MY THOUGHTS ON ACADEMIC SUCCESS BY @emyekanem// 50% payout to campusconnectng

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Success is simply the fact that you have achieved something that you want. Academic Success therefore means achieving your desired goals academically. The following are some keys I have personally tried and tested which are really working:


  • DETERMINATION AND PERSEVERANCE: These two factors are closely related. Determination is a motivational force that propels you and keeps fighting when everything is against you i.e. trying to stop you from achieving your objectives. Perseverance on the other hand is a force that helps you to maintain focus towards achieving your goals without any form of distraction. We need these twin keys to succeed academically so that we can jump every hurdle put in place to hinder us.

  • HARD WORK: This is the act of putting more effort into whatever you are determined to do. As for academic hard work, it has to do with putting more effort to improve your academics. By reading your books frequently when you feel like it and when you don't, doing your assignments immediately you are given, not missing any class and copying notes dutifully,and by studying other materials like past questions and textbooks, you show hard work.

  • ENCOURAGEMENT AND COURAGE: I would love to share a story with you for you to understand this key better. I have a friend who, while in secondary school, was diagnosed of meningitis and had to be operated upon. He recovered from the operation but lost his sense of hearing. This almost brought an end to his educational career. After much words of encouragement from friends around, one day, however, he summed up courage and told his parents he would like to go back to school to complete his secondary education despite his newly found physical challenge.


His parents, moved by his courage, supported him back to school, and today he has not only succeeded to complete his secondary school education in a regular school, he is on his way to receiving University education! Students need ample dose of encouragement because things will not always go the way you planned them to. Parents and teachers should also know that they need to constantly encourage students to succeed because students are always passing through hidden challenges that parents and teachers may be ignorant about.

  • IDENTIFICATION OF OBJECTIVES: For a student to successfully utilize all the keys given above, he or she must first identify his or her academic objectives. Why are you in school? If you are in school as part of your dream or ambition to become a medical doctor, then stay on course and focus. It is so very difficult to succeed academically when you don't have an objective in the first place. By identifying your objectives, you begin to seriously consider such things as your *values, potentials, limitations,etc, so that your path to success may be clear.

I wish that we learn from these four keys because we cannot put them into use and fail academically.
Thank you so much for being with me to the end.
It's a pleasure having you.

 3 years ago 

Very nice opinion from you

Thank you very much sir @emmanuel-malume
I appreciate.

Hmmm your post is well written and indeed full of lesson i must say what ever we put our heart to and are really determined we will succeed no matter any hindrance or obstacle that may surface

That is fact @bruno10
Thanks for reading.

OfCourse glad to have read such well written article

 3 years ago 

Success and determination works hand in hand
It is also a function of one's mindset in life
Thank you for this creative post.
Keep posting quality contents on #campusconnect community

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