!!! New contest !!! PhotoBomb Challenge | 15 steem in prizes | №4
Hello dear steemians!!!
There is a new chance to win some steem to win a prize and prove yourself in creativity. So don't miss a chance to be a winner!
Welcome to new contest/challenge PhotoBomb!!! Do not be afraid and do not be shy!

Unfortunately, issue №3 went unnoticed by the largest curators of the platform. But while we still have a small supply of funds for the presentation of prizes!
The idea of the competition is extremely simple. The participant needs to select some kind of photo on the Internet and place in this proposed image, the topic of the post. Today the topic of the post is Steemit Bomb! For this week you need to make photobomb with this photo:

You need to create something something funny or interesting. Show your imagination and sense of humor!
Don't try to copy someone! Do your best!

I would like to give the first prize to a participant @grecoloco who presented a fun and relevant photobomb idea

An original and funny idea was suggested by participant @bellana

After much thought, I decided to give third place to participant @sysseneg

- For entry you just need post your picture in comment section below
- If you would create a post - welcome! Entry could be posted in any community.
- Title of every entry must contain "| PhotoBomb challenge # | Entry of |"
- End of challenge will be after 7 days when initial post will be closed
- Each contributor can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
- Announcement of winners will be in every new post of challenge
Please don,t forget to:
- Upvote this post
- Resteem this post
This competition ends on May 26
1 place - 8 steem
2 place - 4 steem
3 place - 3 steem
Greetings from @lubasmol
If you have some extra money donate me to make new challenge possible!
Like everyone else, I ask for help and support from the owners of the largest stacks on the platform:
| @steemcurator01 | @steemcurator02 | @steemitblog | @booming01 | @booming04 | @xpilar | @stephenkendal |
| @sultan-aceh | @xeldal | @enki |
Before, during and after shaving hahahaha
The image was made in Photoshop and the images of actor Jason Momoa were taken from Google.
PhotoBomb challenge week #4 | Entry of @willeusz
Everybody in the comments

Jajajaja está buena!
Jajaja gracias!!
Hola esta es mi entrada, esta sorprendido de lo pequeño que es y ya baila y toca.
Greetings to all...my participation this week
PhotoBomb challenge Entry of @phlexygee
Apreciado @lubasmol me encanta el Concurso 🤗 disculpa que me enteré muy tarde, ¿Porqué tan poco tiempo (dice que vence hoy 19 de mayo) ?
De todas maneras acá mi participación:
Sorry! 26 may!
Será que puedo hacer otra mejor que ésta?? Pues la hice apurada para no perder la fecha del Concurso.🤨
Hello @teretiti
I think that it doesn't matter if you re-ntry your paticipation as it is within the time limit but other than that you can always come up with a new entry as it is clear mentioned in the contest rules
Good luck whatever you decide to do :)
Sorry but I need it, 😆
PhotoBomb challenge week #4| Entry of @Willeusz
Me trying too hard 😅

Apreciado @lubasmol otra presentación del reto, te agradezco mucho, me encanta el Concurso🤤💅