Back.... With Faith1

in whalepower4 years ago

Is there anything to share among people past than love? Naa! I don't think so! Today, I come with open ❤️ to express my deep admiration for you all people, without you I will never be where I am today. And is thank God and you as well.
For those two days I have been wondering, what causes all the things that are happening to us in this life? I come to realize that it was us that influence almost 90% of our reality. The things we thought about, the things we talk about in our mine is what manifest and happen into our reality, weather good or bad.
So, positive thinking is what matters now and always, desire and faith too play an important role. Also, feelings of enjoy of what we imagine to accomplish help and shape our conscious mine to help feed our conscious to form the reality..
May we
all succeed in what we all aim to accomplish in this life

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