Equality of opportunity and Equality of outcome in the Education sector: by @small-ville

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Equality of opportunity is a political concept or term which refers to the availability of equal opportunity given to a set of an individual but their outcome does not come into question. This means that it emphasizes a level playing field for individuals.

Equality of outcome is a political concept or ideology that does not lay emphasis on the equal opportunity given but rather it lays emphasis on the outcome or results required. The equality of outcome promotes the inequality of opportunity.

Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome in the Education Sector.

Equality of opportunity in the education sector entails that students should have access to an equal allocated time for classes, attention from teachers and also equal access to examinations. With all these equal availabilities of opportunity, there seems to be a problem because not all students are financially stable, also not all students have a high IQ. With these two major factors as problems, the outcome or results of these individuals in school will vary because some might not be able to purchase books which when they study them they will be able to produce good results, while those with low intellect will find it hard to understand or process the different courses that have been taught thereby leading to poor or average results.

The Equality of outcome in Education requires that all students should be able to have a result that is above average regardless of the inequality in opportunity that they might have.
This means that the equality of outcome would require each student to deliver a certain amount of results in the education field regardless of the disadvantages they might have or face.

The equality of opportunity and outcome has always been a major discussion mostly between the genders, it is always deemed that women have always been at disadvantage from the beginning of time. This might be true because women began to attend school later than the men in society, also with a reference to Nigerian society men were mostly sent to school by their fathers while the women were often married to other men.

In modern times research has shown that regardless of the equal opportunities the outcome always varies, for instance, every year in Nigeria over 500,000 students are admitted into universities, but less than a third become graduates, but also research shows that majority of these graduates are women. This shows that equality of opportunity plays less of a role in determining the outcome of the students.

Finally, the last striking discovery that I made was the outcome of these students in the workforce, I discovered that the majority high profile earners in the workforce are men while the majority of low-income earners are women, but this is confusing because research shows that women where more intelligent and graduated with better results than men. I came to understand that the courses that they chose play a major role because according to collegechoice.net the highest paying courses are Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Actuarial Mathematics, Electronics Engineering. After looking at these courses I found out that women preferred to offer courses that were related to the Arts than science and technology.

I further tried to understand why women preferred to offer Art courses, so I made research and I understood that it has to do with the psychology of women which tends to be Agreeable. A Canadian professor called Jordan Patterson explained that the psychology of women is wired from childhood because a girl from childhood liked to play with dolls and teddy bears while boys liked to play with trucks and guns, cars and houses. This psychology further stretches into their preferences when choosing courses that is why most women are hardly seen choosing Stem and Tech courses but rather they go for Art and performing courses.

In conclusion, I will address that I would say that Equal opportunity in Education is impossible in the society we live in, but also that it those not play a major role in determining the equality of outcome in Education. I believe that several factors cut across these two ideologies which should be considered, they include choice or preference, of course, to be studied, Financial availability, Intellect and choice of priority.

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Thank you for reading


 3 years ago 

@small-ville, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

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