How to develop reading habbit

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)


Reading has a lot of benefits including developing your memory and vocabulary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack of time. I was one of those people myself at one point in my life. I have used a number of terminologies to help me read more and develop a daily reading habit. I have decided to outlined these below and I think it would help a lot of people just as it helped me.
##creat a reading table.
I would definitely suggest you start out by creating a list of books that you would like to read. For example, you could create a list of novels you’ve always wanted to read but never had the chance to, or a list of books that you need to read to learn something about a topic or field of study that you are interested in particularly.
##Set an objective
A good idea to motivate yourself to read more is to set an objective. For example, you could set an objective to cover a certain number of books this year or a certain number of pages each day and then work on achieving that task.To make sure that you will read every day, you need to schedule reading into your day. You could read first thing in the morning, during your commute, before going to sleep or even during lunch.
##Find a conducive place to read
Something that will help you read more is finding a good place to read. This should preferably be somewhere quiet, without any noise. You could read in your bed, in a comfortable chair or sofa, and at the library.
##Eliminate distractions
Make sure to eliminate any medium that might be interfering with your reading, turn off the TV and put your smartphone on silent.
##Read actively
I would highly suggest you try an active approach to reading. When I say “read actively”, I mean think about what you are reading, highlight passages that you think are important or interesting, write comments and notes either on the book’s margins or in a separate notebook. If you are reading on your smartphone or your ebook reader, take advantage of their highlighting and note features.
##Always be with at least a book.
Always carry some reading material with you, either in the form of a physical book, or an ebook on your smartphone or ebook reader. That way you’re able to read whenever you get a chance. This allows you to spend those little breaks in your day reading instead of scrolling your Facebook or Instagram feed.
##Avoid over time reading.
Don’t feel like you have to finish every book you start. If the book you’re reading is boring or not what you imagined it would be, simply drop it and start reading a different one. A good rule that I like to use is the 30-page rule. I always read the first 30 pages of any book I start. If I still don’t enjoy it after 30 pages, I just quit and move on to a different book.
I thinks this should be helpful to all students,wish you all best of luck

 3 years ago 

@elseyyid Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate, work on the use of markdown. Thanks, Merry Xmas in advance.

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