Lecture Contest: The Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mind (Lesson 05)

in Steem Entrepreneurs20 days ago

Assalam O Alaikum.

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneur ship are make powerful idea to drived business growths and innovation both concepts involve creativities and taking risks to build something new and they are used in different ways. Entrepreneur ship is about starting a business while intrapreneurship happens with in an existing company. I will explained and difference between entrepreneurial and managerial decisions making styles why companies like xerox encourages intrapreneurship and the four keys elements of intrapreneurship that helps businesses growth.


Differences Betweens Entrepreneurial and Managerial Decision Making Styles.

Entrepreneurial and managerial decisions making style is differently in two ways. First entrepreneur are more willing to take risks. They make decisions based on opportunities even if there is uncertainty. They are often guided by their vision and are not afraid to make bold moves. Managers on the other hand focus on reducing risks. Their decisions are usually based on careful planning data and established processes. They aim to maintain stability and efficiency within the organization.

Second entrepreneurs are more flexible in their decision making they adapted quickly to change and always looking for new opportunities. Managers however tend to follow structured guidelines and procedures. They focus amd managing resources and ensures the company stays on track with its goals.

Why Companies Like Xerox Foster Intrapreneurship.

Organisation like Xerox foster intrapreneurship because its bring innovations from with the company intrapreneurship are employes who think like entrepreneurs. They take initiatives to develop new products services or processed that benefit the company. By encouraged intrapreneurship companies can stay competitives in market and keep up with changing customer demands.


The benefits of intrapreneurship are significant it allowed companies to innovate with out relying solely on externally entrepreneurs. It also boost employed Morale and engagements because employes feel more empowered and values and they are given the freedoms to innovates. Intrapreneurship can leads to new revenue streams and improve the overall performance of the company.

Four Key Elements of Intrapreneurship.

The four key element of intrapreneurship are autonomy resources reward and support.


Intrapreneur need the freedom to explored new ideas and make decisions independently this allows them to think creatively and come up to innovative solutions.


Providing the necessary resources such as time money and tools is essentials for intrapreneurs to turn their ideas into realitys.


Recognised and rewarding intrapreneurs for their efforts motivated them to continues innovating it also encourages others to take initiative.


Intrapreneurs need support from management and their peers a culture that encourages collaboration and risk taking is crucial for successful intrapreneurship.


These elements help businesses grow by fostering a culture of innovation. When employes given the opportunity to experiment they can creates new products or processes that give the company a competitive edge.


Intrapreneurship are important strategies for companies that want to stay innovative and competitive by understands the differences between entrepreneurial and managerial decision making styles fostering intrapreneurship and focusing on the four key elements businesses can continue to grow and thrive in a rapidly changing world.
I am inviting friends @pea07 @harferri @isha-rehman


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