in CampusConnect ā€¢ 3 years ago (edited)

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This past week was really emotional for mešŸ˜Ŗ. It was Friday the rain was drizzling whilst the sun was shining an irony right. I had to walk a 19minutes walk from my house into the school environment and this was done under the rain, I had classes as usual. Personally I was trying to focus and listen aptly to the on going physiology class holding in a very incondusive lecture hall meant for over 200 students but filled with over 600 students, aside from the nature of the class room was the fact that the lecturer was very inaudible and to wrap it all up, I stood through the 2hours lecture. The lecturer was giving himself alone a lecture, after having gone through all that the class ended joy overfilled the environment and everyone was outside. Those with good phones with quality cameras were out striking different poses while they were being captured and it was quite memorable everyone had to make do of the time because they all knew that in a few minutes every body will disperse and move straight to their various houses and it's a day gone till they all converge again at the next lecture.

There on while the events were ongoing a call came I took a quick look, lo and behold it was my soon to be ex-girlfriend of which I am always happy to hear from. I picked the call quickly and she said she had something to talk to me about, I don't know why but my mind flashed back to an event that happened a few months ago and was about to change the relationship status of mine, when we had a major issue because I wasn't faithful with my words I really felt remorseful for my actions and I apologized alot more than I have ever done, I don't think anything have ever made me feel so sorry like I did when I hurt her I know it is never easy to handle things like that and though it was the first time anything like that occurred between us for our 1year and 4months of being together. On Friday, she called me and told me that she wanted us to talk I agreed and met with her where she was standing outside Coscharis building a quite popular building in University of Nigeria Enugu campus, she talked to me about what she went through after what happened that it has not been easy at all for her. I agreed and I said but I am actually sorry that I didn't mean to hurt her at all but she said she just can't continue with it all and there on my Heart got shatteredšŸ’” she told me not that she doesn't like being with me but she just can't do it no more.

She explained how she felt about our current relationship how it affected her and I just had to bring myself to the realization of the said fact it's over between us and I felt heartbroken on Friday, it messed up my day I felt very depressed, but my mood was quite lifted while I was hanging out with my friends @alphafx and @rexxalo @boobbs they all helped me get through the experience and it really helped and it was @rexxalo birthday we all celebrated with him played music danced popped wine cracked jokes you know how a gathering of boys are on a regular and they made jokes regarding the situationship and it sort of help me lift the burden of heartbreak.

In general, having relationships is actually a good thing because in life at a point we all need that one person that would be a companion to help through our daily struggles this can also be retraced back to the early days of the Bible right from the days of Adam as can be seen in the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 "And the Lord God said It is not good that man should be alone I will make him a helper comparable to him".

It is always advisable to go into healthy relationships because present in this modern day world, many people indulge in unhealthy relationship without defined goals and objectives and many atimes it always leads the relationship to a ditch and we end up crying up our pillows all in the name of heartbreak. I think defining goals in relationships, can be a tool in averting heartbreaks and break ups.

Also, when certain signs show up like lack of communication, mistrust, deceit e.t.c. It is always necessary to acknowledge them before it escalates and gets way too late then leading to another weary moment in one's life.
Always talk to people about what you experience in your relationship they help give some red signals when we do not see them and also give another perspective of the general situation we experience cause it is profoundly said a shared problem is many atimes half solved we need one another to survive and grow in this world today

Do not be scared to go into healthy relationships some of the major criteria to look out for is

ā€¢ Is this a healthy relationship? Once this is able to be defined at least it is a starter to kick off the race of the ship you are about to set up

ā€¢ Is there a defined goal with a specified reason cause it's always best to set goals and have a view of what you want in the relationship and it is always necessary to discuss it with your partner and make sure it's mutually agreed if it isn't I'll strongly advise that you can try seeing why he or she doesn't come into fill agreement with your reason then see if a plausible solution can be raised but if nothing can it is never wrong to back away

ā€¢ Is there good communication between us?
Communication is basically 60% of what defines a relationship the ability for a relationship to have very good communication this is actually very necessary it enables the expression of various feeling and thoughts so far a relationship has very good and efficient communication it has great tendency of lasting long based on observation it is known that relationships about to dive in the mud takes up speed when the fuel supply (Communication) is lost or at a minimum the relationship many atimes ends up sinking leading to heartbreak hence it is always very necessary to maintain very good communication.

It is quite notable that these stated above are not the only criteria to successful relationships but it is a way forward I hope I have been able to enlighten somebody today

Thank you.

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Ā 3 years agoĀ 

Nice topic you have there

Harsh man. Stay strong šŸ’Ŗ

Thank you šŸ˜Šā¤ļø

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