Steem Workshop Location Survey

In the afternoon at 16:16, Me, Mr. @tucsond and Mr. @harferri conducted a survey to the location where the Steem Entrepreneurial Workshop will be held. and planning will be carried out on Sunday 26 September 2021.


The location for the workshop will be held in Lhokseumawe City Lhokseumawe, the exact location will be announced later by Mr. @tucsond as the main person in charge of the workshop apart from the team of entrepreneurs who are the organizing committee.


When you meet the cashier / the owner of the workshop location

Steem Entrepreneur Workshop Goals :

  • To increase knowledge about Entrepreneurship which can combine the use of Steem in conducting business
  • Improve ability in developing business ventures to be more advanced and successful by building a community to help each other in product promotions.
  • Improve the ability to understand Steemit applications that can be used to develop entrepreneurial businesses.




After the survey we enjoyed the cold Sanger Espresso Nira. this is one of the mainstay drinks in this cafe, it tastes really good and should be used as a mainstay drink.

Let me introduce you to what is "Sanger and " Nira" :

Nira water is one of the traditional drinks made from the sap of the palm family flower bunches such as palm sugar, coconut, sago siwalan and so on. This drink tastes sweet and refreshing. Plus ice, this drink can be an alternative to quench thirst.


Sanger is different from coffee in general, sanger is a mixture of black coffee, sweetened condensed milk and sugar. Physically, sanger is like coffee milk or coffee latte. Not all coffee makers can make sanger. Because to make sanger the dose of coffee, condensed milk and sugar must be right, therefore sanger is a name that has been attached to coffee lovers, especially in Aceh.

Let's return to our main topic :

For registration the Steem workshop is free for all members and also for Steem Entrepreneur Members who want to take part in the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" activity. You can register by commenting below this post by mentioning your name and WA number, or Whatsapp Contact Number: 081380833332, From Date: 21 - 25 September 2021. Or contact the Steem Entrepreneurs Team: @harferri, @irawandedy, @tucsond, @sofian88 , and @subkiusman.

Peachpuff Brush Stroke Photography Logo (1)-02.jpeg


CC : | @steemcurator01 | @stephenkendal | @pennsif | @steemchiller | @xeldal | @enki |

Thanks You for Your support for us to create a "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" for PromoSteem for Entrepreneurs in Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh.


Mantap, semoga program kita ini bisa berjalan dengan Lancar. Kalau ada kawan-kawan disini mau Daftar kegiatan Workshop ini bisa mendaftar di posting Link dibawa ini :
STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP - Come Join Meeting and Training for Steem Business Promo on 26 September 2021.
Terima Kasih

Tepat sekali pak.
Terima kasih telah mengisi kealpaan saya mencantumkan link postingan bapak sebelumnya.
Jika ada yang mendaftarkan disini tentu akan saya bantu pandu mereka.

Ok Sipp Gure, tolong dibantu aza kawan2 yang mau mendaftar kegiatan WorkShop kita ini. Trims

Siap pak 🤝

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Luar biasa, dengan ada nya program ini semoga steem Entrepreneurs terus meningkatkan ke tahap selanjutnya dan bisa menjadi lampu untuk masyarakat salam entrepreneurs

Terima kasih atas dukungannya saudara @afrizalbinalka

Semoga rencana ini berjalan lancar dan bermanfaat untuk para wirausahawan.

 4 years ago 

Sama-sama kanda @subkiusman

Konsep yang brilian guree, dua blah jaroe ateuh jeumala

Kalau bicara konsep payah bet tabek keu pak ded hehe

Tapi ini fakta, yang guree sampaikan hanya kata penyemangat saja. 🥺

Oo tidak pak ded, saya sendiri belajar banyak dari pak ded dan malah ingin belajar lebih lagi jika kita pak ded berkenan di sela-sela kesibukan.

Luar biasa, suatu pergerakan yang sangat tepat dalam mengaet pengusaha

Terima kasih atas dukungannya sobat.
Kita harapkan program ini berjalan lancar dan dapat menarik minat para wirausahawan untuk mengintegrasikan Steem dalam bisnis mereka.

Luar biasa. Aksi nyata.
Semoga menjadi ajang penambahan ilmu tentang wirausaha, terutama di bidang promosi di Steem Entrepreneurs

Salam Entrepreneurs

Itu salah satu harapkan kita dan juga dengan adanya workshop ini para pelaku usaha tidak asing dengan dunia crypto, terutama STEEM, SBD dan TRX.

Betul bang, saya sangat mendukung langkah-langkah yang abang @subkiusman dan bang @tucsond rencanakan. Saya juga akan berusaha untuk bisa hadir di acara tersebut, Insyaallah.

Harapan saya semoga acara akan berjalan lancar.

Terima kasih bang.

you'r welcome

 3 years ago 

InshaAllah saya akan berhadir ☺️

Baik bu @fwinanda, terima kasih atas dukungan dan keinginan untuk ikut serta di acara workshop tgl 26 nanti.

 3 years ago 


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 86449.32
ETH 2055.05
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.81