Attributes which determines one's journey and personality in life by omarion1

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)




We all might be wondering why life requires so much of us if we really want to go far in life. There are certain attributes one needs to possess as an individual in order to be able to fit equally into the society. These attributes define one and also could determine how far and well one can go in life.



In this beautiful piece of mine, I'll be explaining the key attributes one needs to possess so as to fit into the society and also have a form of better life. Imagine being called upon for good things and being referred to as a person of quality, won't you really want that? Below are some of the important attributes one need to possess before one can be called a man of worth or before one can be attributed as a man of good personality.

1. Humility

Of all attributes, this is actually one of the major and important attribute. One must endeavour to possess this attribute because humility most times speaks for an individual. Humility is said to be an attribute which is pride free or arrogant free. Humility deals with seeing everyone as being at the same level and not feeling like you're better off than another. This is a very important attribute.

2. Character

Ones character can also determine how one can go far in life. One's character can either build one or destroy one. Character is said to be the behavioural aspect of an individual in terms of manner of approach or reasoning towards certain issues or matters.
Character defines a person's personality. It shows one's sense of reasoning, what ones thought is about and the way one handles matter. This is also an attribute that's worthy of emulation (a good character).

3. Tolerance

This is another important attribute. Tolerance is said to be the ease or simplicity of accepting others attitudes, behaviour or feelings or even way of life. This attribute can help avoid many issues or quarrels. Being tolerant help show that one is of good characteristics or personality.

4. Genuiness

This is another important attribute. This shows the realness, honest and frank attitude of an individual. It shows that an individual isn't fake in terms of personality. Possessing this attribute is another important thing that makes one have a very good personality and can also determine one's trueness and how far one can also go in life.

5. Perseverance

Although, life can be very difficult and non understandanle but being strong and always trying to push further no matter the barriers, problems or opposition life can bring forth is another attribute worthy of emulation. This attribute is known as Perseverance. This shows one's determination or persistent effort towards getting one's goal in life. This is very important for every individual because life is unexpected, life is full of ups and downs but regardless of all these, keeping pushing, keep having a positive mindset and oneday it'll all go in favour of you.

6. Meekness

This can be referred to as the personality of not being violent or always wanting to get in a rift with another. It shows how gentle or lenient one can be in terms of handling matters or issues which might want to tend to get out of hands.
Being meek doesn't mean one is weak, it's just an attribute which shows one says of avoiding fights or duels between others. This is a very calm and matured attribute.

7. Sanity

Sanity is very important too. The ability of one to have a very good and healthy mindset towards judging others or differentiating between good or bad is said to be Sanity. A person who's sane can fit into the society properly. A person who's sane can be said to be a person of worth and good personality.




Although, individuals are different and most can't keep up with most of these attributes. In as much as you want to go far in life, one must at least posses some, if not all attributes I listed above. One's personality is what defines one and this can be attributed to one anytime or anyday. One's personality can be good or bad depending on the attributes one possess or displays in his or her everyday life in the society.
If you possess a good personality then it shows you're always keeping up to showing good attributes in your daily life.

Special thanks to @campusconnect @whitestallion @emmanuel-malume @alphafx

 3 years ago 

Nice write up bro. One personality really defines him. Am lacking number 3 which is tolerance but am working on it at the moment and it has not been easy

 3 years ago 

You can actually work on number 3. It just required you disciplining yourself.

 3 years ago 

What an educative content! The qualities are worth maintaining

It's noice how you've put this together. I really second the part on humility.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot.

 3 years ago 

Very nice right up. This one wey u turn inspirational speaker u dey move me o

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot.
I'll look forward to making more posts with zero trace of plagiarism

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