Announcement : Economic - Diary Game Season 3 | Coming to the Steem Entrepreneurs community

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)



Without realizing it, economic activities are always carried out by humans, almost 24 hours humans carry out economic activities to fulfill their needs. In everyday life no human being can live alone. Humans need other people to make the things they need. Therefore there is cooperation between one human and another human. This collaboration is complementary. There are people who work as farmers producing food, there are those who make clothes or food to be sold and traded and so on. In general, the forms of economic activity carried out by humans include production, distribution and consumption.

Economic activities are activities carried out every day by humans, whether they realize it or not, economic activities color the journey of life in every human activity. The Steem Entrepreneur Community took the initiative to open a space of expression for steemit users to share stories or experiences of your daily economic activities with other users through the publication of Economic Activities - Diary Game Season 3.


You can post daily economic activities that you do, such as :

  • Your daily work activities such as work in the office, trade, in the garden, rice fields or others.
  • Your daily transaction activities, for example buying primary, secondary, financial or other transactions.
  • Economic activities which include production, distribution and consumption.
  • You can also tell about your other daily activities in the post, but we recommend that you focus more on the economic activities you do. We open space for you to express yourself in posting.

Economy Activity - Diary Game Season 3 in accordance with the following publication conditions :

  1. Write post title : Economic Activity - Diary Game | ....... Title of entry .........
  2. Use the taq #economic-diarygame #steemexclusive in the first four taqs of your post.
  3. Write the date of your daily activity in the post.
  4. Write in good and polite language at least 300 characters words.
  5. Use at least 1 original photo showing yourself and show the source when using someone else's photo.
  6. Show a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 8 photos in each post.
  7. Plagiarism is prohibited.
  8. Set beneficiaries of at least 20% to @steemkindess for empowerment and charity activities.
  9. Subject to and comply with the provisions of

The Steem Entrepreneurs Community officially allows members and users of the Steem Entrepreneurs community to post Economic Activity - Diary Game - Season 3 since this publication was released. Hopefully with the uniqueness and new nuances of the Economic - Diary Game, it will give color and further increase the creativity of users on the Steem entrepreneurs community page.

In accordance with the Steem Entrepreneurs community report to the Steemit Team for the period 01-10 November 2021, Steem Entrepreneurs also opens a space for publication types that can be posted by users of the Steem Entrepreneurs Community page :

  1. Economy Activity - Diary Game Season 3
  2. Crypto And Me
  3. Learn With Steem

You can read in this weekly report that for good reason we are publishing 3 new types of publications on the Steem Entrepreneurs community page.


Thus, we convey this happy announcement to all users of the steem entrepreneur community page. We hope that the release of these 3 types of publications can increase the enthusiasm and creativity of writers to work on the Steem Entrepreneurs community page. Happy working !! We will release the announcement in the next publication if needed.

Cc :

Open opportunities for useful contributions and collaborations with steem power delegates for community development.

Please select one from the link :

Special THANK YOU to all stemians who have supported and encouraged us to work hard to advance the Community and STEEM to reach wider people.

Steem Entrepreneurs Team


Sebuah gagasan terbaik, semoga dengan program terbaru dari pengusaha steem dapat membantu perkembangan para steemians dalam komunitas pengusaha steem. Berjaya terus dan sukses selalu untuk komunitas pengusaha steem dan saya pribadi sangat mendukung program ini

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya @afrizalbinalka harapannya publikasi memberi nuansa baru bagi penggemar tulisan diary dan bisa berbagi kegiatan hariannya bersama kita termasuk kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukannnya tiap hari.... salam

#club5050 # club75 #club100

Siap pak. ini suatu permainan yang baru dan sangat unik dalam melakukan program ekonomi diary sebuah ide yang bagus. Saya berharap mendapatkan dukungan dari program ini.😊

 3 years ago (edited)

258 / 5000
Translation results
A perfect breakthrough. Creating stories of daily economic activities, It is very interesting to contribute to it. Hopefully it can be an addition to the passion of steemians in making good posts and inviting new members in this community..

Terobosan yang sangat sempurna. Membuat cerita aktifitas perekonomian harian, Sangat menarik untuk berkontribusi di dalamnya. Semoga bisa sebagai penambah gairah steemians dalam membuat posringan yang bagus dan mengundang member baru dalam Komunitas ini..


 3 years ago 

Kesempatan bagus buat entrepreneurs seperti bg @f2i5 untuk berbagi kegiatan sehari-harinya dalam berdagang dan berbagi pengalaman anda dalam berdangang melalui tulisan Economic - Diary Game Season 3 ..

Terinakasih atas dukungannya dan menanti kontribusi anda .. salam dan terimakasih...

Kesempatan ini sudah lama saya tunggu bang @harferri
Segera akan mencoba. Kebetulan aktifitas hari-hari di Toko sempat terekam kamera Android. Hehe

 3 years ago 

Mantap .. semakin banyao jenis publikasi, makin asik 😀


 3 years ago 

Honorable admin, A very beautiful arrangement has been arranged. I am very happy to see such an event, creating stories of daily economic activities. It will definitely be very good for newcomers and it will increase the interest for newcomers.❣️🙏😇

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words, we are eager to know your activities in running your business, it must be very interesting #economic-diarygame


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much honorable admin ❣️🙏

 3 years ago 

Inisiatif yg keren..mau ikutan juga ah 🤗😍. Btw klu postngan ttg business promo msh bs kah @harferri?

 3 years ago 

Bisa, malah yang utama itu @sailawana kalau yang ini kontennya lebih terbuka bagi siapa saja .. kami tunggu cerita menarik anda...salam

 3 years ago 

Ok.trms info nya ya 🤗

This is a good idea, to make a new program about economic activity through diary games. Mantap.

 3 years ago 

Hopefully with its uniqueness this publication can give color to the content of Diary Game - season 3 ..

Thank you brother @tucsond

 3 years ago 

Ini program hebat bang, sangat inisiatif dalam mengembangkan bakat dan minat para anggota Steem Entrepreneurs. Steem On!

 3 years ago 

#club5050 😀

 3 years ago (edited)

Ini Sebuah ide dan gagasan program terbaik yang hebat bang @harferri, semoga dengan program terbaru yang digagas ini dari Steem Entrepreneurs dapat berpengaruh singnifikan terhadap perkembangan pengusahan sehingga jejak setapaknya para steemians Entrepreneurs dapat berelaborasi dan besinergi bersama di komunitas yang luar biasa ini, saya sangat mendukung program ini. Seucses terus abangda @harferri

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