Announcement : Millionaire Challenge - Create Your Contest

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)

Hopefully more contests will be appearing to make up the numbers - steemcurator01

The Steemit Team initiative for the formation of the Millionaire Curation Team aims to increase the number of contests with varied and quality themes. Holding a contest is an alternative solution in producing quality posts (educative and informative) for various types of publications on Steemit. This initiative deserves appreciation. Steemian should also contribute with new ideas to better increase the millionare initiative goal for steem growth.


Millionaire Challenge is my idea to improve the quality of the contest by giving all steemit users the opportunity to hold their own contest. I'm sure there are many original and quality ideas that Steemian has, but they didn't get a chance to be the contest organizer because the contest is dominated by Community Admins and Moderators. This is a great opportunity for Steemian to be more creative and popular!

How to participate in the challenge

  1. Participants make a cover announcement of the contest (like the usual cover contest) then write the contest title, background and purpose of the contest briefly (free theme).
  2. Post in the comments column of this post and leave your contact for us to contact like Telegram or Discord.
  3. The contest ideas become the full property of the participants and any copying or imitation will be considered as an act of plagiarism unless they have the permission of the owner.
  4. If you don't want to publish publicly, participants can send it to my email : [email protected] and tell us in the comments column.

Challenge rules

  1. Participants must participate in #cub5050 #club75 or #club100.
  2. Selected challenge participants (3 participants) will hold a contest in the Steem Entrepreneur Community with complete rules after discussion with the community administrator.
  3. Plagiarism is prohibited. Contest organizers can only tolerate if there is a slight similarity of ideas on the theme topic, while writing will not be tolerated.
  4. Mention 3 of your friends so that more people know.

Sponsor total prize

I became the main sponsor for the Millionaire Challenge - Create Your Contest with unlimited prizes with details :

  1. Each challenge participant who meets the requirements will get 1 STEEM (power up) prize from the sponsor.
  2. The 3 selected challenge participants will get a total prize of 15 STEEM (power up).
  3. The sponsor also gave a total prize of 45 STEEM (power up) and booming support to the winners of the contest organized by 3 selected challenge participants.
  4. And other surprise prize from the Steem Entrepreneurs Community.

Challenge notes

  1. The challenge starts when the announcement of the "Millionaire Challenge" is published and ends when the judges find the best 3 contestants from the participants.
  2. Entries will be judged by the Steem Entrepreneus Team as judges.
  3. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be contested.

Challenge organizers congratulate all participants in the challenge and urge them to prioritize originality with quality entries. Let's get creative and prepare ourselves to be a great contest organizer.

Thank you to the Steemit Team for supporting the implementation of the "Millionaire Challenge - Edition 1" to provide a broad opportunity for Steemian to become a contest organizer. I hope this initiative is useful.

Cc : @steemcurator01 | @pennsif | @hungry-griffin | @stephenkendal | @disconnect

Have you selected a witness ?

Let's choose the best witnes for steem growth with a good track record like @pennsif.witness and other witnesses. Please click for a guide on how to select a witness.

Best regards,
Challenge Organizers

 2 years ago (edited)

Terima kasih kepada pak @harferri yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada kita semua untuk menuangkan ide kreatif kita dalam kontes ini, millionaire Challenge Season 1 pertama ini saya juga akan mencobanya untuk berpartisipasi, berikut beberapa poin yang bisa saya sampaikan sedikit


  • judul kontes

Tema yang akan saya angkat adalah **pengalaman berbelanja online **, dimana menurut saya ini adalah tema yang baik, mengingat semua orang pasti pernah berbelanja di beberapa platform online,

  • latar belakang & tujuan kontes

Disini saya ingin memberikan sebuah kesempatan kepada para steemians untuk menuangkan inspirasi mereka terkait di bidang jual beli, beberapa platform media belanja online seperti, shopee, buka lapak dan tik tok shop belakangan ini sudah cukup di gemari, oleh larena saya ingin melihat bagaimana keseruan kalian saat berbelanja di platform favorit kalian semua, bagikan pengalaman kalian bersama kami disini

Dengan tujuan, ingin meningkatkan kreativitas kita bersama disini, baik dari segi tulisan, maupun motivasi yang dapat kalian bagikan bersama kami disini

Saya rasa itu saja untuk kali ini, dan jika terpilih nanti saya akan kembali menjelaskan dan membuat postingan mengenai kontes ini secara mendetail

Terima Kasih🙏

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas partisipasi di "Millionaire Challenge" - Semoga terpilih.

