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RE: Corona Deaths: When Fudged Numbers Are The Norm

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I don't mean this to sound like it is belittling the fact that covid-19 is being listed on death certificates when there could be another cause of death, but could this be attributed to something like human laziness, interpretation of the CDC's guidelines or most likely (in my opinion) a lack of time and resources? I just read the document that the CDC released (see link below) that one of the news reports mentioned and it basically states that covid-19 should be tested for and confirmed if it is to be listed on a death cert. There is a line in there though that states:

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot
be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances
are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it
is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as
“probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should
use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19
infection was likely. However, please note that testing for
COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

When institutions get overwhelmed and backlogged they tend to start cutting corners to keep up with the work. This could be one of those instances. Supervisors may be saying: "Just list Covid as a cause of death and move on to helping the next patient. We can't spend time investigating when we already have more patients than we can possibly help."

I'm not saying that its a good thing by any means but it might be an explanation.

Don't get me wrong in this either though. I'm sick of being stuck at home and think that its bullshit that healthy people are in lock down. Its a major violation on individual freedom. I am sick of it.


could this be attributed to something like human laziness, interpretation of the CDC's guidelines or most likely (in my opinion) a lack of time and resources?

Absolutely. I’m sure there are many who view this stuff as a conspiracy, where it more likely is mere incompetence and systematic failure.

Yeah. I do think that its fair to say that the numbers probably aren't accurate I'm just not sure I agree with the doctor when he suggests at the end of the interview that this is a plot to control people by making them afraid. Thats possible but there could be other simpler explanations as well.

Well, it’d be interesting to hear the rest of what he said after...

Obviously, whoever edited the video ended it there, repeating and slowing it down to twist into their conspiratorially-slanted narrative.

I’d imagine that though the doc/senator acknowledged there are parties that use fear - whether governmental, media, or a combo - he might not have placed as much emphasis on that part alone as whoever chopped and edited the video there...

Yes, I very much agree with that. The news agency clearly had an agenda here.

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