STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP - Site Survey to Determine the location of the Workshop Event on 26 September.

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)

25% of payout is donated for @steemkindness

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Good Morning My Steemians Friends. Continuing the planning stages of the "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" activity, which I posted on Monday, September 21. Link previous post :

Last Tuesday I surveyed several places to find a suitable room for the location of the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" activity in Lhokseumawe City, such as Hotel Lido, Hotel Diana, Taufik Coffee and TR Coffee. Today I am together with @harferri and @subkiusman, conducted a survey to ensure the choice of the most suitable location for this workshop activity, our choice of location : TR Coffee.

Source Image

Place Name : TR Coffee






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Design by Canva

Why did we choose this place ? Due to the following considerations :

  1. The rental price is affordable, only 2.5 SBD.
  2. Nice, comfortable and luxurious room according to the required capacity.
  3. Complete activities supporting equipment and facilities.
  4. Strategic location, in the middle of the city.
  5. The car park is spacious and secure.








Steem Entrepreneur Workshop Goals :
  1. To increase knowledge about Entrepreneurship which can combine the use of Steem in conducting business
  2. Improve ability in developing business ventures to be more advanced and successful by building a community to help each other in product promotions.
  3. Improve the ability to understand Steemit applications that can be used to develop entrepreneurial businesses.

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Design by Canva

REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS : Free registration for all and for Steem Entrepreneur Members who want to join the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" activity, you can register with a comment under this post by mentioning Your Name and WA number, or Contacting No. WA : 081380833332, From Date : 21 - 25 September 2021.

For registration please comment on the link below :

STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP - Come Join Meeting and Training for Steem Business Promo on 26 September 2021.

Or Contact the Steem Entrepreneur Team : @harferri, @irawandedy, @tucsond, @sofian88, and @subkiusman.



CC : | @stephenkendal | @pennsif | @steemchiller | @xeldal | @enki |

Thanks You for Your support for us to create a "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" for PromoSteem for Entrepreneurs in Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh.



This is the plan for the "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" event, a Meeting and Training for Business Promo activity for Entrepreneurs. We created this activity for the purpose of increasing knowledge about Entrepreneurship which can combine the use of Steem in conducting Business Transactions. This is also one of our "STEEM KINDNESS" Program on Entrepreneurship Education.

Hopefully our idea of making this "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" activity can be useful for all of us. Thanks all Steemians Friends who provide support for the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" Activity Planning on Sunday, 26 September 2021.


Steem Entrepreneurs For Better Life



 3 years ago 

A nice and comfortable place, hopefully the steem entrepreneurs workshop has a positive impact on entrepreneurs in integrating steem into business and contributing to wider benefits for entrepreneurs and society...

Thank you for organizing the first Workshop for the Steem Kindness for better life program..regards n success

Thank you for your support, hopefully this will go well, and can be useful for all of us.

Mantap pak... Semoga aura kewirausahaan
dan STEEM akan terus membumi di seantero

Terimakasih atas dukungannya, Usahakan Bang Dedy bisa datang.

 3 years ago 

Assalamualaikum aduen kami jadeh meujak, InsyaAllah 4 orang dari the Youth Steem tim.

Walaikum Salam, Get Mantap. Tolong sebutkan nama-nama yang akan hadir. Terimong Geunaseh.

 3 years ago (edited)

Attending to workshop "Entrepreneurship".

  1. @bangmimi
  2. @teukumuhas
  3. @abelanar11
  4. @alvin.steem

We're The Youth Steem team, thanks aduen

Great Adoe. You're Welcome.

 3 years ago 

Siap dilaksanakan dan menghadiri untuk menimba ilmu

 3 years ago 

Learning fromexperience, Create the future!

Semoga terselenggara dengan sukses, dan menjadikan ajang edukasi bagi setiap peserta dalam mengembangkan bidang kewirausahaannya.

Ayo gabung @muhajir169 @muhayat26 @hariszulvianda @afrizalbinalka @faisalpiton @zoelfikri @miftahulrizky @palang @volunter

ayo segera mendaftarkan diri, bergabunglah dengan komunitas Steem Entrepreneurs! jadilah manajemen kewirausahaan yang baik dan hebat.

Terima Kasih atas Dukungannya.

Saya bernama muhammad faisal dengan akun @faisalpiton ingin bergabung untuk mengikuti acara Attending to workshop "Entrepreneurship".

Waalaikum Salam, Ok Siap. Terima Kasih.

Saya siap ikut berpartisipasi workshop entrepreneurship..

Ok Siap. Terima Kasih

 3 years ago (edited)

Kami siap berpartisipasi @sailawana @fwinanda @ratnakumbang @ulyarahmi. Colek dek @akbar2468 gak ikut bar? Ohya colek sista @liasteem ikutan kan lia??biar skalian meet up kitah

sebenarnya pengen ikut kak, tapi saya ada acara pertandingan Panahan Sponsor SK, kebetulan sudah persiapan 2 minggu, bentrok acaranya kak..

 3 years ago 

Ini kan acarnya siang jam 14.00 acara akbar jam.segitu jg ya?sukses ya buat acaranya👌👍

siang nya jam 2, ngelatih anak2 dayah, di dayah islamic center 😭😭😭
Sorenya baru off..

 3 years ago 

Owalah 😅. Ok deh klu gitu. Goodluck🤗

Semoga Sukses Pertandingan Panahannya.

Terimakasih bang @tucsond, Apabila besok ada kegiatan yang bisa saya cencel, apakah saya dapat bergabung dengan kegiatan yang sudah abang rencanakan, mengingat acara yang akan di selenggarakan oleh tim abg sangat bagus dan perlu untuk saya bergabung, untuk mendapatkan informasi yang penting bagi saya selaku pelaku usaha 🙏


 3 years ago 


Ok. Terima Kasih

Boleh ikutan pak?

Boleh Daftar aza nama di Link Posting saya yang terbaru

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