The Diary Game || 12-09-2024 || Solving an Electricity Issue

in Incredible India15 days ago (edited)

Hello diary, is it true that the predecessor day has the ability to determine the next date? This is because a similar situation made it so. Let's get into the narrative.

Waking up to a new day, I joined my family for a devotion. Then I had to perform my morning chores. I had a pressing issue that I had to work on during the course of the day. My electricity meter entered the tamper light which cut electricity from my house. Because of that, I broke a promise I did to my moderator channel.


The first solution was to pick the meter account number which I did. The next step was visiting their office to get a tamper code. This code will help to counter the tamper issue. Their office location was at four lanes, Uyo. Entering the office, I went straight to customer care to report the incident. The crowd was much and I had to wait for my turn.

Using that opportunity, I worked on my bitget account which was eventually verified. When it was my turn, the agent attended to me. The agent asked me certain questions which I answered. At a time, it became more annoying as he kept the questions coming.


For me, I love people asking questions but don't be hyper inquisitive. At last, he gave me the code and I left the office. Ok my way back, I saw an incident which caught my attention. Two street kids were fighting that the younger one was beaten badly. A elderly man stepped in and separated the fight punishing them accordingly.


In that situation, the man was a hero without a cape because many people ignored that situation. With that, I entered a public transport and headed home. On entering the house, I input the code and electricity was restored. After receiving that satisfaction, I jumped on to my bed and watched a Korean series "The K2".

Before haircutAfter haircut

Later in the evening, I decided to have a haircut as my mom had pressured me for so long. Coming back home, another incident happened that the electricity meter entered tampered again. I was just frustrated because it seemed my effort today was just wasted. At my scheduled time, I verified a few posts and slept off because of that frustration.

That's how my day went

 14 days ago 

If we have electricity problems, we have to spend money to complain about it.But you have a pretty straight forward complaint system with a free and fair way to stand in line.Your daily activities were beautiful but sorry you are not able to conduct the activities properly due to lack of electricity

 13 days ago 

Nowadays most of our work is connected with electricity, especially mobiles and different electrics need electricity to use, those things get wasted a lot of time we have to fix it, nice to see your post thanks for sharing the nice post with us. for

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