Steem engagement challenge-s7/w1|My Priorities For The Year 2023

in Incredible India2 years ago

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Good day Steemians, I'm so excited to be here and participate in a contest organized by this community. The topic for this week's contest here in this community is My Priorities For The Year 2023. We all have that we take as priority and today I will be sharing my 3 wishes for this which I have taken as a priority.

My Priorities

Priority, as we all know is a fact or condition where we regarded or treated something or someone as more important than others while wishes are the feelings of having a strong hope or desires for things you do not have but thinking of having or possessing it.

Every new year like every other normal human I do sit down and think of what I wish for in that new year, having some lists on my mind both the ones that I wish to have urgently and can acquire with my effort and hard work while also wish for those that I only hope with God's grace, mercy and favor I can achieve them.

Because of how these topic instructions about just picking 3 wishes which we can see as our priorities for the year, I will also be discussing these 3 wishes I put as my most important wishes and priority for the year.

My 3 priorities of wishes for the year 2023 are:

  • To be Financially Stable and Capable.
  • Happiness.
  • Good Health.

  • To be Financially Stable and Capable: This is one of my priorities for this year because since I entered adulthood, all my thought was on how to cater to this and that, and being financially stable means I will be able to take care of my family's needs without stressing my head, I will be able to cater for all my needs as a lady without running helter-skelter just to make a living or letting go of what I need because I couldn't afford them and lastly I will be able to help people financially.

    It somehow saddens me to seeing people suffer for their health or other things just because they are financially incapable and had no one to help, with my present status the little I did to help felt like nothing because I know it can not solve their problems. I want to be a blessing to many people and less privileged and put beautiful smiles on their faces.

    Picture of happiest moment with my mom with location

    Happiness: I wish I could be totally happy this year without locking myself out of something thinking of my responsibilities, hard work, and not getting enough. I am an emotional person and little issues stress me out, I wish for this complete happiness which means being free from all these stress, seeing my family and loved ones in good and joyous condition, seeing all my effort paid off and all my plans come into reality.

    Good Health: It was when I was at the point of death that I got to understand the importance of good health because when in pain, properties and wealth makes no meaning or sense, the person will only be praying for good health. Every year it has been one of my priorities of wishes that I, my family and friends and even people I did not know enjoy good health all through because it is when one is healthy that he/she can plan, work towards their plan and enjoy their life.

    Picture of my exploring experience to the waterfall last year with location

    Why did you choose those three wishes?

    I choose these 3 wishes because I believe they are very important to me right now, to settle myself and my family down and to help others I need to be financially okay. Seeing the people I care for happy and myself out of stress and pressure will make me happy. Lastly, to enjoy all the money, be happy, and explore my favorite places I need to be healthy, I don't want to see myself back in a sick bed, seeing my people sick or in bad health condition will make me worry and stressed, so I wish we all could good health and be happy.

    Are you only need to satisfy yourself, or could you make one wish for another?

    All my 3 wishes are not only about myself but including my family and friends too because I believe we all need one another to survive in this world we met ourselves. Hungry and hardship lead many to bad decisions and I believe if I can be of help to many individuals our world would be a better place.

    Though I'm a health professional but I believe it is not a bad thing if we all are healthy and only visit hospitals for checkups, medical screening, and delivery unlike how hospitals hand are full of people suffering from series of illnesses such as cancer of different organs and types making youths losing their will, happiness and vibrant age and body to pain, agony, and death because of all these diseases.

    Furthermore, I wish happiness for others too because being truly happy with no worries will make the world more hospitable, accommodating, bright, and lovely.

    How would you employ those wishes?

    I will be discussing how I would employ those wishes below.

    To be financially stable requires hard work, I will make sure to do my best and put my best to my effort to bring good results out of my effort, I hope I could get a better job with good pay as that will help greatly, and I will put more effort into my writing on this platform, cryptocurrency trading and looking for crypto coins with great potential to buy as all these with the help of God will make me stable financially

    To be happy, first I need to settle my family, making sure they are happy as this will free me from all these responsibilities and their stress, also I have the intention of going on vacation this year to explore beautiful places and I know doing this will make me feel relaxed and happy, also helping people do make me happy so I will continue doing it.

    To maintain Good health I plan to take good care of my body, have adequate water and rest, eat healthily, exercise my body regularly, take care of my surroundings, and do checks every 6 months. Also educating people on how to live good and healthy so that they too can enjoy a healthy life.


    All these wishes are very important to me this year and I know coming to pass assures me of how great 2023 will be for me. I believe that with God by my side and my effort putting in for it to work and it will surely come to fulfillment, I'm sure I'm celebrating this year with great testimonies. Thank you all for reading.

    I invite @pelon53, @patjewell and @yakspeace to participate in this contest.


    You are so right... it is only you as a person that counts and you need to look after yourself first.
    I believe that if you are happy and in good health you will be positive and that can only help you in achieving financially stability.
    3 great wishes my friend!!
    Wishing you all the best for 2023!
    PS: Thanks for the inivite

    Yes, I too believe it's when I'm happy and healthy that I can pursue my goal without any disturbance. Thanks for the wishes ma.

    Your post is well-written and thought-provoking. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your priorities for the year 2023. Your three wishes of financial stability, happiness, and good health are relatable and understandable. I particularly like how you mentioned that your wishes are not only for yourself but also for your family and friends. It shows that you are not just thinking about yourself but also the people around you. Keep sharing quality posts like this and I'm sure you will make an impact on this community.

    Thanks for the advice and recommendations

    Hola @temitopef, son tres deseos que espero que se hagan realidad en tu vida. La salud es muy importante para lograr nuestra metas y proyectos, la economía nos ayuda mucho y por eso es que es necesario para solventar algunos problemas como cubrir las necesidades que cada uno tenemos. Para la felicidad solo hay que tener paciencia y no tomarse las cosas que nos pasan tan a pecho. Dejar que todo fluya porque después de la tormenta bien la calma.

    Thanks for the word of advice, I always did my best and leave the rest to God and as for happiness, I prioritize my happiness and do not allow anything happening around me to steal my joy.

     2 years ago 

    You have written excellently well on this very topic financial stability is every one wish. Happiness is very much importance as well. I pray that all your wish will be granted.

    I wish you all the best.

    Amen, thanks for the wishes friend.

     2 years ago 

    Friend what you have wish yourself shall be all yours. Amen.

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