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih tanggapannya pak🙏

 2 years ago (edited)

Contest title: Have You Ever


Contest Background: Have You Ever is a contest that will have steemians reflect on some of our actions and also have fun. It is not a contest of naughty questions but questions that will leave one in a pensive mood.

It is a contest that will allow us to see a person's view of something or perception. Everyone has their own way of looking at things. Have You Ever... will be a contest of different topics being introduced every week. Each topic introduced will not be answered in a haste but one that each steemit user will have to comprehend and determine which angle to present their answers from.

We are of different ages, classes, races, and groups, and even if we speak the same, that does not mean that we think alike. We often misunderstand each other because we are not able to comprehend what they are saying or have done.

** Contest theme**
I choose *lifestyle as my theme, because it is a contest that is showing the values and ideas that we hold deae to our heart.

Contest Goals:

  • My first goal is for anyone participating to have fun while writing.
  • To reflect on certain past actions and discover if they would have been done differently now.
  • To help us see life/world differently from another person's perspective. This way we can broaden our minds and not be limited.

Who can join?
Anyone can join as long as they are willing to search within themselves and question some values they hold dear to their hearts.

This is my discord contact: iamtoria#8172

 2 years ago 

Great contest idea sis @yuceetoria, we will evaluate and contact you soon...

Thank you for participating..


Your post has been successfully curated by @irawandedy at 50%.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

 2 years ago 

Mungkin inilah kesempatan besar yang di tunggu-tunggu oleh para sahabat steemians, menurut saya, tema kontes memang cukup berpengaruh dengan partisipasi steemians, tidak semua kontes dapat di ikuti baik itu kontes mingguan komunitas maupun Challenge Engagement, nah dengan adanya kontes ini, saya harapa banyak steemians yang mengeluarkan ide-ide kreatif mereka disini

 2 years ago 

Jangan lupa berpartisipasi, keluarkan mutiara terpendam dalam diri anda 😀

Kami tunggu ide kontes dari brother @chopper46

 2 years ago 

Siap, akan saya coba, bagaimana dengan telegram atau discord, saya tida punya keduanya😅, bisakah wa sebagai gantinya

 2 years ago 

Bisa sebagai alternatif ...

Segera download discord, harus bangun komunikasi dengan steemian luar ..

 2 years ago 

Siap pak🙏

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Participants make a cover announcement of the contest (like the usual cover contest) then write the contest title, background and purpose of the contest briefly (free theme).

Pelp me understand better, I'm a bit confused here, am I supposed to apply by organizing a contest first before you make the selection.

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you sista @yuceetoria for asking, it's very good that you can participate well..

  • Make a cover for a contest that you will hold when you are elected, for example :


  • Contest title : ......

  • Contest background:
    Please explain why you are holding a contest with the theme of your choice or any other explanation that you think is important..

  • Contest Goal
    Explain the purpose of your contest briefly and clearly..

You can paste it in the comments column of this post - if selected later you will create a contest with the full version and it will be published in the Steem Entrepreneurs Community..

Hope this explanation helps you, greeting

 2 years ago 

This is so much better now, I understand clearly.

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List

Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 21st Oct 2022 – Win 650+ STEEM

Follow & Resteem for more updates.
#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot, brother @disconnect really appreciate it

You are always welcome bro..

This is a very extraordinary initiative. Full support from the Steem Entrepreneurs community Team. We really hope this will be a challenge that people with brilliant ideas like. Good creative time.

 2 years ago 

Let's welcome creative participants with great ideas, thank you for your support brother @f2i5

I loved this initiative, that's why those people with unlimited imagination are encouraged 👍

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the appreciation, we are curious about your contest idea, hope you can participate.. have a nice day

 2 years ago 

Wow! This is a great opportunity and a great initiative. I'll try to come up with an idea.

Just for clarification, should the theme should be in related to Business/ economy or any topic?

 2 years ago 

Participants can choose any theme (free)

Thank you for your interest in participating, greetings

 2 years ago 

Millionaire Challenge is a challenge for steemians to hold a contest in the Steem Entrepreneurs Community..

To participate you can post the idea, title, background and purpose of the contest in the comments column of the "Millionaire Challenge" announcement according to the instructions of the challenge -- We will select and announce the winner in the near future.

Thank you brother @joynalabedin

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