Cryptocurrency : A possible foundation of future currency

in CampusConnect3 years ago



Money is one of the most valued and highly sought after commodities on the planet. Money is used in practically every aspect of a person's life. Whether a person wants to go to the hairdresser, purchase groceries, or invest in a home, money is required in the modern economy for goods and service transactions. In human history, money has taken numerous forms, the earliest of which was trading. People would immediately trade one thing for another if there was no official currency, such as a horse for a cow. This type of money, on the other hand, is inefficient because the chances of finding someone who needed a horse for the same reason as the other person are slim. Clearly, a means of exchange had to be created. In order to make trade more efficient, a medium of exchange serves as an intermediary instrument.

This would include some easily exchanged things like weapons or animal skins during the bartering period. The first formal currency was created approximately 600 B.C. Minted currency was once constructed of a mix of silver and gold that was stamped with an image to indicate the coin's face value. The Chinese began producing paper money and moving away from coinage around 600 B.C., but it took the Europeans far longer to adopt paper money. Banks would eventually produce bank notes for individuals to carry around instead of coins, which had a limited lifespan. Printing paper money, as we know it now, gradually became the standard. Money eliminates the challenges associated with bartering and serves as a stable medium of exchange in this way. When everyone accepts the same money as currency, pricing goods and services and trading becomes more easier and more convenient.

The major source of money in today's economy is fiat money, which is a legal tender protected by the government through regulations and laws that instill the much-needed trust in money and hence give it worth. Fiat money is provided by a country's central bank, which uses its monetary policies to preserve currency stability and supply. New sorts of money have been created as technology and ingenuity have advanced.

Cryptocurrencies, a form of internet currency often referred to as digital money or cyber currency, are one of the most contentious new money developments. The most essential aspect of cryptocurrency is that it is not issued by a central bank and is not regulated or governed by any laws or rules, making it immune to government intervention. Bitcoin, which was founded in 2009, is the most well-known and contentious cryptocurrency. Because Bitcoin is the most well-known and commonly used cryptocurrency in the world, this paper will mostly focus on Bitcoin.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

An overview of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin Money innovation has made it possible to conduct transactions using private digital currency without the involvement of any third parties, such as a bank. These digital currencies make use of peer-to-peer networks and open-source software to allow users to redistribute and change the currency as they see appropriate. “ Some people refer to Bitcoin and other digital currencies as crypto-currency since the underlying algorithms and security are closely linked to digital cryptography techniques. Although digital money is similar to the electronic storage of our ordinary debit card accounts, the major distinction is in how the currency may be moved without the need for banks or other intermediaries to intervene. As a result, unlike other currencies, the currency is completely decentralized.

Why are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin valuable?

One of the most serious issues with digital currency is the ease with which bits may be created and replicated on computers. A currency must be extremely difficult to duplicate in order to function in an economy. A currency must also have some protection against multiple spending of the same coin in order to have value — it must transfer between owners when spent. It is considerably easier to duplicate digital currency than it is to duplicate real currency. A trusted central authority that keeps records of monetary transactions and confirms each transaction is one answer to this challenge. Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, adopted a different approach to solving the problem. Bitcoin transactions are conducted solely between individuals in peer-to-peer networks, with no organization or central authority confirming transactions. A peer-to-peer network is a link between two personal computers that allows them to communicate and transact without the need for a separate server computer. As previously stated, Bitcoin is based on open source software. The programming code is open source if it has few or no copyright limitations, has been released digitally to anybody in the world, and can be edited by anyone who wants to. As a result, open source is comparable to peer-to-peer networks in that it is developed by the participants, such as programmers, rather than by a central person.


Future currency payment system improvements Debit and credit cards are one of the most important and commonly used technologies in currency handling. The fact that they are so simple to use is one of the reasons why they are so popular in the mainstream. This innovation removed the need to count physical money when buying, reduced the weight of your wallet by eliminating the need for banknotes and coins, and boosted security by making digital payments much easier to track and banknotes almost untraceable. To be effective in replacing fiat money and the debit card, a currency innovation must improve on those features. Bitcoin has so far failed to do this since it is neither safer nor more convenient. However, it is more anonymous and offers cheap transaction fees, something the general public does not necessarily prefer. However, it is quite likely that bitcoin technology will be employed in future currency breakthroughs, and that the future of currency will continue to move into the digital realm, such as using mobile phones for payment transactions. Using only mobile phones for payments could potentially improve the convenience of debit cards by removing the requirement for a wallet during purchases. Using cryptocurrency's technology, it would be just as safe to use as cards, if not safer. Apple has recently made an attempt to break into this market. Apple's "Apple pay" is a mobile-based payment system. It made its debut. As a result, as time passes, it becomes less profitable. Bitcoin's popularity stems from its decentralization and anonymity, as well as its low transaction costs, usage for unlawful transactions, and use as a financial instrument to profit from price volatility or diversify a portfolio. Bitcoin might also be used to circumvent currency regulations or other forms of governmental interference, as well as for tax evasion. The currency, on the other hand, has a number of drawbacks. Consumer protection is limited due to the currency's decentralized nature; stolen Bitcoins are lost permanently, and Bitcoins are especially vulnerable to code-based attacks. The price is extremely erratic, making it extremely dangerous to retain large amounts of Bitcoins, as well as missing the liquidity of legal currency.

Many countries, including the United States, Japan, Finland, and Germany, tax the currency. Countries with stringent capital controls, like as China and Iceland, have recognized the currency and banned transactions, effectively removing the possibility of circumventing capital controls. Bitcoin is unlikely to catch on as an official currency for the general public as it currently stands since it has too many flaws and hazards, while its strengths aren't necessarily what the general public wants in a stable money. To be effective, a currency innovation must improve on what the debit card and credit card have to provide. It needs to be more user-friendly, secure, and accepted by merchants all around the world.

Apple Pay is an example of a potentially more successful payment mechanism. However, the technologies and innovations found in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can be used to other technologies and inventions, such as Apple's entry into the mobile-based payment business. The technologies that come with Bitcoin have a lot of popular uses, and it's feasible that some form of cryptocurrency technology implementation and mobile-based payment system with cryptocurrency integration could be the way of the future for mainstream payment systems. Future technological developments in currency and payment systems will be fascinating to watch, and while Bitcoin is unlikely to become a widely used established currency in the near future, its technology will undoubtedly have far-reaching ramifications.

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60216.66
ETH 2326.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48