SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India2 months ago

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are doing well...

Thanks to @meraindia for organizing a wonderful contest on SEC-17/W5, I'm thrilled and excited to share my ideas on the topic. I would like to invite my friend @asiahaiss, @alexanderpeace and @meehu to take part in this wonderful contest.

Do you believe in reincarnation.png

Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

No, I don't. I have heard many stories about reincarnation but, I don't believe in them. Nobody knows what happens after death. It's a question for everyone living. According to my religion, I believe that there is nothing permanent. Even our "sole", does not belong to us. We need to let go of our life when it's the time. No one is able to stop the death. We believe in "Sansara" - which means the continuity of life without having an exact identity of previous birth. I believe in "Karma" - which means the good and bad that we do in our life, change our life cycle.


As Buddhists, we believe that our life circle goes on and on according to the Karma we have done in our past lives. As Buddhists, our ultimate target in life is to achieve Nirvana - Which means to find liberty from "Sansara Chakra" (Circle of life).

However, I do not believe in reincarnation, but I do believe in rebirth as a human being, and our life depends on what we have done in our previous birth.

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

No, it cannot happen as per my perspective and beliefs. Relationships are made according to my "Karma" in my previous life. If I'm to continue my life circle then the relationships of my next life will be based on how I make it in my this life. It is said that we make relationships with people we have met in our "Sansare" but I do not believe that we can get back the relationship, we had before through reincarnation.


I believe it depends on the way we build our relationships in this birth, that comes along with us in "Sansara". There are times when we feel that we have known this person for a long time or this person is met for some reason. There are also times when we get hurt in our relationships for no reason. I believe that's all because I might have done something wrong in my previous and that is why it comes as a consequence.

This is why I believe, we should always do good and be good to everyone around us because all we do can come as "Karma". Therefore, we cannot expect to get the exact relationships we have now in our next birth.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life; Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Well, it is a complex question! No, I do not want to be reborn as I am today, nor do I wish to adopt someone else's life. As per our religious beliefs life is suffering (Dukka). Everyone's life has its own drawbacks. What we see outer is not the actual life they are living. Thus, I certainly wouldn't wish to be a billionaire daughter in my next birth.


If I'm to reborn as a human, I only wish for good health, and a pleasant appearance and to be free from everything that brings sorrow or regret to my heart.

I hope you find my participation intresting. Thank you so much for visiting!

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Well to an extent, I will say if karma can exist then that means reincarnation also might exist though most of the time the reincarnation is used for evil purposes by many people

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

La vida eterna en la Tierra no existe y, nuestra negatividad ha sido precursora de la teoría que respalda la reencarnación acotando que, en gran medida, la ciencia quiere hacer creer que sí es posible reencarnar pero, ni siquiera sus estudios o ensayos han logrado demostrar que es posible.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Hola amiga
Este tema de la reencarnación es algo polémica porque hay diferentes opiniones.din embargo la mejor repuesta la podemos conseguir en la biblia.
Te deseo éxito

Hello @vishwara I hope you are good,

I'm kinda not being cleared; you said karma is the bad and good that we do in our lives, which can change our life's cycles. And my understanding of karma is when you do bad to someone there's a belief of repercussions of your actions coming back to you in another dimension.

Ma'am you said you wouldn't want to be you if there would be another life nor also someone else. And I'm wondering what else you would love to be😀. Regards

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