SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India3 months ago

A lot of best wishes to all. I am here to takepart in the Engagement Challenge for the second time.I hope you all will like to read my content.So lets start.....


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What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

When involved with decision-making I am convinced that the reasonable mobilization of the heart and mind is the most important. The heart is usually active via the way it guides us by the use of emotions, intuition, and sympathy. However, the mind is often dominant due its method of calculation by the way of logic, reason and reflection. The two sides do not only hold but also affect the final decision in an option-making process.

Discovering one’s passion can spark mindfulness, creativity, and a sense of completeness that is essential when making decisions. It allows us to reach some fundamental understanding and to dive into our principles and aims deeper. Regrettably, the mind urges us to logic, which reasons out about facts, reactions, and realistic goals. It adds clarity to the decision-making process by enabling us to choose between different paths in memory.


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From my point of view, the greatest decisions are made when these two sides- heart and mind- are in one. Besides the fact that in this way we can make decisions that not only sound logical but also stays close to what we are. It's about locating that delicate balance point where our emotions are in agreement with intellect, which in turn allows us to conduct an unbiased and reasonable thought process which leads to either meaningful choices or a well thought-out one.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describe reasons.

Good point! Heart and mind together definitely makes for a more holistic approach to decision-making. The heart comes with feelings and intuition, while passion aids in revealing our values and the need in us. It makes us feel right about a decision on a more personal level, which could in turn inspire a sense of satisfaction.

On the other hand, the mind offers reason, argumentation, and critical thinking through which to assess situations, consider the probable results, and devise realistic options. It assures that our decisions are based on truths and facts, not on the vagaries of the public opinion polls.

By blending both heart and mind, we get a balanced approach in taking decisions. On one hand, emotions enable us to add depth and meaning to our choices; on the other, logic brings structure and clarity. This harmonious blend enables us to make decisions that are not only emotionally gratifying but also well-thought-out and rational, further leading to outcomes that reflect our values and goals.

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?

I try to strike a balance between my emotional and practical dimensions in real life. Emotions add depth and richness to experiences, allowing me to connect with others on a personal level and understand their feelings. The logic and practicality make intelligent choices and solve problems. effectively.


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Using both the capacity to be sensitive and think in a practical way, I aim to manage my situation using emuotions and logically.This approach helps me approach situations with a holistic perspective, considering both the emotional and practical aspects to make well-rounded decisions.

Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?

In my view, for the youth, it is recommended that they strike a balance between their passions and being practical with their daily routines. Therefore, my suggestion is that they pursue what excites them and has correlations with their desires and likes.


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Besides, all practical matters—for instance, education, job interest, and a path to personal development—must be thought of. Through this harmonious blend of passion and practicality, they will get to pave a path that will be worth their while and sustainable. It is about dreaming their dreams while being mindful of the steps that are required to convert them into reality. This mode of balanced living can pave the way towards a fulfilling and successful journey for them.


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I think if we are to deal with a more logical scenario, I will definitely prefer using my mind to make decisions instead of my heart. Most of the time I make right decisions using my mind

You are right thanks for your feedback.

For the youth, it is important to pursue their passions while also considering practical aspects such as education, job interests, and personal development. By finding a balance between passion and practicality, they can create a fulfilling and sustainable path towards their goals. Dream big, but also be mindful of the steps needed to turn those dreams into reality.

I used both at times. I will just say it depends on the situation, whenever i am in need to make rush decisions, I used the heart and if it requires enough time for me to think I use the mind. Both can be used to make right decisions I strongly believe

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