THE DANGERS OF WRITTEN EXAMINATION'S-50% goes to @campusconnectng

One of the area that serves as a problem to our educational system is the "written examinations".
Infact, at the end of every academic year; Written examinations are been taking, results are been released, some student's go back home happy after passing, while others go back home sad after failing, worst of it all, is that some of those students who failed might end up living with the stigma for the rest of their life's. Some even end up committing suicide after getting tired of failing.
Now my question is; Do we still need written Examinations?. Should we still embrace this curse of our educational system?.
In this article, I will be highlighting some few dangers of written examinations and why it should be scrap out and replace with a more conventional methods of testing student's.

  • It Stresses the Students Physically and Mentally:

Written examinations is well known to have taking a toll on student's body and mind either by stress or anxiety which has likely landed a lot of students in a mental institution. I once read a story of a medical student who was caught eating pages from one of his recommended texts, because he was unable to comprehend the information from the text he was reading. From the story I read, this young medical student was latter admitted and rehabilitate in a mental institution, such is a danger accompany with written examinations.

  • It limits the Creative/Analytical Prowess of the Student's:

I remember when I was in secondary school, there was this colleague of mine who was really good in practical chemistry. Infact we label him "titration" because of how good he was in practical chemistry.
This said student was not that good when it comes to memorising fact, and as such he failed woefully during examinations. But for us who never understand our left from right when conducting laboratory exercise were always happy after passing our exams, but in reality we didn't know anything when it comes to science like this colleague of mine.
This shows that examinations test nothing else, but the tendency of the students to memorise facts to meet the examiner expectations, limiting the creative prowess of the students.

  • It Exposes Students and Examiners to the Risks of STDs:

Have you ever wonder why there is a high rates of STDs among students on campus. One of such reasons is when a student end up sleeping with a lecturer for marks and grades. Here, the student either transmit the venereal disease to the lecturer and vice-versa.

  • It Causes Student Stigmatization/ Suicide:

In 2013, a popular news headline was trending in Nigeria. Two female students from Delta State were reported to have committed suicide after checking their WAEC result in the internet. The said Students, had written the exams on three consecutive occasions without success, which led them to alledgely resolve to commit the aweful act of ending their lifes.
In India, many students are reported to have taking their own life's. Some of this student's could not live with the stigma of failing or been label useless in life because of constantly failing in exams and as such resolve in committing suicide.

  • It Gives Pseudo Definition of One's Skills and Capabilities:

It's funny to know that many people who actually failed in school end up becoming successful in real life.
Men like Thomas Edison and Mark Zuckerberg are perfect archetype of what I'm saying. Infact the latter was known to have said that he doesn't care about exams, because a single paper does not decide his future. We all know Edison achieved a lot in is life because he didn't care a bit about examination, I believe if he cared much about exams he wouldn't have achieved what he did.

  • It Leads to Moral Decay:

Some student throw out their moral values into mud in the desperation of passing written exams. Some Students even engage themselves in the act of cheating, bribery, sleeping with lecturers just to be awarded marks and good grades.

Others dangers include;

  • It demotes the self confidence of students, most especially after failing this written examinations.
  • It is known to kill people dreams and their visions

  • Written Examinations tends to breed a confused sect of graduates. Since all they were studying for was just to pass the examinations.


Schools in Finland are for years the most successful in the whole world, this is because there are no mandated standardized tests or examinations. Instead of writing exams they are known to have adopted various projects and essays in student's field of interest. I will recommend that our educational system adopt this method, because grades gotten from here will show the Ideal intelligence of the student insteads of the memorization prowess of the student.

Special mentions



I always enjoy reading your write-up because it is always inspiring and educating....more inks to your biro bro

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