in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


  • Introduction.

what is prostitution? In a simple definition I would Say prostitution is the act of trading your body sexually in the exchange of money all any other materialistic benefits.

Prostitution has been a thing of existence starting from the ancient days as we all know,this very act has been recorded in the Bible.
During the past Prostitution was mostly practiced by women who are in need of wealth in very fast way and other benefits , nevertheless men also has gradually joined in such practices in this present time and which destroyed many great futures .
In our universities today,this ungodly act know as prostitution has gradually gotten to its peak that young girls and boys most especially young girls I must say, find it undisturbed in such practices which many claim they do it for survival in school.As we all know in this modern day evil practice have been rebrand with new name in such a way it looks pleasant to people and also their way of activities has also rebranded with the increase of development in technology .
In our society today, prostitution has automatically gotten to a stage where these young girls of age 16 and above its name of activities to "HOCK UP" I know many Nigerian students who are reading through this post are aware of what am saying. This group of people have technically advanced their level of activities by not standing on the streets as it's been done back in the days,they now apply for their so call hustle to some mobile application where people who need girls for "HOCK UP" text and pay for their services for any duration in any location they want. This is simple contest this is what I refer to as modern day human trafficking, such advancement has made many young girls with inter accessable phones to be aware of such evil opportunity which I will say has grown the interest of many young innocent girls to be part of this practices.


  • Causes of prostitution in Nigerian universities.

Environment and heredity is what is said to affect human beings . YES!! Our environment affects us ,Many people get easily influenced in the type of environment they find themselves like wise many students especially young girls who come from homes were prostitution is a thing of the day ,so coming to the university they find it even more like a way of life that has to be continued.
I will like to list down some few things I believe that leads students into modern day human trafficking (prostitution).

  • poor family background:

I have been making my research on modern day prostitution in campus which I was able to understand that most of this victims of prostitution are students who their parents find it difficult to feed which they can't even send money to their kids in school , in they process this students joins prostitution for survival which I believe is actually a wrong way to carter for themselves in school . I know most times this students find it hard to even see a good job that can sustain them in school but that shouldn't be an excuse to be part of such evil practice of prostitution that will lead you to your Doom.

  • Greed:

Most times in life people who are not disciplined and contented to what they have are easily to join any fast way of making money both in an in evil way or good way.this implies to students as well many of them join prostitution at of Greed.

  • peer pressure:

Peer pressure has always been a tool that has this ability of leading people to evil acts. Just like in prostitution most people who are victims of prostitution join this act because of what their friends who are into it told them all what they have seen their friends gain from such act.

  • Trade for Good grades:

In our universities today most female students get into prostitution because of pressure given to them by male lecturer who wants to take advantage of them for good grades, forgetting that at the end they will always be a negative result on they students.

* Effects of prostitution:

  • In our Universities today the rate of sexually transmitted disease has been growing so wildly through this act of prostitution in school which is destroying the life's of students on a daily basis.
  • Improper dressing:
    Improper dressing on campus has being a very challenging thing seen form past till now which people keep asking questions on why such act is been seen on campus.well I must say that this young people who are part of prostitution find it difficult to dress in a descent way in a the school premises.

In conclusion, I would say all hands must be on deck to eradicate such devilish act which has destroyed the life of people till date .
"Always remember the youths are the leaders of tomorrow"

 2 years ago (edited)

At no point should prostituting ever be an option. I really don't know the reasons why people make such decision, I just pray they snap out of it sooner or later.

Thanks for going through my post

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