Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money

Good morning everybody and hope you're doing well today. I want to appreciate the community and the admins for putting up efforts to see this steemit engagements challenges keeps booming. I've been out for some time now, and that explains my reasons for not participating on time for this challenge, but today, here comes my participation.

First, let's talk about the definition of "time"

I'll be saying things in the simplest form for our understanding. That period or duration an event or some lasts is what we call time. In today's world, we used this time to measure and to also organise our lovely moments, hours, days-years that's makes up our life here on Earth. Time makes it possible for us to play and interact with people around us. Everything we do, becomes possible with time cos' time is involved in every process of our lives.

Talking more about time on our lives today, we can say that it's very crucial in this modern world. When we have schedules, we check time, when we plan events and other important activities, we use our time; Calendar and our clocks to make sure we are on track.

My Dad will always say; "Time is precious, use it wisely because once it's gone, you cannot get it back. It's something very very valuable. Once you let it pass, getting it back becomes a problem.
If a student wanna study, a worker want to work, you want to spend time with family, and other engagements, all you need is TIME

Now let's understand a little about the term "money".

What is money??
When you call a random person now and throw this question at them, they'll tell you that money is an acceptable/conventional means of exchange/transaction. Some might tell you that we use money to buy goods; virtually everything on Earth. It has value, and people go for it because of it value. Money comes in different forms, be it a Fiat currency, cryptocurrency or any other checks..... The important thing here is that let it have value.

Haven said all these, we all now understand that money has it value that makes it very important for all human.

Is the term "time is money" appropriate?, explain your reasons.

Yes it's very very appropriate. Just like money being a valuable resource, time is also valuable and we are expected to treat it the way we treat our money. When we waste time, is same as wasting money..... and you all know the feelings you get when you waste money right!? So we should treat our time with pride, respect and same level of importance as the way we treat our money.

Another reason why this statement is true is because, just like I've said earlier; once we let our time go without making good use of it, it becomes time wasted which can not be gotten back. With that now, you'll all agree with me that wasting time is like wasting a valuable asset.

Third is, There are people whose payments is due to how many hours or minutes they spend doing a particular job. The more time they spend on the work, the more money they earn, and the less time they put in, the less their rewards.

How do I value time?

When we value time, it means we recognises it importance and making the most out of it.
Now these are some of the ways I value my time.

  1. The way on how I value my time is by how I arrange my daily activities. Planning activities is something we should do, there are different ways we do plan our activities, our daily lives, our schedules, what we want to do every other thing for that day, have ways of planning it.
    Like for me when I wake up in the morning, I pray and then the next thing I do is to write down or list some of the activities I would do for that day and this writing will be according to or based on how important they are to me. So with this now, I'll be able to know like which which activities I will do or which one I will take on. That's just it..... Everything with it own timing

  2. Avoid distractions; Normally, I don't like distractions. What I do most is to identify my issues, my distractions and try to avoid them by force. Some of my distractions are watching of TV, chatting on social medias.


How I manage my time to stay productive and successful in

If we really want a productive stay on this platform (, we make sure we use our heads, our time wisely and effectively.

Now let's see how I manage my time on the platform for some time now.

  1. I plan my time; First I'm a student, I have lots of school works and assignments. If I don't plan myself, how do I succeed?? Having both steem and school to cope with. Some days are for reading, assignments and projects, while I have some specific days for writing, some for engagements and for my other steemit researches.

  2. Minimize distractions: To succeed in steemit, you must minimize your distractions. You must learn to avoid social media for some time first, until you're done with business. This is exactly what I normally do when I'm on the steemit platform. I turn off my notifications to minimize some distractions.
    I do make sure I put my distractions away first, concentrate on writing a good article, then continue with them when I'm done.

  3. I engage with other on the platform: Engagement on steemit is another thing that needs our time. We need to keep communicating on the platform through our posts and comments. I scout for communities to join, participate in different discussions and posts, also upvote and comment on people's posts. Spending time doing this is a good way of managing my time in the steemit platform, and it helps me in building a good relationship and also in increasing my visibility on the platform.

These is my own ways I follow to manage my time effectively on

Conclusion is

This weekly challenge is a good one and I have learn some things from other entries too and I also want to thank all those who took their time to read my post to the end. Thank you all.

I'm inviting @lilbiz-yl and @josepha to quickly join the challenge

 last year 

Yes.. I agree that time is a very valuable resource . But sometimes people have wasted time. Regardless of material issues, that time should be put to the best use to achieve a beautiful end goal or success.

Good luck in this contest 👍

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