Contaminated food from Morocco

in Deep Dives4 months ago

Contaminated food from Morocco


An important consignment of sweet pepper from Morocco has been detected highly contaminated with two insecticides that are completely prohibited here in the European Union; both insecticides also have the added problem. that they can cause people who eat these peppers from convulsions to paralysis. since they are highly neurotoxic products.

At the end of last week, the RASFF, the rapid detection service for food and feed present throughout Europe, in its Spanish version, the Spanish offices detected an important consignment of sweet pepper from Morocco, the classic pepper that is used either for chance, for salads, etc., highly contaminated with two insecticides.

The first of them is chlorpyrifos and the second is fenazaquin, the first of them Chlorpyrifos is prohibited for use, even if it is the lowest dose in the European Union since 2020 and fenazaquin has been prohibited since before, both have an effect or They act against pests, basically insect pests, by attacking the central nervous system of the insect, basically what they do is kill any insect by causing paralysis.


They are very neurotoxic products that cross the barrier that separates the brain of the insect from the rest of the organism and cause tetany, the animal remains stiff, dies and in peace, the problem is that especially the second of them, fenazaquin can also cross the What we call the blood-brain barrier, it is basically the barrier that separates our blood from the brain, basically, it is what surrounds our brain.

The problem with fenazaquine is that at very low doses it is highly neurotoxic, it causes seizures, apart from the classic dizziness, etc., that these two insecticides usually cause. In the case of fenazaquine it also causes very significant nervous poisoning, people become First of all, they feel dizzy, confused, they stagger, they can easily go into convulsions and later, and from the convulsions, paralysis appears. The problem is that the paralysis affects the muscles of the diaphragm as it can be fatal paralysis because the diaphragm does not function properly. , your lungs cannot inflate properly and you die of asphyxiation.


What we citizens should do is very complicated, because we must recognize that in this case the RASFF has acted quickly, it has acted well, it has taken the product and removed it, correct, the point is that there is a second problem and it is that about four to five months ago the Spanish “government” authorized Moroccan carriers to be able to enter the European Union, Spain and the Canary Islands, without needing to have a special carrier permit, which means that it is very easy, it is relatively very simple for a small transporter to go to Morocco with his van, load whatever fruits and vegetables he wants, pass through the Peninsula and this is very difficult for the RASFF to control.

The RASFF does not have enough personnel to be able to control the avalanche of new carriers that have arisen since the Spanish government authorized any carrier without requiring control by either the DGT or the Civil Guard to transport products.


This is not the first time it has happened, it is not the first time with contaminated food, this case of poisoning in peppers is very similar to what happened in March in France, that is, do not think that it is only in Spain, it is a plan well orchestrated and financed by globalism, and it will not be the last time we will see it, imagine that those are the things that come to light, imagine the things that are hidden.

I only have one recommendation left, one and exclusive: do not consume Moroccan products, I honestly cannot tell you anything more sensible, at least that's what I think, than asking your trusted supermarket for information and demanding the origin of the fruits and vegetables they sell you.

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