација већ обављала ‘филантропске’ вакцинације.

69. Coronavirus Hoax: Survival Struggle [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Борба за опстанак (July 16th)

The state-corporate media hurried to quell the rebellion in Serbia with a new wave of lies. A retired cardiologist named Miljko Ristić served that purpose, on the favorite Serbian trash media called ‘Pink’. He lied that there were autopsy of 17 patients with coronavirus at the Serbian Institute of Pathology showing frightening results. The lie was quickly and convincingly denied, but the government immediately responded by introducing the obligatory wearing of masks, again threatening curfew and forced vaccination.

Our @benswann made an extensive review of scientific research on masks, and came to a clear conclusion: masks not only do not protect your health, but are in fact harmful! His report was soon removed from Youtube. Just as the comment by Dr. David Samadi, who reacted at the WHO Technical Lead COVID-19, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhofe, who explained that ‘asymptomatic cases’ do not transmit the infection.

At the end of text, @benswann documents that the numbers around the coronavirus were inflated beyond measure and that the virus is not dangerous at all for the vast majority of the population.

68. Coronavirus Hoax and the Hunger Virus (July 14th)

Comparison of a fake pandemic with a real pandemic of famine. In 2020, by the ‘tragic’ corporate media data, Covid-19 allegedly took 1,826,917 victims, which is 0,0233% of World population or one out of 4291 persons, or 5,005 people daily all over the World. Organization Oxfam International posted a report that reveals aroud 6 million people dies from hunger every year, which is 20,000 people daily! Furthermore, Oxfam warned that there could be 121 million more people pushed to the brink of starvation in 2020 with another 12,000 deaths PER DAY from Covid-19 linked hunger by end of the year – potentially much more than the fake disease!

67. Реч о ‘коронаверцима’ (Serbian) (July 12th)

Прича о томе како медији замењују веру. Фотографија са кутије од маски на којој стоји упозорење да маске НЕ ШТИТЕ ни од коронавируса ни од било ког другог вируса. Став „Борбе за веру“ о коронаверцима…

66. Serbia: Day 4 – Is the fuse lit? [eng/срп] Србија: Дан четврти – је ли фитиљ упаљен? (July 11th)

The strictest measures have been avoided but the pressure of a coronavirus lie remained. At the last day of mass protests, the editorial staff of the portal ‘Fight for Faith’ sent a dramatic appeal to the Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church to break the silence and prevent bloodshed. Still it is not known will it be enough to light a spark of liberty struggle…

65. Serbia: Day 3 – Killing the Protests [eng/срп] Србија: Дан трећи – Убијање протеста (July 10th)

On Day 3, globalist mechanisms for control of the masses were engaged. But the fire is lit – protests started in Greece…

64. Serbia: Second Day of Anti-Vučić Protests [eng/срп] Србија: Други дан протеста против Вучића (July 9th)

On Day 2, president announces ‘possibility of withdrawing curfew decision’…

63. Police brutality last night in Belgrade [eng/срп] Полицијска бруталност синоћ у Београду (July 8th)

Rebellion lasted for four days and was followed by a brutal police intervention…

62. BREAKING NEWS: Rebellion in Belgrade [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Побуна у Београду (July 8th)

If we are to believe to the Swedish journalist and author, Israel Shamir, the first mass rebellion against lockdown measures in Europe happened in Belgrade, Serbia, on July 8th 2020.

61. Coronavirus Hoax: The Unreported Truths & Snake Oil (July 4th)

There is no journalism in the corporate media any more. It’s a pure propaganda show. true journalists have to be renegades. Like Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter who started a series of texts under the title ‘Unreported Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns’ with a full chronicle of the Coronavirus Hoax. Those texts were planned to be published as a book at Amazon, but since the Amazon was one of the greatest profiteers on corona ‘crisis’…

Aside of the corrupt corporate media topic, in this interview Alex Berenson has pulled of two more important points you will never find in media. The first one explains why it is not possible to end the scam quickly, and the other is a rise of murderous fraudsters calling themselves a “philanthropists”. They are holding corporate media which are denouncing a proven and cheap treatment against Covid-19 successfully implemented by a French professor Didier Raoult, forcing their own expensive scam called ‘Remdesevir’…

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Related posts / Повезани текстови:

Coronavirus Files – June 2020

Coronavirus Files – May 2020

Coronavirus Files – April 2020

Coronavirus Files – March 2020

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