Campus Connect| What the youths ought to know - By @gidsbrown |10% payout to the community account

in CampusConnect2 years ago

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Hello to everyone present here in this community called CampusConnect hope we all had a great week? and hope we are all doing just well. It is indeed a great week and as time goes by, I figured out an interesting topic to talk about. it has been on my mind right from the starting of last week and I decided to let the cat out of the bag. it is quite serious as though most youths are lavishing away without knowing their point of focus. so today I have decided to drop an interesting topic for us all. and I hope by the end of this lesson, we as youth will then figure out where we stand and search for an alternative. I have titled today's lesson, what the youths ought to know. so relax and enjoy.

Long ago, they always say that the youth are the leaders of tomorrow and also education is the key to success. we were all happy to think that we will succeed through education. we often have the ideology of going to school and becoming successful. because of what we were been told when we were much young, especially me, I thought if I do not go to school I won't succeed. that was not my fault because it was what I was told. and then I focused more on my studies and neglected every other thing else.

I did not know what I was signing up for until when I got to the university. although I was happy thinking that in a short while, I will be a graduate and then get a job and be successful instantly, I even calculated my age and how long I will be spending at the university. it was well calculated, I was supposed to spend a maximum of 4 years in the university and then proceed to serve my country for a year and then secure a job. that was my plan. not until when I noticed that this is my 5th year in 300l. how come? what happened? how am I still in 300l for five years? all these questions are not to be answered by me because it was never my intention to spend 5 years in 300l, it was not like I failed any of my exams but the government has failed us.

The youth are now kept in a situation of confusion. this is a result of the strike across all federal universities. now the future of the youths is being halted because of our ancestors who told us we are the leaders of tomorrow but yet refused to exist the position of youths to come and take over. I was 5 years old when a man ruled my country Nigerian and today as a grown-up, that same man is still ruling Nigeria. now tell me, how will the youth become leader5s of tomorrow?

Most youths have been lured with the ideology of getting a job after school when finishing school is the major problem we as youths are encountering. it is quite pathetic as most youths only depend on the educational system and as such put all their eggs in a basket without thinking further. since the strike commences, I have looked for certain things to do, it is 5 months now that we have been on this strike and nothing has been done rather than promising and failing by the government. with this, it is obvious that we are being kept in the dark and it is only when you as a youth that is schooling come to realize this yourself you will still be in lock down. so with all this, I decided to start doing something, and I will be sharing with us all what to do as youths and students of various institutions.



With the recent happenings, there has been no light at the end of the tunnel when we are to talk about the education system, so the only light that we can see at the end of the tunnel is when we get busy doing what is beneficial to us. getting a skill and becoming an entrepreneur is the best. with this skill, you do not care how long the strike will take, provided that you are busy getting ideas of what will benefit you both now and in the future is more profitable.

This skill will not only help to kill boredom but it will help you secure a place in youth future. I tell you this day, not everyone will make it through school, they lied to us all. education is no longer the key to success, that was during their era but not in this twenty-first century. we youths are to wise up and get busy doing a thing the other. do not end up as a liability to your parents. it is already clear that our government does not have us in their budget and as such, do not allow them to dictate your future for you. get a skill, get busy doing something, be an entrepreneur, and go legally earn a living. until we figure this out, we will keep staying at the end. go learn a skill, go and start making positive things out of your life. because they asked you to go home, you then decide to stay at home? that is so wrong, get up and get a skill today.



If you feel that learning a skill is time-consuming and it should be done during the early age of your life and time is fast spent now. start a business then. after I heard about the strike, I never hesitated, I quickly return to starting up a business on my own. I got ideas from my business friends and then I got my capital although it was quite little but that never matters. I got my capital, I went to the market and I got the needed items that I know I can sell daily.

after scouting a shop, I made inquiries about the location, I took my time so well, and then I took all risks involved into consideration. and after all, has been said and done, I kicked off. I became a businessman in the second month of the strike, although I am a teacher too, I needed to diversify my income. it is wrong to put all your eggs in a basket and as such after my working hours as a teacher I quickly go back to my business. business is one thing that I fancy so much and within this period of the strike, when most students can not boast of a dime in their account, I can gladly say that God is faithful.

The idea is to be successful, it doesn't matter if the success will come after rounding up from the university or while you are done learning a skill, or while you are in the business line. provided you do not hope on just a particular thing, then you will be successful.



Getting a job is also another way to attain success. it could be that you want to be a business owner but capital is a major factor and then the only alternative to get this capital you want so badly is by getting a job, working for an organization in other to raise your capital is also a wonderful decision. like I said earlier, I am a businessman and also a worker. I teach and as a teacher, I am being paid a salary at the end of the month. I began teaching the very first month the strike began. I finished the federal college of education in Zaria and my certificate thus qualifies me for that position. so I went for that job because I am well trained in that field. and as a student, I can not just sit at home and wait for the university strike to be called off, and that is why I started doing things that will profit me and as such, I often earn a living from it.

Getting a job is a nice approach, as though we know not the hour, time, day, month, or year the strike would be called off. so for us not to be liabilities to our parents and the society at large, it is expected that we get busy doing something that will be beneficial to us at the end of the end. any legal work or thing that you can do to earn a living and secure your future aside from schooling it is better to opt-in for it. and at the end of the day, you will be grateful that you signed up for it.


Education is great and to be pursued, but with the way the system is in Nigeria, I am quite not sure if it is the key to success. there are thousands of graduates in Nigeria with no jobs to earn a living. this indeed is a confirmation that here in Nigeria, we only go to the university just to earn a bachelor's degree but not to secure a job as though there are no jobs in circulation when the old individuals that promised us a better future through education are still in power to date.

Getting other things doing-especially businesses and skills are the best options in Nigeria. with these two one can be successful in no time. I have seen a man in the business, I got admission when he began his business, and today I am still in 300l struggling to earn a degree while he is building his house currently. that is what business and acquiring skills can do in a short while. do not depend on education alone.

Thank you all for staying to the end. I hope this lesson is beneficial to you. see you next time.

 2 years ago 

Education remains the key to success. 😊

Acquiring an education goes beyond getting a certificate. It is getting personal development. And you can't be any better if you don't have personal development.

Getting an education goes beyond conventional studies here in Nigeria. Getting an education is getting enough knowledge on what you are passionate about. It could be the tech we don't learn at Nigerian schools, cosmetology, fashion designing etc.

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