Discovering ONESELF tends to enlist you for life not necessarily birth, this is because it is possible for someone to be born but still useless in life, but check out a man of discovery he will always contribute to life in a positive dimensions.
I strongly believe that greatness is not the amasses of wealth, because it is possible to be wealthy without been great. I know this might sound absurd to some people, but it's the truth. For instance, Thomas Edison an afficionado in the world of science will still be consider great without the possessions of life assets like houses, cars e.t.c. This is because of his contributions in solving life problems.
Discovering ONESELF is a mark to living a life to fullness, although most time's , we are always hindered by our own minds from discovering ourselves. This because we cannot do better than the quality of our thinking. Our thinking however depends on the quality of information we received. The information received could either make or marred us from discovering ourselves to greatness in life.
I strongly believe that been great in life does not depends on your origin or your family status, academic achievement or the clothes you wore. This is because everyone is born with a gold mind, a diamond mind and a treasure chest, it is only left for us to discover it.
Any man who fails to discover himself will remain at the lowest profile of life, he will always be down-trodded, lowly look down upon and as such he will be subjected to operate at the lowest echelon of the society.
In life, you are not respected because you have grey hairs, "NO", it may signified length of life but never a proof to your contributions in life. If you fail to discover yourself you will tend to have a little chance of making it. For instance, some students failed, not because they can't excelled academically or they are not intelligent, but they tends not to discover themselves in terms of reading approaches. Some student went ahead to imitate their fellow students reading approaches hence the failure that accompany with it.
I believe that people struggles to succeed because they don't know their gifting which can only be revealed by discovery themselves. Different people have different gifting; yours could be writing, singing, motivating others, comedic shows e t.c, you just need to discover and work out your discovery to get there.

My question now is "WHAT IS YOUR GIFTING?", this is because until you know your gifting you cannot become a gift to your generation, and a man who is not a gift to it's generation cannot be appraised by its generation.
No wonder, SOCRATES a great philosopher once said " MAN KNOW THYSELF", this is because there is something vital about knowing oneself. The difference between a successful man and a failure is just "SELF-DISCOVERY". The greatest achievement in life is self discovery not riches, fame and power, all this will eventually come if you can discover yourself.
The world will only arouse at the revelation of the treasure in you, if only you can discover it and work it out for the benefit of the society.
I end this by saying that, the richest place in the world is the cemetery, this is because men with gold mind, diamond mind and treasure chest died without exploiting the potentials embedded in them for the benefits of the society.
My beloved brothers and sisters what are you waiting for, CHECK OUT yourself and FIND OUT what you enjoy doing, WORK ON IT, IMPLEMENT IT and DISCOVER yourself.


 3 years ago 

The world will only arouse at the revelation of the treasure in you, if only you can discover it and work it out for the benefit of the society

This is so perfect. the earlier young people are able to discover their selves, the better.

Thank you for giving us this useful piece to peruse and digest.

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The pleasure is mine boss

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